WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

So jack swagger's a neo nazi now
Swagger actually impressed me. Dudes just gotta get rid of that singlet. Change into some long pants no shirt or something
Good to see the WWE hasn't abandoned it's long and storied tradition of xenophobia and racism.
AJ and her sexy ***.

Our rep was already in the dumps but now Swagger is a right winger too? A hardcore one at that.
Put some German Suplex's in his moveset and I'm sold, I love that move, especially when Angle did them :pimp: :pimp:
Swagger is actually looking like a psycho instead of that kid from Problem Child

Oh i see where they're going with this....:wow: :rofl:

Where are they going Peep? I missed it.

Swagger is gonna "fight for the real America, the one where people only look like him and speak English"

Big E promo :pimp: :pimp:

Big E...singlet :rolleyes :rolleyes

I sort of want Lesnar to interrupt this match and give Miz an F-15. Not a typo.
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