Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

I completely forgot that this even happened!!!

Finished reading LOLTNA and this was just LMAO.
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 @ Dana throwing the MIC in Sasha's stomach
Is that Sherri in Ric's robe?

Only way I'll respect the Usos is if they come out to Rikishi's "Bad Man" Theme.
Heel Usos vs AA is going to be a great feud.

Before the new era tag division blew up, it was amazing to see how over the Usos were during their matches with Rowan/Harper.
When I got back into wrestling, the Usos, Dolph, and Daniel Bryan were the main folks I enjoyed watching perform
Apollo Crews and Alexa Bliss both had their themes created from the same template.

Go listen

I've been saying for months now that Crews' theme sounds like a woman's theme :lol:

Ambrose's promos and commentary have been so good since becoming champ, but his offense is so bad
Really enjoying Heath Slater's gimmick.

I wonder how well the Usos are going to be as heels. 

Heel AJ Styles is hilarious.
Lucha underground is back tonight. Man tonight is stacked for wrestling.

I'm probably gonna wait a month or so to start watching LU... Have myself a nice little binge and then watch weekly...

I still need to rewatch Ultima Lucha honestly... I was pretty drunk when I watch the last 2 episodes :lol:...
Lucha underground is back tonight. Man tonight is stacked for wrestling.

I'm probably gonna wait a month or so to start watching LU... Have myself a nice little binge and then watch weekly...

I still need to rewatch Ultima Lucha honestly... I was pretty drunk when I watch the last 2 episodes :lol:...

Rey vs Puma was fantastic

Those LOLTNA/LOLWWE reads are always :rofl: I remember that RVD thing, such terrible booking. And they had the nerve to use confetti and **** when RVD won, as if he had been in TNA for 10 years and finally realized his boyhood dream
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