How can Rock winning hurt the company? It's hurting the company with buys and viewership being down, and the roster can't step to the plate and drive in runs, so they're forced to bring in the DH. The roster lacks charisma, and Rock brings that. WWE is treating the mid card gingerly so it won't kill their building process. If Cena left they'd find another.
 its not the rosters fault. there are plenty of guys that have so much charisma and potential but wwe gives them some halfass terribly booked chance. Its almost as i wwes biggest stars always happen by accident. Austin was a heel and people just started cheering him. the rock was being forced onto the fans and they rejected him, they took his training wheels off and he became huge. Same thing with punk they let him go free a bit and it elevated him.

Hmmm . . . fair enough. Solid point
This will come off as brash and cold, but I need help understanding something.


Why would the WWE, and Vince in particular, care if John Cena turning heel hurts the Make-A-Wish foundation? Why is disappointing 400 terminally ill kids (I think that's how many Wishes he has granted) be that big of a deal? Seems like a bad business move to me. I am well aware that merchandising is way more of reason he isn't turning heel. But you constantly hear in these threads that he won't turn heel because of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I don't understand the logic. So, in theory, Vince wouldn't make a move that could help the business for fear of alienating 400 or so fans that will be dead in a few years? I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense. I don't think more people tune in because he's granting wishes. When Linda was running, it made a little more sense from a PR stand point. But those that think letting down terminally ill kids would ever keep Vince from doing what is right for business are wrong in my opinion.
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While Jericho coming back was cool, I feel like his "returns" become stale once the surprise factor is gone. His last good one was with the whole code breaking thing. The promos they ran with that leading up to his return were flawless. Its like you expect Jericho to leave and have a big comeback within a year of two

Thats why this return was dope. No word at all beforehand he just showed up and got it going. You hear the reaction to his moveset? :pimp:
I say  Punk so he proves he can win clean without cheating.  Even when he won the belt from Cena a year or so ago it wasn't clean.   I'd like to see Punk get over clean vs Undertaker to prove he can hang with the legends.  Plus this era needs more big names besides Cena.  Punk could very easily fall right back in the middle of the pack.  Wouldn't it be great for Punk to beat Taker then the Monday night raw after Mania Punk comes out claiming he's the best in the world and then we hear glass shatter and out comes Stone Cold to set up the main event for Mania in 2014.   We all know Stone Cold is gonna get his turn to main event it next year.  Why not vs Punk?

100% works for me
Jericho coming back is one of the biggest returns we had in a while. No one and I mean NO ONE knew he was coming back. I swear Benjamin, MVP and Carlito was just leaked to troll everyone.

What people biggest problem with WWE is its predictability. Its true that they can only do what they can with the internet and the smarks "knowing" everything, but its their execution. If Rocky was to go over then do it right let it be a battle. The match truth be told was pretty weak, kinda short, and all the lights out nonsense sucked thats why the crowd started crapping on it. Then the restart only resulted in 5 more minutes and a really rushed sloppy finish.

Same thing with the rumble, which up until the end was one of the best ones they had in a while. Alot of people will say that no matter what Cena does it will be hated, but thats not anyones fault but WWEs. The fans are just tired of it. People know that he doesn't need to win to get a title shot. It just seems like such a waste to have Dolph last so long and it all be for nothing. It reminded me of how I felt when Kane almost won in 2001. But fine Zigglers gone, but this could have been a huge moment for Ryback. Hell let him win, and then set up a triple threat with him Rock and Cena. Rock with the title has so much wait to casual fans, why not give Ryback the final push and have him be the one to pin Rock in a triple threat. Cena still can be Cena, Rock puts over a new star, and Ryback becomes a fixture in the main event for years.

