XXXTENTACION shot and killed in Broward County

First time I heard of this cat was when this happened. Might've been posted in the 'Fool's Wildin' thread.

Same here ... at the time the only song he had out was "look at me" it sounded good but I was 28 and can't really rock to it... then I heard this song "revenge" which is the song he is doing here he sounds a lot like billie joe Armstrong from green day.. I knew he had potential after that . he can branch out to different genres not just retaard rap like most of these new guys. Then you listen to riot and everybody dies in their nightmare and you can see his rap flow is gold ... I was hooked and was a big fan after . I even caught him in SF for a show and honestly it sucked lol he just stood up there and let the crowd basically sing the songs I was disappointed at the time but I know appreciate that concert more than any concert I ever been to.
When I would introduce X to my friends who didn't know him I would play songs in this order to show his style and versatility

Look at Me
I dont want to do this anymore
everybody dies in their nightmare
Remedy of a broken heart
F*c* love
Obsession a depression

I feel it covers his true talent and the potential he had
Again y’all naming random *** people. Not talking out of my ***, always happens

Was his death mentioned on tmz for anyone to know because I sure as hell never heard of him or his death til your post

You think Post ******* Malone is an exceptional artist. All your post on music are null and void b
***** caught a body that made worldwide news and wasn't even fazed. Bamma posted yesterday. Cold-blooded. Sheesh.

Dude is like 5’3” man this is what happens when you give Napoleon complex dudes burners

Only lessons he can teach is how to not set up a robbery
This whole situation saddens me. I had never heard of this kid until apparently he got jumped in LA and I was more stuck on how to pronounce his name than anything (I still dont know). Afterwards all I heard was negative things about him (the abuse of his pregnant gf). After reading this thread I am so lost still...i listened to one song and read the lyrics (I only listen to old school rappers and R&B since today's music is so trash) and I dont quite understand how he was such a "beautiful artist" who had "SO" much to say. Today's music from what I heard seem to be promoting suicide, depression, drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. (yes I know some music back in the day also did this)

I don't wish death on anyone but these kids are so lost. Our kids deserve better imo. Parents have to step in and step up. Looking at this dude lowkey makes me cringe. He looked scary honestly. I agree with what Master P said also. "Fake Love" what about this kid was inspirational? or maybe I didn't listen enough? Him being so positive and a this before or after a publicist or public image consultant stepped in so he could reduce his possible jail time and convictions?

*again this is me speculating because I dont know enough about the guy
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This whole situation saddens me. I had never heard of this kid until apparently he got jumped in LA and I was more stuck on how to pronounce his name than anything (I still dont know). Afterwards all I heard was negative things about him (the abuse of his pregnant gf). After reading this thread I am so lost still...i listened to one song and read the lyrics (I only listen to old school rappers and R&B since today's music is so trash) and I dont quite understand how he was such a "beautiful artist" who had "SO" much to say. Today's music from what I heard seem to be promoting suicide, depression, drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. (yes I know some music back in the day also did this)

I don't wish death on anyone but these kids are so lost. Our kids deserve better imo. Parents have to step in and step up. Looking at this dude lowkey makes me cringe. He looked scary honestly. I agree with what Master P said also. "Fake Love" what about this kid was inspirational? or maybe I didn't listen enough? Him being so positive and a this before or after a publicist or public image consultant stepped in so he could reduce his possible jail time and convictions?

*again this is me speculating because I dont know enough about the guy
I think it was the opposite. He was like the poster child for these depressed kids he was motivating them and telling them things will get better etc.. it really seems as if he was trying to change up his life I can respect that.
This whole situation saddens me. I had never heard of this kid until apparently he got jumped in LA and I was more stuck on how to pronounce his name than anything (I still dont know). Afterwards all I heard was negative things about him (the abuse of his pregnant gf). After reading this thread I am so lost still...i listened to one song and read the lyrics (I only listen to old school rappers and R&B since today's music is so trash) and I dont quite understand how he was such a "beautiful artist" who had "SO" much to say. Today's music from what I heard seem to be promoting suicide, depression, drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. (yes I know some music back in the day also did this)

I don't wish death on anyone but these kids are so lost. Our kids deserve better imo. Parents have to step in and step up. Looking at this dude lowkey makes me cringe. He looked scary honestly. I agree with what Master P said also. "Fake Love" what about this kid was inspirational? or maybe I didn't listen enough? Him being so positive and a this before or after a publicist or public image consultant stepped in so he could reduce his possible jail time and convictions?

*again this is me speculating because I dont know enough about the guy
I don't think they're promoting suicide or depression. I think a lot of young people vibe with this kind of music because they have the same dark/depressed thoughts, and he's hitting on the same emotional frequency as them so they're letting out their own emotions through his music. Talking about depression and mental health has always been looked down on, especially with men but it doesn't mean people haven't always struggled with it. It's only become less taboo recently to talk about mental health.

I **** with some of his songs, but I still don't really know how to feel about this dude as a person. I can sympathize with his rough upbringing but that shouldn't excuse some of the messed up **** he's done.
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?

There's evidence that shows it's the latter part of your statement. Social media envy, depression, and isolation is real. You only get to see the the highlights of people's lives, sometimes that negatively affects some people sadly. IDK if that's the case here, but yeah.
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I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?

imma say social media has a lot to do with it.
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?

