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-Cesaro has finally won Vince McMahon over after his stellar match against John Cena last night on RAW.

According to a high-level source who was backstage at the show, Vince was “thrilled” with the match and has finally recognized Cesaro’s potential. Several of Vince’s trusted advisors told him they think Cesaro can be one of the biggest stars in the company.

Cesaro has been winning fans over with his unique move set and his impressive feats of strength, but it was only a year ago when Vince told the writers and producers that he saw nothing in the Swiss Superstar. Following RAW, Cesaro’s ‘stock’ with Vince hit an all time high.
I wonder what Dolph and Low-Ki thinks of this

Also, Titus/Young, Usos/Outlaws and of course Wyatt's/Shield have better builds than the actual lead Chamber match. Regular old school booking that works, and not just aimless win trading.
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-Cesaro has finally won Vince McMahon over after his stellar match against John Cena last night on RAW.

According to a high-level source who was backstage at the show, Vince was “thrilled” with the match and has finally recognized Cesaro’s potential. Several of Vince’s trusted advisors told him they think Cesaro can be one of the biggest stars in the company.

Cesaro has been winning fans over with his unique move set and his impressive feats of strength, but it was only a year ago when Vince told the writers and producers that he saw nothing in the Swiss Superstar. Following RAW, Cesaro’s ‘stock’ with Vince hit an all time high.


We've only been saying this since he was called up, Vince.
One thing though, Uso's are my dudes. But why are they allowed to not lift weights but they fire Chris Hero for not looking in shape. Usos have some of the most unflattering bodies on the main rosters.

View media item 810422
"I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the n***** gonna do? He's Samoan."
Cesaro has been winning fans over with his unique move set and his impressive feats of strength, but it was only a year ago when Vince told the writers and producers that he saw nothing in the Swiss Superstar. Following RAW, Cesaro’s ‘stock’ with Vince hit an all time high.
Sounds like a plan to me.
I think cena is underappreciated and more shadowed by his stale character but his inring ability is actually pretty good. Aside from his no sales that he pulls.

Think of his 3 great matches with non main eventers.


Have all put on great singles matches all of which were against cena. My personal favorite was the cena/Rollins match on smackdown.
I think cena is underappreciated and more shadowed by his stale character but his inring ability is actually pretty good. Aside from his no sales that he pulls.

Think of his 3 great matches with non main eventers.


Have all put on great singles matches all of which were against cena. My personal favorite was the cena/Rollins match on smackdown.
Completely agree with this. Thought he was very good with Cesaro last night.
- BlecherReport.com is reporting that Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho has been discussed for WrestleMania XXX.

Id be ok with that. But then again it's bleacherreport :lol:
I dont think Cena's underappreciated, he's just had the same agonizing character since 05 or 06, and you just never feel like he's in danger of losing, so the luster is taken out of a lot of his matches.
- BlecherReport.com is reporting that Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho has been discussed for WrestleMania XXX.

Id be ok with that. But then again it's bleacherreport :lol:
Guess we can all confidently say that RVD will win that one.

Jericho's allure fades every time he jobs. It's cool that he puts people over, but during his last stint, it seemed like he lost every single match.
That dude Cesaro received a standing ovation backstage :pimp:

Wonder if Taker would be willing to work with him at WM 31.
Cesaro not going to be a big enough name to face Taker. If Taker wrestles next year, it should be against Cena.
First person backstage to congratulate and hug Cesaro after his match with Cena: D Bry.

Word is that everyone's eyes wered glued to the screens.
First person backstage to congratulate and hug Cesaro after his match with Cena: D Bry.

Word is that everyone's eyes wered glued to the screens.

From interviews I've heard, Cesaro (Claudio) and DBry were actually very good friends and traveling partners in ROH. Although Cesaro would be a good face, I think a long-term program between him and DBry would be amazing.
Cena gets a lot of grief but I think when he wants to and when put in the right situation, he pulls it off. Against RVD at the ECW PPV he wrestled as a heel due to the crowd and it was great.
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