Your girlfriend/female best friend/wife/whatever the heck you want to call her ...

I want to answer that, but I won't.

Don't feel like sitting out for 2 weeks or having to make a new account.
You shouldnt get banned for voicing an opinion, as long as it is not prejudice. Could be a personal opinion who knows with these mods.

My answer to the question is I would go if she asked me, and she is my girlfriend/wife or "main chick". I went once with my room and his gf. And it was nothing that made me feel uncomfortable. I mean we just chilled to a side, and had a couple drinks.

If a gay were to go up to you, just tell them your not gay and just here with your girlfriend...they will leave you alone. Unless is one of those that think they can "change you", then id probably tell her we gotta go. Cause that would be uncomfy.
done it a few times with the gf. didn't like it. drinks were mad cheap but wouldn't be reason for me to go on my own. it was uncomfortable but i wasn't freaking out or anything, just wasn't my scene. i did **** night in boston a few months ago. music was super trash, but ive never seen so many girls in one spot before. half were fine as hell and the other half were german shepards...i had fun at the end of the day, i went with a few str8 girls and got my dance on so it was :pimp:

personally id need a good reason to go to a gay bar. otherwise, as im not gay, id rather go to a str8 bar.
I'm curious.
What about men kissing makes you feel uncomfortable?
All PDA is something that I am not really trying to see. I wouldn't say it makes me uncomfortable (PDA), but I am just not trying to be around it. Man/Man or Man/Woman.

But like I said, I PREFER to be in a hetereosexual club. That is the only type of club I want to attend. And I barely like going to those. So if I am going to a club, I wouldn't go to a gay club.

Why would I go there if there is nothing I can get from there? There is no motivation for me to go there.
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Some of yalls comments in these recent "gay threads" really make me wonder...

Bro, I know you didn't just post what I thought you posted. After all that...

I want to answer that, but I won't.

Don't feel like sitting out for 2 weeks or having to make a new account.

You shouldnt get banned for voicing an opinion, as long as it is not prejudice. Could be a personal opinion who knows with these mods.
You would think that was the case, but it simply isn't.

I've been banned for much less.

Not taking the bait this time.
People pull the "uncomfortable" card way too often as well.
What about being around a gay man causes discomfort?

you lost me here. please tell me more about how you are in fact every straight man in the world and how you know what should make them uncomfortable and what shouldn't since...ya are us.
discomfort is a lot of times unexplainable, for example: am i the only person who feels awkward/uncomfortable watching people embarrass themselves? like i don't know why it just makes me feel weird. i don't create my feelings bro, i just feel it and react based on it. being surrounded by homosexual males makes me feel uncomfortable, i don't create the feeling, but the feeling is there. therefore, i'll just stay away from gay bars.

i know. i'm a homophobe and a bigot and ignorant, right? :rolleyes
You dudes are so ignorant.

Do you get hit on every time you go to a straight club? What the **** makes you think you going to get hit on at a gay club? Please post pics cause you all must be some Idris Elba lookin dudes if you think every gay dude wants to beat your guts up.

You dont want to see men kissing each other and ******g on the dance floor? Please tell me about the straight clubs you go to where everyone is making out with each other. Id like to hear about this place.
I'm uncomfortable around hood black people.

i'm uncomfortable around super duper pretty girls with big butts

im uncomfortbale around white people that are uncomfortable around black people.

im uncomfortable around gay people showing PDA.

am i a racist hom-ophobic beta uncle tom ?
You dudes are so ignorant.
Do you get hit on every time you go to a straight club? What the **** makes you think you going to get hit on at a gay club? Please post pics cause you all must be some Idris Elba lookin dudes if you think every gay dude wants to beat your guts up.
You dont want to see men kissing each other and ******g on the dance floor? Please tell me about the straight clubs you go to where everyone is making out with each other. Id like to hear about this place.
so you gotta be a DIME (male or female) to get holla'd at?

even the ugliest girl gets hit on bruh... that logic doesnt make sense.
so you gotta be a DIME (male or female) to get holla'd at?
even the ugliest girl gets hit on bruh... that logic doesnt make sense.

