WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

I swear The Rock brings the 10 year old girl out of me all the time.  I'm such a stan for him lol. Anything he does I go crazy over. He was obviously going to win, but when he got the three count I screamed as if I didn't know the outcome lol. :lol:  Their match was much better than Royal Rumble because I felt he was more agressive and took more bumps, but that match was od short.  Makes sense though with him being rusty and a movie star. Ahh well still happy with the win nonetheless.

EC was boring in general though.  I was going to order it, because of The Rock, but I'm glad I chose not to.  The EC match was pretty dope, but I'm mad Jack Swagger got the roll up pin against Orton. :smh:  No one wants to see that clown at Wrestlemania but I digress smh.

Anyway I cannot wait for Wrestlemania! I'll be there, but I'ma be so misearable watching The Rock drop the title to John FRIGGIN Cena. My worst nightmare ever.  I despise Cena. But I guess he needs to pass the torch to the face of the company on the biggest stage...:rolleyes
Try watching a year+ title reign end by dropping the title to a movie star who did absolutely nothing to deserve it. At least Cena wrestles on a regular basis. 

Punk is the best thing going for the WWE SMH
Shoot, Punk could have dropped the title to Brodus Clay for all I care. At least he's there week in and week out. At least he wrestles matches
Swagger celebrating his EC win on President's Day tomorrow is genius.

Confederate Army bout to come out tomorrow.
Try watching a year+ title reign end by dropping the title to a movie star who did absolutely nothing to deserve it. At least Cena wrestles on a regular basis. 
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.
No he absolutely does not deserve it. He came in and just said he was getting a title shot. You know who deserves a shot? Ziggler. 

And you know what "legend" without a doubt deserves a title shot MUCH more than the Rock? This man:

Yes, the Rock should get the title in a business sense. 100% agree. But I'm an old school guy. I believe the best wrestler should always hold the title. Doing something because it is "good business" will just end up with a watered down product. See Jordan Brand and Nike for example.
But your other post contradicts this post
It was a joke 
 Oh wow, I hope you guys know that was a joke.
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.

I don't recall seeing in the wrestling threads before. Welcome.
I don't follow wrestling at all anymore, like every now and then when a popular storyline catches with you guys, I notice on here, but beside that, I didn't know what most of the guys from tonight's show were "known" for. First time seeing Ryback or the Shield.

And live, the show was bad man. Maybe the technical part was always this bad live (I doubt it) but the last time I really paid attention at a live event was when I was a kid and it seemed "physically" real. I saw at least 3 complete whiffs tonight. I don't know if that's a big number or not, it just seemed bad. There was one in a really early match, Cody Rhodes I think, and then CM Punk and the Rock whiffed bad on a clothesline outside the ring, too. Just seemed like it's sloppy now.

However, without a doubt, from what I do know, CM Punk is the guy. I remember catching bits and pieces of that story where he was apparently really just doing what he wanted on the shows because his contract was about to expire or something related with his contract, and for the most part, this is the closest we're getting to a "realistic" character that someone with today's cynicism can appreciate. Seriously, Brodus Clay, Prince Albert, Kofi Kingston, Ryback... these gimmicks are terrrrrrible man. Maybe it's still cute and awesome for the kiddies (and let's face it, WWE isn't a moneymaker like it is without Jr. spending all Mom and Dad's dough at the live show) but they're laughable for adults. I mean, sure in the 80s and 90s it was more of a "performance/show"... but no one in 2013 believes in a breakdancing pimp wrestler. At least CM Punk just comes off as that guy who's technically a great wrestler, and his gimmick is that he knows he's a technically great wrestler in an industry that hasn't produced but maybe 1 new major superstar in the last ten years. Perfect.

I'd love to see wrestling get really good again. Like, where an adult could watch it and not have to rationalize it. New World Order, Attitude Era, that was just good television. Not good wrestling television, good television. I can't believe I saw pretty much 99% of that live on TV. That's like having seen the Moon Landing (not real) or some ****.
I missed EC (and will probably miss tomorrow too), but was Rock's cardio as bad tonight as the iwc is making it out to be?

He needs to take a break from clangin' and bangin', and start huffin' and puffin' since he's going to stay around until WM XXX.
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No he absolutely does not deserve it. He came in and just said he was getting a title shot. You know who deserves a shot? Ziggler. 

And you know what "legend" without a doubt deserves a title shot MUCH more than the Rock? This man:

Yes, the Rock should get the title in a business sense. 100% agree. But I'm an old school guy. I believe the best wrestler should always hold the title. Doing something because it is "good business" will just end up with a watered down product. See Jordan Brand and Nike for example.
But again though.  Rock never got his rematch from when he dropped the belt to Lesnar.  Aren't you supposed to get that rematch? Yes you are. So I see that being 1 of the many reasons as to why he deserves that match. Granted I'm a Punk fan too, but I can take a step out of the box, and realize this only elevates Punk's career.  I can't see how anyone could be mad that in his title reign he got to face The Rock and dropped a belt to a legend.  After the year he's been through, I was not about to see him lose it to someone less than or the likes of John Cena who has won the title too many times to begin with. 

Absolutely Ziggler deserves a title shot.  That's why he's Mr. Money in the Bank, and sooner or later he will be the Heavyweight Champion.  Does he deserve the WWE title? Absolutely not.  The WWE title is the holy grail of the company.  Of course there has been some flops and wrestlers who should have never been a WWE Champion, but Ziggler is clearly different.  He has a bright future and needs to be build up slowly.  It is not his time to be a WWE champion; Heavyweight champ, sure.

