WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!


holy cow how did I miss this last night - glad it was made into a forever lasting .gif

I'm sure Show and ADR had a good laugh about it afterwards
Cena drops the title to Ziggler at Mania

I'd love to see this happen but hasn't it been determined that Ziggy is gonna go for the WHC? They already did the Cena vs Ziggler thing, doubt they rehash that so soon.

If As for Dolph, where do they go from here?

All I know is he has to be involved in the title picture somehow. They need to plant the seed for him to be involved in one of the championship matches somehow. Either start a feud with Del Rio...maybe at the same time as Swagger.

How about this...Ziggler challenges Swagger for his spot in the main event of WM for the ship by putting his briefcase on the line. OR. They wait - and Ziggler cashes in at Mania and takes the belt off ADR who will beat Swagger.
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.

View media item 274401
man...wrestling fans flip flop their opinions on people more than any group of fans I know. :lol:

Guarantee same dudes getting rustled are going to be wishing Rock is still around post-WM.

and tbh I'd rather if Rock DIDN'T appear every week. I like how the WWE champion(and I guess it could work with the WHC..maybe :lol: ) appearing is a special thing, and when they do wrestle it's only defending their title...which gives it a true big time feel. Hell, I'd give the IC and US champs more shine because of this.

Wish they did that more often.
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Spot on, though.

As a whole, I thought this year's EC was okay. Somewhere between "meh" and slightly above average. RR > EC easily, IMO.

Shield going over was the biggest surprise of the night.

They don't have as much juice going into RAW as they had after RR. 6-7 weeks to get things right though so there's plenty of time...
hell up dog

Yeah i'm not happy with the results . just seems like wwe can't develop anything they just get some crappy idea and blow there load so damn quick on things then end up with the same old crap  when that idea doesn't pan out
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.


Sick of seeing all this anger that The FREAKIN Rock is Champion. He made me care about Wrestling, so even though he may not be what he was during the AE, I for one appreciate he's even back.
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If Swagger were to win the strap, you can always turn Ziggler face and have them feud.

You can always build on the fact that they were a tag team and Seagger was the first out of the two to become WHC.

With Big E looking like he's about to feud with Kingston I don't see him sticking around with Ziggler too long anymore.
I'm going to Summer Slam this year.

Hopefully I get to see Rock vs Brock

You already know we gonna get a Rock vs Cena 3 :lol: :smh:
Bunch of crybabies :lol:. I don't give a damn who has the title. The same people win it over and over anyway.
I'd love to see this happen but hasn't it been determined that Ziggy is gonna go for the WHC? They already did the Cena vs Ziggler thing, doubt they rehash that so soon.
All I know is he has to be involved in the title picture somehow. They need to plant the seed for him to be involved in one of the championship matches somehow. Either start a feud with Del Rio...maybe at the same time as Swagger.

How about this...Ziggler challenges Swagger for his spot in the main event of WM for the ship by putting his briefcase on the line. OR. They wait - and Ziggler cashes in at Mania and takes the belt off ADR who will beat Swagger.

I didn't think they had Ziggler say that he was going after the WHC

i had Ziggler beating Rock/Cena at mania
You're hard on and bias for The Rock holds no bounds I see. I mean honestly, you can't be serious. It's one thing to like a wrestler but you're trying to make sense out of a man who goes on a hiatus to act - returns for 10 shows a year - and takes the top spot in the company along with the belt.

Seriously, evaluate that from a logic perspective.

It's one thing to have the BS once in a lifetime match, fine. But to return "triumphantly" and just declare that you're getting a shot at the belt with ZERO merit and then get it is asinine.

Listen I'm as big of a Rock fan as anyone, grew up with him, but he has no business taking the belt off Punk. None.

It doesn't matter that he's "paid his dues" and did "so much for the company in the past," that's why he held the belt for so many years in the past. If you want to start giving prestigious belts to guys who have "done so much for the company" why didn't they give the belt to Foley or Hitman.

Your argument of buy rates and all that garbage would have still been the same regardless of Rocky having the belt, or having a shot at it. He's the Rock he'll sell we know that. But the fact is he has no reason to hold the belt. It's not like the belt being on The Rock elevates buy rates. Rock sells alone.