But why you gotta assume that youre going to get hit on by a gay dude?
Do you get hollered at by shorties every time you in the straight club?

7/10 I go to a hetero club, aint no girl going out their way to holla at me and lord knows I get yambs.

I dont care people feel uncomfortable around that setting, people feel how they feel.
But for you to think so highly of yourself that you think gay dudes is finna be all over you...I aint buyin that.
discomfort is a lot of times unexplainable, for example: am i the only person who feels awkward/uncomfortable watching people embarrass themselves? like i don't know why it just makes me feel weird. i don't create my feelings bro

I'm glad that you used this example. That IS explainable. You had an experience under the broad category of "embarrassment".
There is a root cause for your discomfort. That is all I'm saying.There's a reason that you REACT that way when someone embarrasses themselves. And there's a REASON people feel discomfort in the company of homosexuals.

Let's not make it as simple as- "Yeah dude, we're all different. Some of us will react to embarrassment, others won't." There's a reason for the reaction, either way.
And it's not as simple as, I'm just uncomfortable.

Ricky, I know you're being a bit facetious, but in all seriousness.
If you are completely comfortable with yourself, then none of these things would phase you.

And when it comes to racial, sexual, intimacy issues. Thank you, but it's not that simple.
You're not a "racist hom-ophobic beta uncle tom"
But you exhibit their qualities because you have a problem within yourself.
I've made a few gay male friends in the last year and one thing i can't stand is when they talk about how good a straight man looks. I can't see myself inviting my man w/me to a gay club. I'll just play it close to him at a straight club :lol:

I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to be in that environment for whatever reason. I'm not pressed to hit a country western spot and i'm sure no one would trip off that.
Been to plenty of gay clubs with my homegirls.

It's plenty of fun. They do know how to party for sure. You do get hit on constantly but if you're masculine looking they don't touch you or get too aggressive.

I've gotten free drinks/ discounted drinks for just going along with the bartenders flirting with me.

No big deal in my book. As long as you know where you stand at the end of the day who cares.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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I'm glad that you used this example. That IS explainable. You had an experience under the broad category of "embarrassment".
There is a root cause for your discomfort. That is all I'm saying.There's a reason that you REACT that way when someone embarrasses themselves. And there's a REASON people feel discomfort in the company of homosexuals.
Let's not make it as simple as- "Yeah dude, we're all different. Some of us will react to embarrassment, others won't." There's a reason for the reaction, either way.
And it's not as simple as, I'm just uncomfortable.
Ricky, I know you're being a bit facetious, but in all seriousness.
If you are completely comfortable with yourself, then none of these things would phase you.
And when it comes to racial, sexual, intimacy issues. Thank you, but it's not that simple.
You're not a "racist hom-ophobic beta uncle tom"
But you exhibit their qualities because you have a problem within yourself.

So you're saying that if someone is uncomfortable being a club where guys are dancing on each other there is a deeper reason for that?
There is a reason for every discomfort that you feel.
But it's easier to say "IDK dawg I just feel that way" instead of putting thought and energy to why
I went with a girl I'd been messing around with. Her best friend and one-time roommate was a gay guy and she'd become friends with a lot of gay guys over time, basically 75% of her friends were gay. We were making plans, didn't really have anything in mind and one of her friends invited her out, she was like, "Would you want to come? It's okay if you don't."

To me, it wasn't about having something to prove, trying to impress her or anything but I didn't have anything else to do so I figured I'd go, I could leave if was uncomfortable or it wasn't fun. She wasn't my girl or anything, we'd just hook up, so I'd only met a couple of her friends but they were cool and there wasn't any pressure.

Anyway, it was fine...I met a bunch of good people. She made it a lot easier by introducing me as her straight friend but all of the dudes were really nice and respectful, they joked around in general and it seemed like they were just having fun in their environment. Nothing over the top, did see some guys making out and I'd rather not have to watch people, gay or straight, all over each other but whatever. Some of the dudes were flamboyant and others were just guys you'd not really be able to just guess their sexuality. There were a lot of females there too, I wasn't trying to make any moves so they could've been gay or straight.

