WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

While thats racist and mad do we know the server was white?

this was posted on lmao
Black MMA Fighter Says He Saved Stranded Harvey Victim With Confederate Flag

“I picked up one guy and his family, his wife ― he just kept apologizing to me, because all he really had was his clothes, and he wanted to take his Confederate flag,” Lewis told MMAJunkie on Monday. “He wanted to take that with him, and he just apologized and said, ‘Man, I’ll sit in the back of your truck, man. I don’t want to have my flag inside of your truck like this.’ I said, ‘Man, I’m not worried about that.‘’’

Racist high school bullies suspended after harassing black classmate with shocking Snapchat photo

Two high school students in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have been suspended after they posted a photoshopped picture of a black classmate surrounded by Ku Klux Klan hoods on Snapchat.

Local news station KOB 4 reports that the students posted the photo on the school’s official Snapchat group, where it was seen by several other students before being removed.

“It was awful,” Mary Morrow-Webb, the mother of the student in the picture, told KOB 4. “It was frightening. I just really got sick to my stomach. I was afraid for my daughters and for the other children there that are at risk for these types of threats.”

“You don’t expect your kids going to school and having to deal with racism and discrimination in 2017,” said Lamont Webb, the girl’s father. “It’s kind of appalling.”

The two students, who claimed that they only posted the photo as a “joke,” were suspended from school for ten days. Additionally, one of the students was kicked off the high school football team.

“We took this to our police department,” Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Raquel Reedy told KOB 4. “They came and investigated and are really looking very carefully at whether we should file charges for hate crimes. This is something we’re looking at very carefully because it’s this serious.”


FBI and Homeland Security deem antifa 'domestic terrorists' as they warn of escalating violence between the left and white nationalists
  • Federal officials launched a global investigation into antifa last year to determine whether they may start committing terror attacks, like right-wing counterparts
  • Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as 'domestic terrorist violence,' law enforcement sources said
  • A senior state law enforcement official told them that 'a whole bunch of them' have been placed on U.S. terrorism watch lists
  • Authorities blamed the left-wing group for instigating the violence, and say right-wing protesters and Trump supporters responded with their own violence

By Sexual Politics
August 31, 2017
White feminists continue to embarrass themselves.

After Star Wars actor John Boyega posted a video of him grinding with a woman at a Caribbean celebration in London last weekend, feministas of the alabaster complexion rushed to denounce his actions as “demeaning” to women:

It´s not funny. Can you imagine strong females like Padme, Leia or Rey in a similar situation? I can´t. @Disney

— Baymax (@BaymaxSix) August 30, 2017

Of course, as The Hollywood Reporter pointed out, this type of dance has a name — “‘wining’ (sometimes spelled ‘whining’) — as well as a rich tradition, having originated in the 18th century ‘Jamette carnivals’ of Trinidad and Tobago. ‘Jamette’ comes from the French word ‘diametre,’ which referred to the class of people below ‘the diameter of respectability’ who attended them; ‘wining’ got its name from the winding motion required of the hips while performing the dance.”
The footage was taken at the annual Notting Hill Carnival, a celebration of that history, and the 25-year-old actor originally posted it to his Instagram account. The Reporter notes that “the event is Europe’s largest street festival, a parade and celebration honoring London’s Caribbean communities and traditions, held every late summer since 1964.”

But because white history doesn’t include other cultures, white feminists think anything that might be demeaning to those-who-have-never-learned-to-wine-nor-have-the-hips-to-do-so is demeaning to all women. For white feminists, white women represent every woman, which is why they can go into other cultures and demand women take off their religious garb, among other colonizing things they done in the name of womanhood.

This is why intersectionality can’t work

Austen Colbert ·
Detroit, Michigan
They really just mad that John boyega likes black women and wouldn't allow them to scrape their meatless bottoms against him
Police believe they have their man, but fatal hit-and-run has left its mark on Tulsa’s homeless population

Jeremy Thacker, 40, was booked into the Tulsa Jail on Tuesday on one complaint of first-degree murder and five complaints of assault with a deadly weapon.


