WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Shocked to see he was only 42! Guess he seemed so much older to me bc I still remember when he debuted in 93.
Damn RIP Viscera.

I was just watching some promos from his days in Memphis the other night. He was kinda nice on the mic.
Maaaaan :smh: I think I listen to that 2000 Viscera theme weekly. He was still wrestling both local and in Japan as of last year based on a handful of vids I was watching. I've been trying to find his RFVideo shoot for awhile as well. He had seemed relatively healthy for his size, and lost quite a bit of weight.
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I miss Mickie

Her pics
will always be appreciated.

Gonna bump @Mr DragonFly Jones GWO Mickie James appreciation thread.
Smackdown spoiler...

WWE taped the February 21, 2014 WWE SmackDown episode from the World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Here are full WWE SmackDown spoilers.

Dark Match

* Alexander Rusev defeated Zack Ryder. Rusev won with a side slam finisher.

WWE SmackDown

* Smackdown starts and its announced that The Wyatt Family vs. Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and Rey Mysterio will be taking place.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Jack Swagger in the opening match. Vickie Guerrero and Kane-assigned Bryan with another match immediately against Cesaro. The crowd in Colorado Springs went nuts for Daniel Bryan.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Cesaro by DQ. We get some Swagger and Colter shenanigans during the match and they were ejected. Kane came out to watch from ringside. Some great back and forth wrestling. Bryan went for around 20 spins on the Cesaro Swing. Bryan hits the running knee. Kane came in and chokeslammed Bryan for the DQ finish. After the match, Cesaro hits Bryan with the Neutralizer.

* The Wyatt Family defeated Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, and Goldust. Bray Wyatt hit a running block on Goldust and hit Sister Abigail for the win.

* Dance-off featuring Emma with Santino vs. Summer Rae with Fandango. Emma won. Fandango attacked Santino Marella. Emma pushed Fandango over Santino. There was more Emma and Santino kissing.

* Dolph Ziggler beat Titus O’Neil by pinfall. Darren Young was out for commentary. Young interjected when Titus was on his way to a win, allowing Ziggler to get a roll up on Titus for the win.

* Jimmy Uso defeated Road Dogg.

* Sheamus defeated Christian. They worked a slow pace with Christian working over Shaemus’s left arm. Shaemus ended up winning with White Noise. Christian attacked Sheamus, who cleared the ring to end the taping.

Dark Segment

* The Wyatt Family attacked Shaemus, causing Daniel Bryan to come out. Kane comes out, which brought out the Usos. The babyfaces cleared the ring except for Erick Rowan, who ate the Usos double superkick, a Brogue Kick, and Bryan’s running knee. The babyfaces celebrated, to send the fans home happy
Dag Vis passed?? Crazy...another part of the childhood gone. RIP.
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