Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

^AJ looks so short next to Ambrose.

AJ is 5'10.
Dean is 6'4.

A 6" difference. But really makes AJ look small even though he's closer to average height for a male and Ambrose is above average.
The wyatts are basically on smackdown except Braun, so they'll probably just make Harper go right in with them.
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The rumor a while back was that he wouldn't be with the Wyatts upon returning

But things could always change.
harper and rowan had some pretty good matches with the usos so I can see them doing the same with AA. I just feel like he'll just get lost in the shuffle as a singles on either brand and that's a shame. at least in a tag with rowan, he'll have a prominent role on the show.
You just hate everything don't you Grandpa. I bet you hated JBL too back in the original brand split.

No I don't hate everything..I'm all for dudes getting repackaged and getting another shot..But y'all are talking about pushing Barry Horowitz 2.0..Dude has been made to be a fool for years and now y'all want him to be World Tag Champ and IC champ..Sorry but I just don't get it..
As long as Heath don't become world champ :lol:

This :lol: nobody is saying Slater should be world champ, but a dude that is pretty good in the ring, can talk, and has a lot of charisma deserves more than to be a lengthy jobber. I'm have no problem at all with the spotlight he's been getting.
Why not make Reigns heel and make a faction with the Usos. They family lol
No I don't hate everything..I'm all for dudes getting repackaged and getting another shot..But y'all are talking about pushing Barry Horowitz 2.0..Dude has been made to be a fool for years and now y'all want him to be World Tag Champ and IC champ..Sorry but I just don't get it..

IC Champ I wouldn't be against.

World Champ though? Hell naw :lol:

And what's up Brother Case Case
This will never get old :rofl:


Forever my favorite wrestling gif. Makes me laugh everytime
That and the Sting deathdropping his head onto the chair [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Btw, does Raw even have 6 tag teams like SD???
IC Champ I wouldn't be against.

World Champ though? Hell naw :lol:

And what's up Brother Case Case

I said world tag champ..No way dude could even sniff the WHC..But that's the problem, if you let him be IC champ then that's saying he's your brand's #2 and in line for a world title shot..He doesn't fit that profile..He should never be more than a brief tag champ at best..Which is a shame cause dude has a natural ability to talk and is solid in the ring..But Vince has destroyed all his credibility and he can no longer be taken seriously..

I'm doin good..Waiting to hear back from the dr about getting this new and improved implant put in my back..
I said world tag champ..No way dude could even sniff the WHC..But that's the problem, if you let him be IC champ then that's saying he's your brand's #2 and in line for a world title shot..He doesn't fit that profile..He should never be more than a brief tag champ at best..Which is a shame cause dude has a natural ability to talk and is solid in the ring..But Vince has destroyed all his credibility and he can no longer be taken seriously..

I'm doin good..Waiting to hear back from the dr about getting this new and improved implant put in my back..

Nah I know you said tag. I was just saying haha

And that's good. Hope that works out bro.
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