Only thing that happened that some of you would be uncomfortable with was a friend of one of her friends showed up while she was in the bathroom/then getting us drinks. Her friends and I had just been talking about everyday stuff and they introduced us (the new guy was with a couple other guys) but just said I was her friend. He started hitting on me but it wasn't anything offensive, made a comment about my eyes, couple other things but when my friend's friend realized, he told him I'm straight, we laughed and that was it. She came back, we told her and she saw everything was harm, no foul.

I'm open to accept any kind of person as long as they're a good person, fun, interesting, have personality. It doesn't mean I have to be like them, seek out trying to fit in their environment or pretend.

My point is, you don't have to feel comfortable with it but I think some of the pre-conceived notions people have are a little unfair in terms of the people and the scene. Yeah, there are some over the top gay clubs and flamboyant homosexuals but I think people seem to focus on that and forget that there are a lot of others that you'd be cool with if it weren't for these fears (for whatever reason). It's lame when anyone generalizes about a whole group of people due to the actions of what they consider the worst of that group.
You dudes are so ignorant.
Do you get hit on every time you go to a straight club? What the **** makes you think you going to get hit on at a gay club? Please post pics cause you all must be some Idris Elba lookin dudes if you think every gay dude wants to beat your guts up.
You dont want to see men kissing each other and ******g on the dance floor? Please tell me about the straight clubs you go to where everyone is making out with each other. Id like to hear about this place.
all this does is tell us that you have a thing for Idris Elba.
I went with a girl I'd been messing around with. Her best friend and one-time roommate was a gay guy and she'd become friends with a lot of gay guys over time, basically 75% of her friends were gay. We were making plans, didn't really have anything in mind and one of her friends invited her out, she was like, "Would you want to come? It's okay if you don't."

To me, it wasn't about having something to prove, trying to impress her or anything but I didn't have anything else to do so I figured I'd go, I could leave if was uncomfortable or it wasn't fun. She wasn't my girl or anything, we'd just hook up, so I'd only met a couple of her friends but they were cool and there wasn't any pressure.

Anyway, it was fine...I met a bunch of good people. She made it a lot easier by introducing me as her straight friend but all of the dudes were really nice and respectful, they joked around in general and it seemed like they were just having fun in their environment. Nothing over the top, did see some guys making out and I'd rather not have to watch people, gay or straight, all over each other but whatever. Some of the dudes were flamboyant and others were just guys you'd not really be able to just guess their sexuality. There were a lot of females there too, I wasn't trying to make any moves so they could've been gay or straight.

Only thing that happened that some of you would be uncomfortable with was a friend of one of her friends showed up while she was in the bathroom/then getting us drinks. Her friends and I had just been talking about everyday stuff and they introduced us (the new guy was with a couple other guys) but just said I was her friend. He started hitting on me but it wasn't anything offensive, made a comment about my eyes, couple other things but when my friend's friend realized, he told him I'm straight, we laughed and that was it. She came back, we told her and she saw everything was harm, no foul.

I'm open to accept any kind of person as long as they're a good person, fun, interesting, have personality. It doesn't mean I have to be like them, seek out trying to fit in their environment or pretend.

My point is, you don't have to feel comfortable with it but I think some of the pre-conceived notions people have are a little unfair in terms of the people and the scene. Yeah, there are some over the top gay clubs and flamboyant homosexuals but I think people seem to focus on that and forget that there are a lot of others that you'd be cool with if it weren't for these fears (for whatever reason). It's lame when anyone generalizes about a whole group of people due to the actions of what they consider the worst of that group.

Been to plenty of gay clubs with my homegirls.

It's plenty of fun. They do know how to party for sure. You do get hit on constantly but if you're masculine looking they don't touch you or get too aggressive.

I've gotten free drinks/ discounted drinks for just going along with the bartenders flirting with me.

