Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Big Case!

The fake Arn Anderson dude in the Revival does it

You mess with them?

Yeah they're good..I dig what they're doing in NXT..Would like the Spinebuster to go to a singles talent that's big..Rusev, Harper, or maybe Cass when he goes solo..

I ain't worried about Mr Cashless..He's just mad cause I got a vast knowledge of wrestling to use for my points of view..And he gets all butt hurt that I'm not a mark for dudes who cut bad promos..
Can't tell if y'all are serious about Slater or not..You guys really want them to give a push to a guys who's been destroyed in every match for the past 3+ years?..
Fellow Collective member Case. :smokin Although you have a valid point about the frequency of Heath getting washed they are actively trying to rewrite some of the wrongs they have done to his character. He is entertaining, something that cannot be said about some dudes they stay pushing.
WWE uses the same 5 guys at the top for years..."Why don't they try to create new stars?"

WWE revamps a guy and gives him a fresh start..."Why are they pushing this geek?"
:lol: How accurate man.
Outside of AJ who is World champion material? Everyone is on RAM
2 of the 3 guys MeanGene mentioned. You know who doesn't belong. :lol: nothing personal Gene, I just doubt Miz will ever ascend to being World Title level again.
This :lol: nobody is saying Slater should be world champ, but a dude that is pretty good in the ring, can talk, and has a lot of charisma deserves more than to be a lengthy jobber. I'm have no problem at all with the spotlight he's been getting.
Basically. Well put Peep. :nthat:
Man you should've seen what Dolph did to Dana's walls

Left the nuts hangin out.
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I said world tag champ..No way dude could even sniff the WHC..But that's the problem, if you let him be IC champ then that's saying he's your brand's #2 and in line for a world title shot..He doesn't fit that profile..He should never be more than a brief tag champ at best..Which is a shame cause dude has a natural ability to talk and is solid in the ring..But Vince has destroyed all his credibility and he can no longer be taken seriously..

I'm doin good..Waiting to hear back from the dr about getting this new and improved implant put in my back..
Damn case you got more technological upgrades than Tony Stark. :smh: :lol:
So Prince Puma is officially done with Lucha :nerd:

But cant sign or do anything for 3-6 months when lucha airs in Oct.

And its been reported he has high interest in WWE.
There were rumors a while back about Ricochet coming to WWE once his contract was up months back. This seems to pretty much confirm it.
And there's actually force and believeability behind this. Brie's dropkick looks awesome til it connects like one of Ambrose's punches
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Yeah they're good..I dig what they're doing in NXT..Would like the Spinebuster to go to a singles talent that's big..Rusev, Harper, or maybe Cass when he goes solo..

I ain't worried about Mr Cashless..He's just mad cause I got a vast knowledge of wrestling to use for my points of view..And he gets all butt hurt that I'm not a mark for dudes who cut bad promos..

Boo this retort. Your "vast knowledge of wrestling" always seems to start and end in the 80s. While it goes hand in hand with your age, it often restricts the arguments that you attempt to make.

Best way to put it is you come off like a Jim Cornette. You grew up on the old school model and don't give much a chance to certain things if it deviates from this model in anyway.

High Flyers can only be good guys. Bad guys must be always serious. Some guys can't be rehabilitated. There's no adapting with you or at least that's how you come across when you share your point of view.

Even something as simple as the Intercontinental Title, your main point is a guy like Heath Slater can't win it because then he'd be perceived as the #2 guy in the company and you just can't have a "jobber" be that guy. But if you moved past the 80s and through the years into the present, you'd acknowledge guys like Road Dogg, Jeff Jarrett, Val Venis, the Godfather, Marc Mero and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting that once were elevated and given the title who we can all say were not the true number 2 guy in the company. Those guys were jobbers and/or low level guys who were given a shot. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but that doesn't stop you from giving something a chance. Don't just piss on it just cause.

Hell the last time the IC Title was with the number 2 guy or could be looked at as such was when Shovel had it during the Two Man Power Trip. That's almost 15 years ago. And don't even get me started on the lineage of the Tag Titles were all of a sudden Heath Slater winning them is a bad thing.

Come On Stinker!
That's a whole lotta writing..You coulda just said wah wah wah, cry cry cry, I'm bitter you don't agree with me, boo hoo..


When was this :lol:?
Cesaro is going to pull off a 2004 Red Sox 

And hoping to hear this in 2 weeks...
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