Questioning what kids are depressed about is kinda flagrant...ike every child lives a perfect life just cause they have access to the internet.
Could be a boat load of reasons. Don’t need to know the details to know better than to judge.

You kinda said all I needed to know about you when you only listen to music from back in the day cause today’s music is trash.
You one of THOSE people.
I don't know about any of you, but when I was younger I never thought about killing myself and popping drugs. Kids are vibing with these kind of dudes because that's all they are seeing and hearing. Pure pressure is a ***** especially when is coming from you from all angles.

Every video, song and media outlet is promoting it. Dudes go on IG and the first thing they talk about is popping drugs.

I'm not saying girls 6 8 10 12 14 or what have not weren't committing suicide back in the days, but I heard about those stories more frequently now.

Just the other day I heard a girl call another girl loser because she didnt have and iPhone wasnt sending nudes and didnt want to pop x at a party ... mind you she was 13.

Although there positive influence put there, when the entire circle is exposed to these idiots with an outlet, face tatts, doing drugs and giving an illusion about all they have that's what they'll gravitate to. **** is pathetic. How a girl that beats her mom get so famous?

Lastly, dude when he go going had a nice flow, but all I heard was that Sad and Jocelyn Flores and bro .. the songs are like 2 minutes and he only flows for about 10 to 30 seconds and everything is repeat. How is this great?
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?

Honestly, with all due respect, judging from your past two posts you seem very socially unaware and ignorant. Depression and mental health was always a taboo subject to bring up. People would just tell you to "Suck it up" or "Stop being a *****". That's why it wasn't talked about. The younger generation now are more open minded, probably because of the age of information and they/we see issues in a different light. Why would you question the validity of other people's struggles? The same way I'll never understand what it feels like to be a woman in the workplace, or to be black in America, I can only trust their struggles are valid and support them. You don't know what's going through someone's mind. If someone who seems to have everything they can dream of like Anthony Bourdain can off themselves, young people who are arguably at the most insecure stage of life are definitely at risk too.
Questioning what kids are depressed about is kinda flagrant...ike every child lives a perfect life just cause they have access to the internet.
Could be a boat load of reasons. Don’t need to know the details to know better than to judge.

You kinda said all I needed to know about you when you only listen to music from back in the day cause today’s music is trash.
You one of THOSE people.

"one of THOSE people" yeah I won't disagree with you there.

I know children dont live perfect lives and I know we all have issues. Just looking into the reasons why depression in such younger people are becoming more prominent. It's sad for sure.

Honestly, with all due respect, judging from your past two posts you seem very socially unaware and ignorant. Depression and mental health was always a taboo subject to bring up. People would just tell you to "Suck it up" or "Stop being a *****". That's why it wasn't talked about. The younger generation now are more open minded, probably because of the age of information and they/we see issues in a different light. Why would you question the validity of other people's struggles? The same way I'll never understand what it feels like to be a woman in the workplace, or to be black in America, I can only trust their struggles are valid and support them. You don't know what's going through someone's mind. If someone who seems to have everything they can dream of like Anthony Bourdain can off themselves, young people who are arguably at the most insecure stage of life are definitely at risk too.

I will give you that about me being socially ignorant and unaware. I'm working on changing that given, I have kids myself. When I was growing up it was very taboo to talk about feelings or address what is really going on with someone. in hindsight it kind of makes sense why people I know are the way they are now. They need help and maybe today's kids need to be paid more attention to.
"one of THOSE people" yeah I won't disagree with you there.

I know children dont live perfect lives and I know we all have issues. Just looking into the reasons why depression in such younger people are becoming more prominent. It's sad for sure.

I will give you that about me being socially ignorant and unaware. I'm working on changing that given, I have kids myself. When I was growing up it was very taboo to talk about feelings or address what is really going on with someone. in hindsight it kind of makes sense why people I know are the way they are now. They need help and maybe today's kids need to be paid more attention to.
Glad you didn't take it as a shot cause I definitely didn't mean it that way. Awareness of being unaware is already better than so many people living their whole lives unable to see things from other people's perspectives.
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?
It's a chemical imbalance issue, not a sadness issue. External factors only exacerbate it, but they're rarely the source. What does Anthony Bourdain or Kanye have to be depressed about? I've used this example before but it's like some women who have a smell from their nether regions due to a chemical imbalance. They can clean it as much as they want it will still smell until they deal with the chemical imbalance.
If we had social media back on the mid 90s I wonder if they would have caught who killed Pac and Biggie...

Probably not, the feds don't post on Instagram. Trump might slip up on Twitter tho but he can pardon himself so it's cool.

:lol: @ this conversation you just had with yourself.
It's a chemical imbalance issue, not a sadness issue. External factors only exacerbate it, but they're rarely the source. What does Anthony Bourdain or Kanye have to be depressed about? I've used this example before but it's like some women who have a smell from their nether regions due to a chemical imbalance. They can clean it as much as they want it will still smell until they deal with the chemical imbalance.

LOL at your analogy but I get what you're saying.
I'm not trying to be funny but what are kids depressed about? Was it that older generations just didn't talk about things bothering them as much or could suck it up better? or is it that social media is glorifying and throwing it in today's kids face about what they don't have?

Every generation has had mental health problems since forever. It’s socially acceptable now to admit it publicly without being labeled a re tard or insane. They use to throw people in mental houses strapped down if a doctor or parent thought you had mental health issues.
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