WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

Jesus Christ the constant *****ing about the "once in a lifetime" Cena/Rock match not being once in a lifetime is getting old.

Chris Jericho has lost approximately 55 loser leaves WWE matches, yet he's usually back on Raw within a month.

Stop taking these match "stipulations" so seriously.

The WWE's golden boy lost clean on the "grandest stage of them all". Said golden boy and the Rock also headlined the most financially successful PPV in the company's history. To redeem Cena's loss and yet again capitalize financially a rematch was inevitable.

While I'm not thrilled about Rock/Cena II, crying about it ad nauseam is pointless, because it's not going to change anything.
Jesus Christ the constant *****ing about the "once in a lifetime" Cena/Rock match not being once in a lifetime is getting old.

Chris Jericho has lost approximately 55 loser leaves WWE matches, yet he's usually back on Raw within a month.

Stop taking these match "stipulations" so seriously.

The WWE's golden boy lost clean on the "grandest stage of them all". Said golden boy and the Rock also headlined the most financially successful PPV in the company's history. To redeem Cena's loss and yet again capitalize financially a rematch was inevitable.

While I'm not thrilled about Rock/Cena II, crying about it ad nauseam is pointless, because it's not going to change anything.

I agree with everything you just said.

And to be honest, I'm honestly not too bummed at this point over Rock/Cena II.
Man, between this thread and S&T from the last minute of the all star game, there's an epic amount of rustling : :lol: :lol:

And 4w man :rofl: :smh: leave Kaitlyn alone
Really don't feel like going through pages of brain vomit from smart fans talking 'business'. Caught the replay of Chamber last night and Bless Punk. He wrestled that match on his lonesome something fierce. Scratch that Heyman did his fair share too. Rock was a pile of blown out muscle throughout it. That was an EMBARRASSING performance.

As a wrestling fan, who appreciates wrestling.. there's no way anyone could justify Rockys performance in the ME. And that's coming from a guy who no issues with Rock being a transitional champ.

Still, I thought it was an enjoyable PPV. Shield looked amazing in their match.
As long as the Cena Rock program isn't "I respect you but I'm going to beat you at WM" I'll be fine. I want Cena promos like the ones from last year this time but I know this is gonna be Bret v Shawn style around WM12
Now I know why they have Swagger as a racist lol It's to fight the Mexican heavyweight champ.   Now I get his new corner man's comments from last week.    Now if people want to still be upset over the Rock holding the title they should be upset over Swagger getting put right back into the title picture after he was being beat by bottom feeders of the roster just a couple  of months ago.   I'd rather would have liked to see Mark Henry or Ryback but I get why they are going with Swagger.  Still I'd rather see Swagger vs Cesaro for the US title. 
Swagger should come out like Mayweather when he was mocking De La Hoya

:lol: that really would be something. Probably similar to JBL early in his feud with Eddie.

As far as Rock, I have no doubts that Rock/Cena II, III, IV, and V would bebetter than Rock/Punk II, III, and IV, which I find pretty amusing.
Back on November 27th, WWE NXT star Bray Wyatt (formerly known as Nexus member Husky Harris) teased his Raw debut by posting "#RAW Ville De Lafayette Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock." Earlier today, Wyatt Tweeted the follow-up below:

Another days disappointment, another flight I didnt take. Ville De Lafayette makes the taste of iron go away.

— Bray Wyatt (@WWEBrayWyatt) February 18, 2013

Mick Foley posted the following on Twitter:

Impressive showing by the SHIELD, especially Ambrose. Very fluid; disturbingly poetic in his style and movements.

— Mick Foley (@realMickFoley) February 18, 2013

-Following last night's Elimination Chamber and tonight's edition of Raw, Chris Jericho will be taking a few weeks off to tour with his band Fozzy in Australia. Jericho is expected to return to WWE TV once the tour is finished.
elimination chamber was so predictable......but it's good that the wwe kept the momentum of the shield
last year's wrestlemanina was hyped up greatly, but was a bit disappointed with the ppv. i hope this year's wrestlemania won't disappoint us again. undertaker's situation is unknown, and he needs time and time isn't on his side. zig will probably cash money in the bank on the winner of swag or alberto. cena is going to win, so rock can go back to his hollywood work. are we going to see hhh vs brock 2? hopefully tonight we see more storylines that will lead to potential matches at wrestlemania.
IDK what to expect on Raw besides Punk being angry at Rock, and the start of Del Rio vs Swag

I hope they keep Punk in the main event picture, but they need to take his heel character in a different direction..This angry/whiny version of Punk just makes him look small..Almost like he is a little kid who's mad that the bigger kids are picking on him..He needs to be more vicious instead of being a crybaby..
I hope they keep Punk in the main event picture, but they need to take his heel character in a different direction..This angry/whiny version of Punk just makes him look small..Almost like he is a little kid who's mad that the bigger kids are picking on him..He needs to be more vicious instead of being a crybaby..
Yeah, he was turning into a MONSTER SUPERSTAR. He was one of those one of a kind wrestlers who, whether face or heel, got over massively with the fans. 

Dude has Stone Cold potenital. And I am very serious with that statement. 
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No matches have been announced for tonight but there’s a rumored celebration with The Rock with a marching band and Mardi Gras parade floats. Another likely segment for tonight is Vince McMahon revealing his punishment for Paul Heyman after allowing Heyman to have the stipulation for CM Punk vs. The Rock. Ryback and John Cena vs. Punk and Dolph Ziggler is being advertised locally for tonight.

Hopefully Taker appears tonight.
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