What bothers me about WWE is when and how they choose to protect people. At this point in Cena's career who cares who pins him these days, he will never lose his status in fans mind. There is nothing barring him getting stunned by the Shockmaster that would devalue his main event status. Same thing with the Rock. For Ryback its now or never. He has to win something soon or its over in the fans eyes. What sucks is that WWE has put themselves in a bind, cause they can't send him down to win the midcard titles, so its championship or bust.
Great post and your last paragraph is what they were alluding to on LAW last night. Ryback is in limbo right now and although I'm not really a fan of the guy it should have been him or Ziggler that won the RR. The guy has never won at a PPV and he's supposed to be up next? SMH.

lilpennymagicfan pretty much addressed the fears and concerns of those who have spent money and are committed to the event.
According to PWInsider.com, Brock Lesnar has signed a new, two year deal with WWE that will see Lesnar remain under contract with the company through WrestleMania 31.

Lesnar's current WWE deal was set to expire after WrestleMania 29.
I see no reason for anyone to break Taker's streak. Ever.

I said it once before in this thread. In my opinion....When a record is broken, it becomes meaningless. If Punk (or anyone) went over Taker, 20+ years of Wrestlemania wins would be wasted to put over one guy who doesn't need the win to be a legit star anyway.

It's stupid.
Punk beating Taker serves no purpose what so ever..Nobody beating UT serves a purpose..Cause at the end of the day the writers will have ZERO clue on how to turn a guy ending the streak into a long term positive..If Punk is not over by having his SES, multiple title reigns, victories over the current top stars, and having the longest title run in a decade, then winning over UT isn't going to do anything for him..And I'm sorry but the writers would have no ideas for guys like Ziggler, Ryback, or Barrett past 2 or 3 Raws if UT puts them over..Leave the streak alone and let the man go out undefeated..
Ziggler stole the show last night with all those close calls. Really made me mad that he didn't win. Cena didn't need it. I was all for Rock - cena last year but I don't need to see it again and it was hyped two years ago. It was a fun show but the outcomes to the matches were dissapointing.
and to think that kid is smashing and im not at the moment 
I've been in Hawaii since Thurs. missed out on engering the rumble and thr predictions. Tried to avoid spoilers till I got home tomorrow but someone ruined it on fb so I said f it n came here to read a bit. All i'll say is it's predictable but I'm pissed. Like 4w has been saying Cena wont lose ever again and it baffles me why he is being pushed to the moon again. Why exactly does Rock need the belt? What has he done to earn that belt or even a shot at it? This hurts Punk more then it helps Rock or WWE.

And after all of rocks talk about the rockbottom on punk being the time he'll know it's "over" rock finishes the match with an elbow? Great story telling.

Ziggler still has the case and is floating around. Why is Sheamus in the finL 4 of the rumble? I cant stand this. There is no groundwork for the future. Get it right writers, please!
Punk smilling and laughing when The Shield layed out Rock was the biggest indicator that he's behind them, I've said it forever, I just hope they don't mess up the angle
Even if Cole wouldn't of said it was the shield it was obvious with rock layed out top of the broken announce table
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Jericho has been signed through WM 29 for a short term deal. He is going to battle Ziggler until Mania and then the talk is Y2J as a heel versus Ryback.
Even if Cole wouldn't of said it was the shield it was obvious who with rock layed out top of the broken announce table

I was at the Rumble and was sitting somewhat close. When the lights went off everyone started using flash on their cameras and you could definitely see The Shield putting Rock through the table. It's obvious, and Michael Cole did point it out, but from attending live I can confirm it was definitely them.
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Punk beating Taker serves no purpose what so ever..Nobody beating UT serves a purpose..Cause at the end of the day the writers will have ZERO clue on how to turn a guy ending the streak into a long term positive..If Punk is not over by having his SES, multiple title reigns, victories over the current top stars, and having the longest title run in a decade, then winning over UT isn't going to do anything for him..And I'm sorry but the writers would have no ideas for guys like Ziggler, Ryback, or Barrett past 2 or 3 Raws if UT puts them over..Leave the streak alone and let the man go out undefeated..
Exactly. You don't ruin a legends streak like that. You don't ruin 20 years in the making. 

Semi-off topic. But to the dude a couple pages back why me and a lot of dudes here are angry that Punk lost, skip to 5:20 in the following video. Truer words have never been spoken. He is the ONLY guy in recent memory who had the balls to go out there and speak the truth.

"You, like the Red Sox, like Boston are no longer the underdogs. You're a dynasty. You are what you hate. You have become the New York Yankees"

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