:rofl: at that video. No lie I was heated but I'm not going to trash my place or throw my belts to the floor :lol:

He needs to clean his room.
Gonna need a gif of old boy slamming down the title belt after Rock wins.
These zilches have videos of them eating jelly beans. :lol:

And this zilch is watching them :sadface
Watching the encore and noticed punk was chewing gum when he wrestled the match.. Then he did the mr perfect spit + smacking the gum..after the 1st match..

I know I saw a new rock shirt.. Somebody in the crows was wearing it..It said..

Finally ______?
It also had B2A on the sleeve..
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I knew I shoulda picked The Rock on the prediction contest. :smh:
Oh well,congrats to him for being the 8 time WWE champion,10 time overall world champion.
I wasn't able to post during the Rumble, but amazingly I won the Rumble contest last year with Sheamus and I also won this year with Cena. Back 2 back winner :pimp:

*DEAD* @ the video.

I still liked the one last year better when Rock beat Cena and the kid flipped out. :lol:

I love videos like these... make me feel like less of a dork.
lmao!! Like he was gonna rip the xmas tree apart!

On the real though...After all that, the match really ended on a People's elbow?  Please.  Rock just comes back all willy nilly and ends Punk's steak...stupid.
Punk doesn't need to get over.

He's already over and despite the loss tonight has cemented himself as a fixture in the main event scene.

If the streak were to end, it should be by someone right there on the cusp who could use a win like that to ascend up the ladder.

Off the top of my head, Cesaro, Boss Barrett or Ziggler would be prime candidates for that.
I say  Punk so he proves he can win clean without cheating.  Even when he won the belt from Cena a year or so ago it wasn't clean.   I'd like to see Punk get over clean vs Undertaker to prove he can hang with the legends.  Plus this era needs more big names besides Cena.  Punk could very easily fall right back in the middle of the pack.  Wouldn't it be great for Punk to beat Taker then the Monday night raw after Mania Punk comes out claiming he's the best in the world and then we hear glass shatter and out comes Stone Cold to set up the main event for Mania in 2014.   We all know Stone Cold is gonna get his turn to main event it next year.  Why not vs Punk?
The ending of the rumble sucked.... Looks like ryback wanted to hold on to the ropes there but slipped...

I guess even though we expected Cena to win we all just wish it could have been somebody else. I would be fine with ziggler or ryback.

I expected/wanted the rock to win but I hate that he had to win with the peoples elbow. I always thought moves like the peoples elbow, hogans legdrop, benoit diving head butt, scottie too hotties worm chop, etc were all lame finishers. Wish they used those moves as a warm up to the finishers like cena does with the 5 knuckle shuffle then the fu....

Since I spent a lot of money on floor seats for mania, paid for hall of fame and access and floor seats for raw i'm going to be pissed if it's gonna be that basic/predictable mania with rock vs cena, brock vs hhh, ziggler vs del rio...

I almost hope somebody takes the title from the rock in the elimination chamber so cena can fight somebody else and we can have rock vs brock, rock vs taker, rock vs ryback or something. anything would be better than rock vs cena.
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