Some of you guys are still on the Punk from a few months back. He is not that character anymore, He is a typical Heel with a typical heel manager. I wish that was the Punk we got, I wish from that video and the whole Best in the World setup was the Punk that would of wrestled the Rock and lost CLEAN. (And no, he did not lose Clean last night just like the Rock did not win clean either)

The WWE made it know that they did not want another Austin, someone who hated everyone face or heel but was treated as a face by the fans. they are clearly trying to get him heat but marks are not buying it. Again, you guys all upset over this are totally missing or have blinders on the CM Punk that was wrestling last night. As corny as it was, Punk was the Heel the WWE wanted, not what the WWE needed. If you guys like the same old Heel persona then be my guest with your rant.

But the CM Punk in those vids and the "PIPEBOMB" CM Punk has been long gone and had it's moment in the sun. I still like him, but I will admit that his character is just another heel that eventually lost like a heel would.......
Some of you guys are still on the Punk from a few months back. He is not that character anymore, He is a typical Heel with a typical heel manager. I wish that was the Punk we got, I wish from that video and the whole Best in the World setup was the Punk that would of wrestled the Rock and lost CLEAN. (And no, he did not lose Clean last night just like the Rock did not win clean either)

That's all true...but they both FLAWLESSLY depict the heel archetype. In my opinion, it's alright to have a somewhat generic character when you can do it as well as those two.

Also, I like current Punk better than pipe bomb Punk.
Brock signed a new two year deal?

What does it include 6 appearances in two years along with 35% of the company and HHH's next child
well CM Punk gets a rematch , i guess at the Elimination Chamber, and I doubt Rock would drop the title against punk unless they are going the Triple Threat route at mania .

I just cant see Punk losing at RR, then at Elimination Chamber, then since Punk is second fiddle to Cena, losing to Taker. It just wouldnt be a good look.
Despite having little to no interaction last night, Sheamus vs Orton is still on the books for Mania.
Didn't XPac announce Scott Hall is trying out DDP Yoga?

As far as the Rumble goes, I hate how a part-timer past his prime breaks one of the longest title streaks of all-time off a glorified elbow drop. Terrible.
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If this picture doesn't give you a great feeling as a Wrestling fan than IDK What to say. There was a time when I thought I'd never see him in a match again let alone win the title.
I think you're in the minority with that great feeling.

A movie star who isn't great in the ring or on the mic (as of late) who's only there to promote movies beating a wrestling purist ending a 430+ day championship streak with a novelty move.

From a purely wrestling standpoint, ignoring the business aspects of it, it's not one of wrestling's better moments.
I would be fine with Rock beating Punk clean in a high level match, but the whole thing was a letdown from the start. Now thats not on creative the match just didn't work well imo.
As long as the Rock changes the belt I'll be ok.
PLEASE! That nasty fn belt was inspired by rappers and their gawdy ICED OUT chains and pendants back in the day.

Rappers dont even rock chains like that no more

Alot of us have been askin for a new belt for quite some time now, lets hope it debuts tonight.
I think you're in the minority with that great feeling.

A movie star who isn't great in the ring or on the mic (as of late) who's only there to promote movies beating a wrestling purist ending a 430+ day championship streak with a novelty move.

From a purely wrestling standpoint, ignoring the business aspects of it, it's not one of wrestling's better moments.

If it was not Rock to break the streak, what current "Face" would be worthy of breaking the streak? Next in line would be Cena. We all know the internet would implode if that happened. I'm as big of a Punk fan as alot of us are on this forum, but I appreciate the fact that Rock came back for this "run".
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I like Punk. Really I do, but I'm glad he dropped the title. Punk will now be able to take this and turn it into a new opportunity to further develop his character. As for the title? It's going back to Cena. But the crazy **** is, I will tune in to every PPV with the hope that he loses it, just to be crushed when he inevitably wins, and when he finally does lose it, the unimaginable feeling of relief and excitement that he is dethroned will be indescribable. And it is very possible that that very title change will be the final Cena title run and the glorious push of one very deserving superstar.

To everyone complaining about him losing to the people's elbow..cry more. No one cried when he has beaten countless people with that move in the past. Taker, HHH, Stone Cold, etc. Rock is "The People's Champion", and Punk had seemingly turned against the people because he felt slighted by the fans. Rock finished him with The People's Elbow. Rock channels the power he gets from the people into that elbow and Punk was finally defeated by the people he turned against.

I could care less about The Rock's win being 'Unholy'. **** that, I mean. Really? I'm more concerned about balls being dropped other places. Ryback, The Shield, Ziggler, Barrett, ETC. The only guy being handed correctly is Cesaro.

****, I'm also dreading the fact that Bo Dallas is going to win the upcoming IC Title Tournament on ME. That's going to be the drizzling *****.
****, I'm also dreading the fact that Bo Dallas is going to win the upcoming IC Title Tournament on ME. That's going to be the drizzling *****.
I don't watch ME, but seeing Bo Dallas next to Wade Barrett last night... ugh.  Dude looks like nothing more than an high school gym indy geek.  There are so many other deserving guys from NXT that should have been brought up.
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