Lol. You clearly are a densed person. You fail to realize that The Rock winning the title is simply a business move. Again. WWE ratings continued to slip last year. There was even one point where they had their worst rating in years and this is with Punk as the champ. AGAIN from a business perspective, why wouldn't I give the title to The Rock? After he won, it was in numerous articles, getting coveraged that the WWE would not have gotten if Punk retained or if like you suggested Foley or Hitman had won. Lol I mean you can't even be serious right now. Yes the Rock sells alone, but The Rock with the title SELLS more. That's like saying yeah the Yankees always sell seats, but they generate MORE sales for themselves and MLB when they are in the World Series. Or how yeah Jordans always sell out but there's more hype around releases such as the Nike Air 3s, because of the prestige around it. Smh

And since my argument of buy rates is so garbage, then here's a clear motive as to why he has the title, that you seem to not get. The Rock winning the title sets up Wrestlemania. The biggest stage. John Cena is the face of the company, not CM Punk. The Rock was the face of the company. I'm not sure if you understand that this sets up The Rock passing the torch to Cena. Cena has never properly been passed the torch since The Rock left and since Austin physically can't fight anymore. Obviously this occurred when Hogan lost to Rock at WM or when Hogan won against Andre the Giant, the same will occur this Wrestlemania. So instead of being all bitter or sensitive to the situation or accusing me of being biased (which I am, but that's not the point) why don't you take a look at the bigger picture. Hell he's even tweeted thanking the guys for giving him this opportunity and seeing the bigger picture. Lol smh

A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.
You're hard on and bias for The Rock holds no bounds I see. I mean honestly, you can't be serious. It's one thing to like a wrestler but you're trying to make sense out of a man who goes on a hiatus to act - returns for 10 shows a year - and takes the top spot in the company along with the belt.

Seriously, evaluate that from a logic perspective.

It's one thing to have the BS once in a lifetime match, fine. But to return "triumphantly" and just declare that you're getting a shot at the belt with ZERO merit and then get it is asinine.

Listen I'm as big of a Rock fan as anyone, grew up with him, but he has no business taking the belt off Punk. None.

It doesn't matter that he's "paid his dues" and did "so much for the company in the past," that's why he held the belt for so many years in the past. If you want to start giving prestigious belts to guys who have "done so much for the company" why didn't they give the belt to Foley or Hitman.

Your argument of buy rates and all that garbage would have still been the same regardless of Rocky having the belt, or having a shot at it. He's the Rock he'll sell we know that. But the fact is he has no reason to hold the belt. It's not like the belt being on The Rock elevates buy rates. Rock sells alone.


And why the **** do y'all care if we complain or not? That's our right and those of us who paid to go to Wrestlemania want to see a decent card and so far we don't have that. If the Rock could go, I wouldn't care if he had the strap. He can't. He hasn't put on a good match since he returned last year. He lacks endurance and chemistry with whomever he's in the ring with. Let's not talk about his mic work. Screw buyrates and popularity. You're not CEOs. What the WWEs bottom line looks like shouldn't concern you. Te only thing that matters is whether or not we are getting a good product that is worth our money.

So Swagger is now a monster heel? Give me a break. He was jobbing to Santino before he took his hiatus. After two matches he's now wrestling at Mania?

I was surprised that they had the Shield go over as strong as they did. They have two things Ryback doesn't have, a PPV win.
Thrice in a lifetime to decide it once and for all. This time, it's personal!!!
I won't put it past them. They can justify it with low buyrates.
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Just like DSK predicted earlier.

I have a feeling that the New York crowd is going to **** all over Cena/Rock 2 just as they did with Brock and Goldberg.
Really? I would like to think even they would be firmly behind Rock over Cena. Plus they already know Rock's deal, and they know Cena isn't trying out for the Vikings or whatever.

Look at dude's face
We know she's not the most attractive woman, but there's no need to call Kaitlyn a dude.
Just like DSK predicted earlier. :lol:

I have a feeling that the New York crowd is going to **** all over Cena/Rock 2 just as they did with Brock and Goldberg.

Really? I would like to think even they would be firmly behind Rock over Cena. Plus they already know Rock's deal, and they know Cena isn't trying out for the Vikings or whatever.

View media item 274097

Look at dude's face :lol:

We know she's not the most attractive woman, but there's no need to call Kaitlyn a dude.

:lol: you wrong for that 4W

I thought Russell Westbrook was in Houston last night.
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