Yoo check out this Enzo!!!!!

The Enzo makes me want to cry. It's just so beautiful.

Does look like a damn transformer though
Originally Posted by StonedFace

only on niketalk will a post about an Enzo turn into an argument about Joseph Stalin

Actually, Niketalkers usually don't debate about historical events/leaders but rather about more frivolous topics such as "smashing" or"copping". Taking the aforementioned into consideration, I'd expect to see a similar topic arise on a board with more mature/educated users thanthose of Niketalk.

Also, I wonder how negatively the modifications done to that Enzo affected it's value... Nevertheless, it looks good.
Im sure Sputnik u haven't seen USSR from inside! Am i right? I have and i know how terrible it was. You saying there weren't criminals and life wasgood? My grandad was high position on milits. Even police workers stealed from the country, everyone did to survive in that %+%%$$ up country. You may likethis country because u live in USA and u haven't seen what was realy going on, but me and my russian friends have, and even russians know it was %+%%$$ upsystem.
at Sputnik. His ignorant responses are quite comical. An American kid who praises Stalin and supports Communism
. He probably saw Lil' Wayne wearing that "Communist" shirt in Jay Sean's video for "Down" and is now a hard line leftistcommie fool cause he wants to be like Wayne
. Sputnik, you fail. Now be quiet when grown folks speak silly child.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Stalin killed many people (although the number dramatically varies from each source you look at, 60 million is the first time i have heard that), which was horrible. On the other hand, i personally believe that it was his only option at the time given to reform the country.
i can't imagine that's really what you think. and if that truly was the case, which is ridiculous, i'd rather be poor or live in an "unreformed" nation than dead. case closed. stalin was a monster.

Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Communism FTW.
yeah dude! just look at cuba, north korea, pre-1978 china, etc. i wish our country was more like those.......

Camel. Don't argue with these morons. These dudes had the nerve to put "rational thinking" and "stalin" in the same sentence. Stalinwas one of the worst leaders in recent history. Rational thought? During WWII Stalin was way too self centered and thought he could be the strategist in thewar. He just sent Soviet heads to just get popped off with no strategy at all. That's why the Soviet Union lost 20 mill + during the war.

Stalin used all but rational thinking during WWII.
Now I see that Sputnik deserves the hate. You praise communism when your family is clearly thriving in a capitalist economy.
We see you draped in Italian designer brands and pushing a super-car.

The hell you talkin about Stalin was alive centuries ago? He died less than 70 years ago. You clearly do not even know when your avy model was alive.
And the ends never justify the means. Killing millions to shape up the economy is something nobody should praise.

Was Hitler also a great leader? He would probably have taken over the world if he hadn't made the stupid decision to push into Siberia in the middle ofwinter when ill-prepared to handle the bitter cold.

Now stay out of your own thread. You sound like a moron.
Originally Posted by stunner157

Now I see that Sputnik deserves the hate. You praise communism when your family is clearly thriving in a capitalist economy.
We see you draped in Italian designer brands and pushing a super-car.

The hell you talkin about Stalin was alive centuries ago? He died less than 70 years ago. You clearly do not even know when your avy model was alive.
And the ends never justify the means. Killing millions to shape up the economy is something nobody should praise.

Was Hitler also a great leader? He would probably have taken over the world if he hadn't made the stupid decision to push into Siberia in the middle of winter when ill-prepared to handle the bitter cold.

Now stay out of your own thread. You sound like a moron.
Well said. How is the guy going to say Capitalism is a failure when his family is the prime example of what you can become in this system. I knowit doesn't help everyone but seeing you floss your Gucci and LV with the GTR makes it seem like you enjoy what you are a product of.
Originally Posted by EstBeast

Im sure Sputnik u haven't seen USSR from inside! Am i right? I have and i know how terrible it was. You saying there weren't criminals and life was good? My grandad was high position on milits. Even police workers stealed from the country, everyone did to survive in that %+%%$$ up country. You may like this country because u live in USA and u haven't seen what was realy going on, but me and my russian friends have, and even russians know it was %+%%$$ up system.

You guys are all missing my point. I am not justifying his actions, nor am I saying that he was perfect. All I am saying is that he happened to transform theUSSR very quickly into a powerful nation. I do not believe his methods should be repeated, nor do I believe communism would work in the US. I'm just sayingfor the time being, he was a good leader. the police is militsiya not milits. Those of you claiming he was not a good leader are stupid, I guess you guys wouldclaim hitler wasnt a good leader either?

btw yes i meant decades not centuries
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by EstBeast

Im sure Sputnik u haven't seen USSR from inside! Am i right? I have and i know how terrible it was. You saying there weren't criminals and life was good? My grandad was high position on milits. Even police workers stealed from the country, everyone did to survive in that %+%%$$ up country. You may like this country because u live in USA and u haven't seen what was realy going on, but me and my russian friends have, and even russians know it was %+%%$$ up system.

You guys are all missing my point. I am not justifying his actions, nor am I saying that he was perfect. All I am saying is that he happened to transform the USSR very quickly into a powerful nation. I do not believe his methods should be repeated, nor do I believe communism would work in the US. I'm just saying for the time being, he was a good leader. the police is militsiya not milits. Those of you claiming he was not a good leader are stupid, I guess you guys would claim hitler wasnt a good leader either?

btw yes i meant decades not centuries
Both are right, Milits and militsiya (in our country its milits). And Communism can't work, it's coded in human, that hewant's to be better than others, and communism means that everybody are equal. Thats damn funny how politicians said that everyone should be equal and theywere living like kings, %#$@ that, that is dream and a bad dream. People can't be happy with communism and thats a fact!
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Your probably one of those lames that goes around wearing a Che shirt and have no idea.

You're probably one of those lames who attempts to clown and fails at English
The hell? Are you simple or something?
... now I personally hate Sputnik solely cuz he has a GT-R, and I always will.

but Sputnik won. unfortunately you're the simple one this time... and you really tried to come back with the
and everything

NT-Where talkin $%#^ goes wrong.
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