WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

oh... and cody hitting a couple of dustins moves. hopefully that will be a sign of things to come. Goldust is thee most underrated character ever, don't know how many years I've said that here.
With the dye job Rollins reminds me of 2 Face, truuuuuuuu, from Batman, especially how they changed camera angles on him when he talked

Wonder if the Shield loses major steam when they lose Sunday


Saw onceyoupop's post and I agree, apparently so much so I stole his idea
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Gimmick ground strikes makes wrestling look stupid.

Sandow has one too?

The Worm might be the worst ever.

Along with People's ELbow
You know what guys? What if Bo Dallas has IT? I'm not saying he does. But they see something.
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