Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Really?!?!? TNA taking a shot at wwe after noc :lol:

Fully expect that ship to sink by march.
why would anyone go to tna when the company is halfway out of business?

i can't stand the wwe style of 3 way matches. why must someone always be on the outside? stupid.
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:x Yeah that definitely crossed the line. Blackfaced Ziggler :smh:
Just finished watching. I enjoyed it, didn't fast forward through any matches. Not stoked over Cesaro/Dolph losing but the matches were good. Hadn't been watching Raw a lot since Dean left but I'll be tuning in tomorrow, interested to see what direction they're going in with a few of the guys.
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I've watched tna but not really a fan of ec3. rockstar spud is more entertaining.

nikki was looking so damn good last night.

Surprised goldust was rocking 85% black face.
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Just rralized Bray wyatt wasn't on the card last night. That's a joke. WWE has dropped the ball on him.
Just realized something from last night, your 3 upcoming guys in the Wyatt's weren't at NoC. No match, no vignette, no nothing. Life came at them fast, but that's what happens when you're a combined 7-42 for the year. Would've loved to see Harper challenge Rollins just to get him on the PPV.
Bray Wyatt is as pointless as your appendix. Dude walks out, says some grandiose promo that makes no sense, then loses his matches. WWE should look back at the way they've handled him and do the opposite in the future. Stopped caring about that Hawaiian shirt wearing bootleg Galactus.
Though I was a little disappointed at the finish last night, it sunk in a bit, and it's all good now...makes sense for the storyline to carry along...
Like I said yesterday, the WWE completely blew it with Bray. He should have been the next Undertaker. Have him only wrestle at PPVs and only cut promos now and then to keep the mystique going. The gimmick is perfect if they don't abuse it. Instead they went 0-100 as fast as possible. Having him get washed by Cena at WM30 didn't help either.
Though I was a little disappointed at the finish last night, it sunk in a bit, and it's all good now...makes sense for the storyline to carry along...

Yeah I personally really liked it! Cena looks strong again. Brock stays strong without losing...dude took like 4 AAs and a curb stomp and still walked away. Most importantly though, I liked that it made Rollins look strong. He didn't back down from Brock and hit him with a curb stomp! Nice sell by Brock btw.
not bad...visually looks good - but gameplay itself and controls has always been the downfall of wrestling games.

Hopefully they have an expansive story mode
I didn't like how the main event ended. I hate cena so I wanted to see Brock beat the crap out of him again and dominate the match.
all the NXT guys better be coming up tonight - I'm so sick of this stale product right now. The PPV last night was crap.

Ziggler losing does nothing, Cesaro losing was a joke. The main event was awful.

No Bryan, Reigns - WWE is probably scrambling.

It's time for some real change - that means real stories - get the kids involved with older talent - let the fans have fun with cheering for new guys. Bring up 5 new faces tonight.

Put Cesaro is a meaningful storyline that won't continue to make him irrelevant.

Just please for the love of god, make this damn product watchable again
The 2k15 trailer was cool.

DBry's model looks last gen to me.

2k didn't update Brock's attire or his entrance.

Rusev confirmed in the game; he should be fun to play with.

Sting looks
4w mentioned HHH Pedigreeing Bryan in the trailer not being an accident, and I'd have to agree :lol: and :rofl: Fandango and Xavier Woods being in the trailer
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