WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

-Vince McMahon is supposedly interested in expanding his empire overseas, starting with the purchase of England’s Newcastle United FC. The unconfirmed rumor, from winnersports.co.uk, comes as welcome news to many fans of the struggling English Premiere League team, who would take anyone over current owner Mike Ashley. According to an anonymous source cited in the report:

“He sees England as an untapped market for his wrestling empire. He has even indicated he could put on wrestling bouts at St James’s Park

“Obviously it is very early days but there is hope the fans may get what they want with Ashley leaving. Buying a club like Newcastle would throw him into the spotlight in England which is just what he is looking to do.”

:lol: if true we'll be seeing soccer players doing promos
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-Cesaro has finally won Vince McMahon over after his stellar match against John Cena last night on RAW.

According to a high-level source who was backstage at the show, Vince was “thrilled” with the match and has finally recognized Cesaro’s potential. Several of Vince’s trusted advisors told him they think Cesaro can be one of the biggest stars in the company.

Cesaro has been winning fans over with his unique move set and his impressive feats of strength, but it was only a year ago when Vince told the writers and producers that he saw nothing in the Swiss Superstar. Following RAW, Cesaro’s ‘stock’ with Vince hit an all time high.
It was because of the name change..........
Cena gets a lot of grief but I think when he wants to and when put in the right situation, he pulls it off. Against RVD at the ECW PPV he wrestled as a heel due to the crowd and it was great.

Don't forget his match with punk at mitb or his match with dbry at summer slam. Just don't put him in a match with rko or anyone else that can't lead a match like Henry or Ryback. I think when cena dominates or when u know he's gonna win it sucks. But matches with the likes of dbry Rollins or cesaro. He'll do good. True though that he'll have a good match if he wants to. Sometimes it's just dreadful when he no sells or has the 5 moves of death. I personally think he'll have a GREAT match with bray if they do face off at wm30. I also think if he's gonna be the undertakers last wm opponent cena will show up.
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Cena is a lot like RKO... They can both have great, fantastic matches... But they need a guy who calls a good match... Give them a D Bry or Punk, who can really push their openents, and they can keep up...



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Emma getting some fans.

Yall, what will be the first thing you watch when the NETWORK drops...............
I hope I'm not asking something that's already been covered - can anyone tell me if WWE Network will be available on any of the following: Apple TV, Sony Smart TV (the one with all of the apps already in it), or Samsung blu-ray players with the smart hub apps? Thanks
I'm actually really surprised Cesaro doesn't use the UFO , at least on smaller guys... Maybe he's saving it for something special...
Emma getting some fans.

Yall, what will be the first thing you watch when the NETWORK drops...............

Probably that NXT Arrival or whatever it's called, but for the older content prob. some older WCW stuff cuz I haven't seen it in years.
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Emma getting some fans.

Yall, what will be the first thing you watch when the NETWORK drops...............

Cesaro/Zayn IV
Halloween Havoc 98 - DDP vs Goldberg. DDP was awesome
Survivor Series 98 - The Rock turns heel
Some of the Wrestlemania stories as well
I care about Cesaro but the guest on that is some guy named Claudio Castagnoli...what are you trying to pull here DC?
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