You have one vote for the HOF, Nash or AI?

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I'm one of Iverson's biggest detractors on this board, but there's absolutely no doubt he's the answer to this question...
AI was good enough to be a constant centerpice, Nash was not.
Bingo... Steve was a good player in Dallas, but he wasn't a great one...
Steals are playing defense. You don't lead the league in steals if you cant play some sort of defense.
Steals =/= playing good defense...

Doesn't his success as the centerpiece in Phoenix punch a giant hole in that theory?
Apples and Oranges if you ask me. Two completely different Point Guards. If I had to build a team with one of these two, it would all depend who else I have onthe team before I made a choice. For the sake of this post though, I would go with Iverson no doubt, but I do think a lot people on this board completelyunderestimate the value of Nash.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I'm one of Iverson's biggest detractors on this board, but there's absolutely no doubt he's the answer to this question...
AI was good enough to be a constant centerpice, Nash was not.
Bingo... Steve was a good player in Dallas, but he wasn't a great one...
Steals are playing defense. You don't lead the league in steals if you cant play some sort of defense.
Steals =/= playing good defense...

Doesn't his success as the centerpiece in Phoenix punch a giant hole in that theory?

Nash was the centerpiece? in 04, Amare was averaging 26 and 9, Marion 19 and 11, and Joe Johnson added 17 PPG.

the whole time the Suns core was together, Nash never led the team in scoring. AI led the LEAGUE in scoring four times.

Nash was more of a facilitator/creator for his teammates, and in that system he did a good job of it. But if you gave him Dalembert, McKie, etc and told him toput those guys on his back and take his team to the Finals, he would have failed completely.
^ To be honest, the "centerpiece" of a team doesn't mean its leading scorer. A centerpiece is more or less defined as the glue that brings it alltogether, which was Nash. But I'll let you two argue over that.
^ I agree

Scoring isn't always the most important thing in basketball. Otherwise, there'd be a lot more interest in Marbury than there currently is.

Yeah, if I only had one vote I'd pick AI, but I still think Nash should get in. And yeah, I think one of those MVP awards was legit. Matrix was alwaysgood. But Nash made players like Diaw look like All Stars too. If it were that easy, the Knicks would be instant contenders this year. It takes more than asystem to make a good team. Even if you have a good system, you need good players to make it really go. Yeah, Nash was tailor made for D'Antoni'ssystem, but it still doesn't change the fact that he is really, really good.
This question is so pointless, they'll both make it anyway and no one who knows anything about basketball would pick Nash.
So we are comparing

An above average player that had a great 3 year span


A great player who has had 1 average season
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I'm one of Iverson's biggest detractors on this board, but there's absolutely no doubt he's the answer to this question...
AI was good enough to be a constant centerpice, Nash was not.
Bingo... Steve was a good player in Dallas, but he wasn't a great one...
Steals are playing defense. You don't lead the league in steals if you cant play some sort of defense.
Steals =/= playing good defense...

Doesn't his success as the centerpiece in Phoenix punch a giant hole in that theory?

Nash was the centerpiece? in 04, Amare was averaging 26 and 9, Marion 19 and 11, and Joe Johnson added 17 PPG.

the whole time the Suns core was together, Nash never led the team in scoring. AI led the LEAGUE in scoring four times.

Nash was more of a facilitator/creator for his teammates, and in that system he did a good job of it. But if you gave him Dalembert, McKie, etc and told him to put those guys on his back and take his team to the Finals, he would have failed completely.

Over 40 percent of all assisted plays were assisted by Nash I think that's good for like top 10 all time in assist percentage. Nash is the onemaking all the decisions on the court and keeps that offense running.
well AI is a scorer... Nash is a passer...

whens the last time AI dropped at least 9 points and 18 assists back to back? i guess you could also say when has nash scored 40+

both shud get in
Yeah both are gonna make it. But see, Nash probably can't get assists without good scorers around him, while A.I. can create his own shot and has beendoing it since forever. So as much as I like Steve, A.I. would get my vote.
the answer is AI

who I rather have in my team?


the better question should be who would you vote for?

kidd or ai
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