No big deal in my book. As long as you know where you stand at the end of the day who cares.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'm glad that you used this example. That IS explainable. You had an experience under the broad category of "embarrassment".
There is a root cause for your discomfort. That is all I'm saying.There's a reason that you REACT that way when someone embarrasses themselves. And there's a REASON people feel discomfort in the company of homosexuals.
Let's not make it as simple as- "Yeah dude, we're all different. Some of us will react to embarrassment, others won't." There's a reason for the reaction, either way.
And it's not as simple as, I'm just uncomfortable.
Ricky, I know you're being a bit facetious, but in all seriousness.
If you are completely comfortable with yourself, then none of these things would phase you.
And when it comes to racial, sexual, intimacy issues. Thank you, but it's not that simple.
You're not a "racist hom-ophobic beta uncle tom"
But you exhibit their qualities because you have a problem within yourself.
i don't feel comfortable around gay dudes dancing on each other. i don't care what anyone thinks about me for that. because it is that simple. i don't feel comfortable around that. i don't think it's right. i think it's weird. i think it's odd. i think it's awkward. i think it's disgusting. want me to go on? there you go. that's my reason. now what? i'm homophobic? i'm a bigot? i'm ignorant? all of you should learn what these words mean. bye bye now.
But why you gotta assume that youre going to get hit on by a gay dude?
Do you get hollered at by shorties every time you in the straight club?
7/10 I go to a hetero club, aint no girl going out their way to holla at me and lord knows I get yambs.
I dont care people feel uncomfortable around that setting, people feel how they feel.
But for you to think so highly of yourself that you think gay dudes is finna be all over you...I aint buyin that.
but....they ain't gotta be all.over me for me to feel uncomfortable.

We're on the same sides of this argument. I don't think you're a gayboy if you and your chick goes to the gay club.

It sounds like your condemning people for not wanting to have ONE compliment from a gay dude, much less the several you speak of.

nt be on that extreme their point across.

one approach or one hit on is one too many... and in a club seting, that's in abundance.

Me and a gay dude cab chop it up
.. no worries...

But going to a gay club? Nope. Can't do it...

Cannot win with em.
I'm glad that you used this example. That IS explainable. You had an experience under the broad category of "embarrassment".
There is a root cause for your discomfort. That is all I'm saying.There's a reason that you REACT that way when someone embarrasses themselves. And there's a REASON people feel discomfort in the company of homosexuals.
Let's not make it as simple as- "Yeah dude, we're all different. Some of us will react to embarrassment, others won't." There's a reason for the reaction, either way.
And it's not as simple as, I'm just uncomfortable.
Ricky, I know you're being a bit facetious, but in all seriousness.
If you are completely comfortable with yourself, then none of these things would phase you.
And when it comes to racial, sexual, intimacy issues. Thank you, but it's not that simple.
You're not a "racist hom-ophobic beta uncle tom"
But you exhibit their qualities because you have a problem within yourself.
i don't feel comfortable around gay dudes dancing on each other. i don't care what anyone thinks about me for that. because it is that simple. i don't feel comfortable around that. i don't think it's right. i think it's weird. i think it's odd. i think it's awkward. i think it's disgusting. want me to go on? there you go. that's my reason. now what? i'm homophobic? i'm a bigot? i'm ignorant? all of you should learn what these words mean. bye bye now.

Well, when you say that, it does make you homophobic. Do you know what that word means?
i don't feel comfortable around gay dudes dancing on each other. i don't care what anyone thinks about me for that. because it is that simple. i don't feel comfortable around that. i don't think it's right. i think it's weird. i think it's odd. i think it's awkward. i think it's disgusting. want me to go on? there you go. that's my reason. now what? i'm homophobic? i'm a bigot? i'm ignorant? all of you should learn what these words mean. bye bye now.

i think you answered your own questions right there.
Well, when you say that, it does make you homophobic. Do you know what that word means?

i have no problem with gay people. gay people are not disgusting. i've seen and had in depth conversations with gay people just from being in school. i don't mind it. watching them grind on each other is disgusting to me. i just can't watch that. in that case do you know how many people in this world are homophobes and don't know it/think so? at the end of the day i have no problem with the PERSON. i have a problem watching the ACT of kissing/grinding man on man. that is literally NOT what homophobia is. the fact of the matter is as much as you want to call me homophobic for thinking dudes grinding/kissing dudes is wrong/nasty, i don't think i am. and if i am, oh well. i stand by myself not wanting to see that no matter what this new age wants me to be comfortable watching.
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