WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Shield breaking up tonight/tomorrow night is going to make me sad :frown:
I don't get why they can't stay a group and not have the tension while still being dominant as singles wrestlers. I get that they want Reigns as a top face, but that could still happen while they are a unit.
As of this moment, creative is trying to get Christian off the chamber :lol:

:lol: :smh: Soooo weak. He's so much more appealing as a heel it's not even funny


Thanks for those Hunico matches you posted earlier in the week. That fool showed off in that tag match w/Camacho vs. Truth/Kofi.

It is also funny that no commentator has ever slipped up and called his move the Swanton. I never really liked his version since he puts his hands forward into a rolling motion.

No prob :pimp: I actually like his version of the Swanton, the little flare he puts on it to make it his own. Still would rather see him doing cholo Hunico, but I'm just glad they trust him enough to be Sin Cara

Man I don't know if Peep posted this but it was in my "watch later" que. My god.................


I know I hype a lot of matches by OH MY GOODNESS

Really good match here.

Shield has run its course IMO.

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:lol: :lol: @ the Batista/Del Rio questions on the survey. There's no match that I care least about than that match. I'm more excited for Titus/Young and Swagger/Big E than Batista/Del Rio
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they cant have lesnar declare himself in the title hunt and either A not participate in the chamber or B come out on raw tomorrow demand a match only to be confronted by his wrestlemania opponet/ or cost his title shot by him, something like that
Rousey has been posting tweets about Punk saying how she has a crush on dude, I wouldn't be surprised if A.J is deaded in the next couple of weeks for Ronda.
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@ the Batista/Del Rio questions on the survey. There's no match that I care least about than that match. I'm more excited for Titus/Young and Swagger/Big E than Batista/Del Rio
Was seriously debating not asking questions about that match 
 Tried to be creative.
Really not looking forward to the inevitable shield break up, I am looking forward to seeing Reigns as a singles act. Allows for a lot of good possible match ups for the future.
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