WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

I thought Hunico was returning when I heard the Spanish music in the background :frown:
Can we get a Primo/Epico vs Mysterio/Mistico match?
If Mistico could go in the ring without injuring himself we would have gotten one already.

Tensai dancing
. What a fall from grace.
I'm on board for team #TensClay

That was cool :lol:

I think the Divas division has a nice amount of talent if they actually put some stock into them.
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I literally said Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo just now.

Naomi got that from Misawa too.

Nice baseball slide kick
I was talking to Court Bauer on Twitter the other day about the women's division.

Eh.........I will just post the convo.
Seth Rollins just screams "I'm actually a face"

Ambrose is that dude that, will be a star once he goes solo
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