Some people are homeless and embrace it. Others, like 46-year-old Shawn Birdo, experience it and try to work their way out, John 3:16 Mission President Steve Whitaker said.

Birdo was struck and killed by a vehicle in the early morning hours of Labor Day, according to Tulsa police, who on Tuesday announced the arrest of Jeremy Thacker, 40, for Birdo’s killing and another injury crash Thacker was allegedly responsible for that occurred later that day.

Whitaker said Birdo, who occasionally would stay at the John 3:16 Mission shelter downtown, was only outside the night of his death because his girlfriend didn’t have a place to stay that night. They were struck under the I-244 bridge near 500 North Cheyenne Avenue, police said.

“He wouldn’t leave her, and that cost him his life,” he said.

Police identified Birdo’s girlfriend as Cynthia Wallace, 49. Whitaker said he had been told Wallace’s hip was broken in the assault.

A third victim from that crash, identified by police as James Russell, was not seriously injured.

Whitaker told The Frontier he didn’t know Birdo well, but said John 3:16 Mission staff and residents described him as “a nice, respectful” person who often attended chapel there.

Whitaker said he’s seen the video of Birdo being struck by the white pickup allegedly driven by Thacker “more times than I care to have,” and said the crime “really displays the decay of the human heart.”

“From my standpoint, I worry about the loss of innocence (in the homeless community) from these attacks,” Whitaker said. “Living life as a homeless person is a dangerous lifestyle, but this is a whole different level.”

Whitaker said the location where Birdo and his girlfriend were struck Monday was well lit and was close to the shelter, which is patrolled by a security guard.

“If you’re not safe there, under the bridge where the lights are on, well, we’ve just gone down that path of disillusionment even further,” he said.

Sandra Lewis, who runs the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, said on Tuesday she was shocked at the “blatant, hateful” nature of the crime.

“It just concerns me how blatant it was, to circle around and make sure you’re lined up just so you can kill someone who is already struggling; it’s awful,” she said.

Lewis said the Day Center had coordinated with other shelters downtown to ensure no one would be turned away while the attacks were ongoing.

“We announced that here and the people we were serving applauded, so there was a definite sense of ‘Thank God we have some place to go,’” she said.

Aside from the attack on Birdo, Wallace, and Russell, Thacker is accused of using his vehicle to attack another person later that same day near the QuikTrip at 15th Street and Denver Avenue, police said. In that attack, police said, Thacker again jumped a curb and this time ran over a woman’s legs as she was seated on the sidewalk.

Following the initial crash that killed Birdo, Tulsa Police Sgt. Stephen Florea told the media there was “no way” the crash was an accident, setting the stage for a murder charge to be filed against Thacker.

In 2007, Thacker pleaded guilty to public intoxication and assault with a dangerous weapon after he pulled a knife on a convenience store clerk in north Tulsa and threatened to “get you *****es.” Court records show he was given a two-year suspended sentence that mandated some form of treatment at the Choctaw Nation Recovery Center.

Thacker changed the profile picture on his personal Facebook page twice following the Monday assaults — first posting one of himself in a black shirt and black hat, then another of himself in a grey shirt with a black hat. He also posted a meme from the Facebook Page “Occupy Libtards” about President Donald Trump donating money to Hurricane Harvey victims. In the image, Trump is Photoshopped to be giving the middle finger.

The meme states that Trump donated $1 million while others, such as Barack Obama, Whoopi Goldberg and Hillary Clinton donated nothing to the survivors.

Tulsa Police Department spokeswoman Jeannie MacKenzie said Tuesday that officers were still conducting a search warrant on the home where Thacker’s pickup was spotted earlier in the day. She said he gave no statements to police during his arrest.

She said Thacker would be booked into jail on one complaint of first-degree murder and five complaints of assault with a deadly weapon.
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