WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

They will never convict these pigs. Will set the expectation for future convictions, more pressure on juries from the defense. Black folks and white liberals will protest for a few days then go back to their normal activities while the cops gets severance pay, if not returned to duty.
Think this thread deserves a bump if we can find old posts of people repping bigotry, now that we can see who repped which posts

edit: something important in this though is that people can go back and unrep bigotry since you can remove "likes"
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I always get mad at these things and as time passes I forget.

I will try my best to keep up with this thread so I don't forget how whites are.

Mayoral candidate tells audience members 'Go back to Africa'

ST. PETERSBURG (FOX 13) - Intensity surrounding the St. Petersburg race for mayor intensifies by the day, and Tuesday was no different.

After the assertion was made he was a "non-factor" in the race, Mayoral Candidate Paul Congemi snapped back at members of the Uhuru movement and their candidate, Jesse Nevel during a mayoral debate July 18 in St. Pete.

Congemi's response was one many may not have expected.

"Mr. Nevel you and your people talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations. Your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama," Congemi said, pointing a finger at the audience as he spoke.

He continued, "My advice to you, if you don't like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!

Get out of here" a woman in the audience could be heard saying several times.

Another mayoral candidate said twice "non-factor" in response to the tirade from candidate Congemi.

Current Mayor Rick Kriseman released a statement the following day, condemning Congemi's statements.

"I was reluctant to engage this candidate last night and draw even more attention to his disturbing message. I regret not doing so, though. It is simply unacceptable to spew this kind of bigoted rhetoric. Free speech should not compromise the dignity and respect of any person or community. This candidate spoke hateful words about African-Americans and our LGBT community. He has the right to do so, but nothing about what he said is right. His comments just aren't who we are. -RK"
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saw this on another site

I typed this up just now because I wanted to get my thoughts on paper. I wanted to know what you think. Anything to add?

Three Levels of Pro-Whiteness/White Supremacy:

White Supremacist: The top level. Built on hate for minorities and white dominance. Some may seem like normal people while others are violent in nature and hostile in public settings toward minorities. Likely to be in biker gangs, regular white supremacist gangs or even the police force. They are often uneducated and fueled by ignorance and hate.

White Nationalist: Often associated with the Alt-Right movement. White Nationalist and Alt-Righters tend to justify white supremacy in an intellectual manner. They are often educated, and have the ability to influence other white people to join their fight through their intellectualism. By doing this, they are able to separate themselves from their more aggressive, hateful white supremacist friends who have a bad image (which makes it harder for recruitment), and turn their white nationalist movement into a respectable movement that white people can join. The hate is still there subliminally, however instead of being fueled by hate, they are fueled by political, social and economic policy that favor white people at the expense of minorities.

White Sympathizers: These white people will tell you that they are not racist. They are not a white supremacist, and they are not a white nationalist. They may disagree with many of the philosophies of white supremacy and white nationalism because it’s too extreme for their political and social viewpoints. However, they are quick to criminalize and condemn such movements as Black Lives Matter and they may associate random black people with BLM who aren’t associated with them in an effort to criminalize both BLM and black people completely. Or they may look for isolated incidents to justify their anti-BLM view. Or they will try to justify discriminatory actions toward minorities by doing mental gymnastics.

They are quick to bring up black on black crime during social discussion, or quick to bring up anything that can discredit an individual black person if they make a stand for social progress. When it comes to discussing white privilege, a good portion of them will flat out tell you that white privilege doesn’t exist or they will try to downplay it. When you confront them about their bigotry or ignorance, the first thing they will tell you is, “I have a black friend I’m not racist”. They will also unite with white nationalist and white supremacist for a common cause, such as Donald Trump’s election. When questioned about the rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election, they will dismiss it as fake news, or bring up black on white hate crimes in order to spin the topic in their favor of being the white victim.

If they see topics that mentions such phrases as “black power” and “black excellence” they will complain that if they said “white power” or white excellence” it would be taken as racism and accuse black people and society of having a double standard. The overall goal of the unapologetic white sympathizer is to play victim, never admit to any wrong doing from white people and be quick to criminalize and discredit minority movements. They may also be quick to suggest that minorities are more racist than white people and suggest that the rise in racial tension is due to minorities. They may not be an actual racist such as their white nationalist and white supremacist friends, but they hold white supremacist traits which is to discredit minorities in favor of whites.

Edit July 20 for the White Sympathizer/Apologist category:

They will also get mad at movies for having black actors in traditional white character roles, and accuse the “liberal” media or society of trying too hard to fight inequality, or complain that they are trying to appeal to blacks, or flat out complain about the black actor taking the white character role and that it somehow ruins the movie.

I'm response to the cool white ppl article that's real life. I think once we as a group come to realize that there are no cool white ppl, they are not allies we'll be able to respond to their savagery accordingly.
How made would white people be of all people of color started embracing the flag.

I mean really rockin that ****.
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