Was just about to come in here and ask if Cena and The Shield have ever interacted

Would be dope if he turned out to be the leader and they cost Rock the title at WM
Whose spot did Jericho take? Joe Henning? Primo? JTG? Please they should be mad at 3MB for taking they spots :lol:
While Punk is a heel, I respect his ring skills and think his mic skills leave much to be desired. He just whines for the most part recently. Whoever is behind his stuff makes him look bad IMO. With all this said, he should have retained last night for sure.
I've just never really felt CM Punk, I think the fact he rarely wins clean then cries how great he is all the time really hurts him

Dolph needs to become the top heel
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Bret Hart brings this up in his book talking about Hulk, saying people may not have liked having one guy be the big star taking a spot, but these big names are the reasons why people are getting paid the way they do. So they just need to shut up about Y2J and Rocky taking spots.
I've just never really felt CM Punk, I think the fact he rarely wins clean then cries how great he is all the time really hurts him

Dolph needs to become the top heel
That's just how heels are. IMO, he is what he says he is, and that is the best in the world. A wide array of moves, great technical ability, He can be a striker, a grappler, a submissionist (even a word?). He can do it all in the ring. And don't even get me started on his mic work. Nobody is touching him, not even the Rock (currently). 

Just peep the vid of the contract signing I posted a page or two back. Go to 5:20 and just watch. That's all CM Punk's work, not the work from the writers. 

And peep his matches against the Undertaker and his Over the Limit Match with Daniel Bryan. He's just a master in the ring to the fullest. 
Why is Punk saying he didn't need help for his reign? Everyone knows The Shield was helping him.

Now people won't like him.
That's just how heels are. IMO, he is what he says he is, and that is the best in the world. A wide array of moves, great technical ability, He can be a striker, a grappler, a submissionist (even a word?). He can do it all in the ring. And don't even get me started on his mic work. Nobody is touching him, not even the Rock (currently). 

Just peep the vid of the contract signing I posted a page or two back. Go to 5:20 and just watch. That's all CM Punk's work, not the work from the writers. 

And peep his matches against the Undertaker and his Over the Limit Match with Daniel Bryan. He's just a master in the ring to the fullest. 

Only problem is he's still not really that over with people which is why Cena will prob never turn heel anytime soon

I feel like people discredit him for his size, etc so a clean win over the Rock would have really helped him
Only problem is he's still not really that over with people which is why Cena will prob never turn heel anytime soon

I feel like people discredit him for his size, etc so a clean win over the Rock would have really helped him
Exactly. When you don't fit into that John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Batista, Triple H mold, you are automatically at a disadvantage in terms of getting to the top. Not saying it's impossible (Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero), but when you are not a "true heavyweight", you gotta work that much harder. Which is exactly what Punk did. Add his tattoos and scruffy look, it's a miracle he actually became champion. It took Benoit, Guerrero, and Rey almost a decade each before they saw their first title reign. 
This will come off as brash and cold, but I need help understanding something.


Why would the WWE, and Vince in particular, care if John Cena turning heel hurts the Make-A-Wish foundation? Why is disappointing 400 terminally ill kids (I think that's how many Wishes he has granted) be that big of a deal? Seems like a bad business move to me. I am well aware that merchandising is way more of reason he isn't turning heel. But you constantly hear in these threads that he won't turn heel because of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I don't understand the logic. So, in theory, Vince wouldn't make a move that could help the business for fear of alienating 400 or so fans that will be dead in a few years? I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense. I don't think more people tune in because he's granting wishes. When Linda was running, it made a little more sense from a PR stand point. But those that think letting down terminally ill kids would ever keep Vince from doing what is right for business are wrong in my opinion.
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