WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

is it just me or does WWE always put a PPV on the same sunday as the ASG...feels that way for the last couple years for sure
Not gonna be able to watch the PPV, working tonight :smh:

but does anyone else wanna smang Tamina sometimes? I mean she looks kinda strangely sexy sometimes. Not in that pic up there though.

**** team Cena all wack, cant wrestle for ****, all pathetic characters. Sheamus can go, but dude is also lame. #UnlimitedEnergy FOH

I expect Shield to somehow go over. Idk how, but I don't see them taking any L's til WM.
Dude is ONLY 43....smfh

I've seen people color their hair that way purposely, so I hope it's not all natural from Shane-O-Mac. :smh:

Mankind/Taker HIAC was definitely my favorite HIAC match regardless of what you wanna call it - especially with JR's call/reactions.

Edit: Survey completed. Can't wait for tonight's show!
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but does anyone else wanna smang Tamina sometimes? I mean she looks kinda strangely sexy sometimes. Not in that pic up there though.

Fully agree :lol: Sometimes she's not bad, and other times she's....:rolleyes

In that pic though she looks like "UMAD?"

Survey done, hope I'm wrong about some of the choices. I wanted to go with Ziggler cashing in the MITB after a Del Rio win, but Dolph probably has less momentum now than when Swagger won it.
Maybe I'm trippin, and Dolph is my favorite dude right now--but that week where he was left off Raw with no mention of his name completely KILLED any momentum he had as a main-eventer.
seriously Dolph needs the belt...he's been walking around with the case for so long...what are they waiting for...they been saying the "right time" for over a year...

lets go already - give this man the shine he deserves
Survey done.

EC looks like it will be a solid PPV on paper.  Too much stuff is on tonight for it to get my undivided attention though.

On another note, Zack Ryder doing his best to get future endeavored:
Trying to figure out what #Fandango’s finisher is going be. I need to learn how to take it.
I can’t wait to order my new gear for Wrestlemania…….Axxess
Survey done.

EC looks like it will be a solid PPV on paper.  Too much stuff is on tonight for it to get my undivided attention though.

On another note, Zack Ryder doing his best to get future endeavored:


I think it helps him as much as it can to run with the fact that he's not being pushed and is being jobbed. It is crazy how much merchandise he sold at one point and how popular he was with the crowds and social media - and still is to an extent. He is comical though, which is why I continue to follow him on Twitter. 8)
Arrived in New Orleans for the elimination chamber...all star sat night was not that great hopefully this can make up for it.
Maybe I'm trippin, and Dolph is my favorite dude right now--but that week where he was left off Raw with no mention of his name completely KILLED any momentum he had as a main-eventer.
My gut feel is they've hid Dolph the past few weeks on Raw to make people semi forget about him so it will be a major surprise to cash in MITB tonight.
Sorry about getting the survey up late.  Was planning to do it Friday night, but a friend came into town and ended up going out.

And then last night I was working on it, and literally fell asleep on my couch while I was setting it up on question #3.
done! hopefully ill continue my hot streak from the rumble contest. I'm actually excited for the chamber also, its a good card leading up to mania.
Man I just realized that one of my answers contradicts another prediction I made in the survey. I'm doomed. :lol:
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