Absolutely Jericho deserves a title shot, and if I'm not mistaken he did get a WWE title shot last year.  The difference between Jericho and Rock is, Rock is a bigger star and impacted the WWE far more Y2J has.  I mean even Jericho has said that numerous of times already.  Yeah it would have been nice for him to maybe win the title, but 1 I don't think he's at a point in his career where he can carry the company, and 2, last year he couldn't even hold the title because he was on his way out getting ready to tour with his group Fonzy, so that would of been pointless for Punk to drop the belt to Jericho.

You're saying, your an old school guy, but then you would know "the best wrestler" doesn't always hold the title.  The wrestler who fights day in and day out doesn't always make it to the top.  When Hogan got to main event Wrestlemania against Rock, was it an issue then?  A wrestler who hadn't wrestle in God knows how long was pushed right into the main event. Why? Because it's Hulk freakin Hogan.  That's the thing most wrestling fans seem to forget.  Guys like Stone Cold, Hogan, Rock, etc are ICONS.  People want to see them on the biggest stage. Lok at when Rock comes out.  He STILLS gets pops as though if it was still the Attitude Era.  Anything less for these guys is unacceptable.

And you're only saying that would water down the business, because you're looking at it from a fan's perspective. Not a business perspective.  Vince knows Rock is a money maker.  Vince knows that Rock has about three movies coming out so him holding the title brings back attention to the WWE that it has desperately needed.  He knows that WM will be HUGE with him holding the title against the face of the company in one of the biggest cities in the country.  He knows his product has been slipping for months now.  He knows that bringing The Rock back will get all the old casual fans that used to watch wrestling, watch because he's back.  That does not water down the product it gives the majority of the people what they want. If anything the products been watered down for years now being PG, and shoving super hero Cena down our throats.
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I just didnt like the way that Punk lost, not so much the fact that he did. It should've been an epic battle with him and The Rock slugging it out. Like the Rock beating the count after two GTS's and Punk getting Rock Bottomed multiple times.
Everyone here can complain all they want about not wanting to see Cena/Rock 2 and Lesnar/HHH 2, but the fact is, this year's WM will be the biggest money maker in WWE history.  Catering to the masses is much more important than catering to a small number of angry internet fans, many that will end up buying the show anyway. don't buy ANY of the shows anyway.

Spot on, though.

As a whole, I thought this year's EC was okay. Somewhere between "meh" and slightly above average. RR > EC easily, IMO.

Shield going over was the biggest surprise of the night.

They don't have as much juice going into RAW as they had after RR. 6-7 weeks to get things right though so there's plenty of time...
I keep getting duped into watching this crap. predictable *** hell.. cena over rock at mania

yes im mad
Try watching a year+ title reign end by dropping the title to a movie star who did absolutely nothing to deserve it. At least Cena wrestles on a regular basis. 
Bout to just go back and watch 90s wrestling during the raw time slots . can't watch this garbage anymore
Exactly. Even against a "legend" like the Rock, he was STILL getting over with the fans tonight. 
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If Taker is sitting out this year. Hopefully they don't rush the Shield and Punk stuff.

As for Dolph, where do they go from here?
A movie star that is a legend in the WWE. Who would you rather Punk lose it to? Cena, who always gets things handed to him or The Rock? Let us not forget who he is, and what he's done for this company.  How long was Punk supposed to hold the title for?  It was time to drop it because his reign was getting tired.  So what if Cena wrestles on a regular basis.  Rock worked BOTH Raw, Smackdown, house shows and PPV back in the day so what's your point?  Before Cena and Punk was even thought of The Rock was selling out arenas doing things and taking the WWE/F where they coulld never do today.  So yes The Rock deserved that. He's The Rock.  Same thing for Austin or someone of that caliber.  On top of all of that,  WWE buyrates show that The Rock generates money and ratings. Before the new year started their ratings was at a low.  Rock shows up on Raw and Smackdown ratings go up. Rock in his first WWE title match in 10 years in the Royal Rumble, what happens? Buyrates went UP.  Common sense says if 1 person can generate that much money and ratings then yes he belongs in the main event picture. And if you really want to get technical, he never received his rematch against Brock Lesnar when he dropped the belt to him at Summerslam in 2003, so yes he deserves it.

You're hard on and bias for The Rock holds no bounds I see. I mean honestly, you can't be serious. It's one thing to like a wrestler but you're trying to make sense out of a man who goes on a hiatus to act - returns for 10 shows a year - and takes the top spot in the company along with the belt.

Seriously, evaluate that from a logic perspective.

It's one thing to have the BS once in a lifetime match, fine. But to return "triumphantly" and just declare that you're getting a shot at the belt with ZERO merit and then get it is asinine.

Listen I'm as big of a Rock fan as anyone, grew up with him, but he has no business taking the belt off Punk. None.

It doesn't matter that he's "paid his dues" and did "so much for the company in the past," that's why he held the belt for so many years in the past. If you want to start giving prestigious belts to guys who have "done so much for the company" why didn't they give the belt to Foley or Hitman.

Your argument of buy rates and all that garbage would have still been the same regardless of Rocky having the belt, or having a shot at it. He's the Rock he'll sell we know that. But the fact is he has no reason to hold the belt. It's not like the belt being on The Rock elevates buy rates. Rock sells alone.

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