Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Wow the Usos beat the **** out of Gable :rofl: :rofl: they've been needing a turn in the worst way for a couple years
Curt Hawkins gimmick...ughhhhh [emoji]128529[/emoji][emoji]128529[/emoji][emoji]128529[/emoji]
SLATER'S KIDS HAHAHA [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji]
They [finally] turn the Usos heel, and give them promo time to logically explain it, including addressing the boos they've gotten lately, yet they can't turn Reigns heel, they guy responsible for the Usos getting boo'd :rofl:

Late on Talking Smack but damn...

Looks like Usos vs Beauty and the ManBeast at Back L ash
Heel Usos are a breath of fresh air.

..as long as they don't go the "we're not your stereotypical Samoans" route like they did when they first debuted

But they do need to ditch the vibrant colors and go for a more serious look and gimmick ( @casekicks )
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Smackdown live..
Once again I had to close so no wrasslin for me today either. :smh: :frown:
Total Bellas going to be the GOAT :smokin :smokin :smokin
No it won't. Your fandom of all things Bella is part trolling part obsession. :lol:
Natty killing it on the mic
I didn't see this so I find this quite hard to fathom b.
Carmella is cringeworthy
She gets no real pop. But she has been washing your girl Nikki so that's probably why you hatin.
Nikki got washed AGAIN :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And man that segment sucked
View media item 2157680
shame i wont be able to watch AJ win the title on sunday :smh:
Once again have to close on Sunday. Damn shame we gotta miss it. :smh:
AJ should win the title on Sunday

And I'd be stoked to see Bliss or Naomi win the SDWC
Naomi more so than Bliss. But I think someone else will win the title...
Dean is cool but literally none of his moves look like they have a huge effect on the opponent. His top rope clothesline pin is so bad.
Dean really fell off after the Shield. Dude got repetitive and his move set is bunz.
How is Dolph being awarded title matches still after having one of the worst World title matches ive ever seen
Questions of life to ponder good sir...
But he was the challenger.....

Challengers who lose don't get ish
Apparently this doesn't hold true to DoLph ZiggLer. :lol:
I like how AJ is proudly wearing Cena's headband.
Me too. **** Cena.
It actually makes you remember he beat Cena. Unlike when Rio beat Cena for the belt that went nowhere.
:lol: For real man. :smh:
Blame Vince for the stupid Meximerica gimmick

There are many stupid gimmicks to blame Vince for. That was just one of way too many.
Bray Wyatt too deep for yall.
Tell me Rhino. :smokin
Paige is a moron if she leaves.
Papi got her sprung. She may leave. You know he is in them guts all day while they are both suspended. :lol:
Naomi without a doubt has the best entrance in the E
:evil: :smokin Facts b.
Becky gonna win da Title!!! :nthat:
This is who I think will win the title. They kinda have been jobbing her out for a min so logically she will win. :lol:
Why is Mauro bringing up a new Nicki Minaj song? And why does he even know bout that trash :smh:
Mauro stays with the pop culture references. It's his angle.
Every time I see American Alpha I think of Team Angle..Shelton Benjamin Charlie Haas
Yup. Can't disagree with that.
usos going back to their argyle sweater roots all they need now is tamina
Bruh. :lol: They talked about not being the typical Samoans and got over by doing just that. :smh: :lol:
That Randy promo was better than every Bray promo ever
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Official heel turn is official
Long overdue. They had gotten stale.
AJ aint even counting Dolph as his last opponent:rofl:
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What is creative's obsession with **** and nut jokes?
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He's not scheduled to be back until oct/november.

The plan when he returns is
Cena Vs AJ for the belt or Cena VS AJ VS Orton for rthe belt.
Cena vs AJ I had heard rumblings about. That triple threat has the ability to be great tho.
They [finally] turn the Usos heel, and give them promo time to logically explain it, including addressing the boos they've gotten lately, yet they can't turn Reigns heel, they guy responsible for the Usos getting boo'd :rofl:
#WWE Logic at its finest.
As from Finn and my cheerio KO, Heath Slater has been flourishing the most since the brand extension.

Wish WWE would go all the way with this push and have Slater and Rhyno win at Backlash but you gotta keep American Usos strong after their heel turn.

Wonder if the Usos will switch up their theme and attire now?
Thank you GHIMS!!!

omg at this bit...so horrendously bad
  • Rob Van Dam debuted in ridiculous fashion: after being revealed as a mystery opponent for Sting, he pinned Sting in less than a minute after hitting a crossbody and the Rolling Thunder senton. The fans went wild for RVD, but all of this excitement was killed stone dead when Sting grabbed his baseball bat and delivered a beatdown that lasted nearly ten minutes. Security inexplicably prevented Hogan from getting involved, choosing to let Sting beat RVD down as much as he wanted. Sting then hit Hogan with the bat to end the segment, leaving the focus squarely on Sting and Hogan. What a way to debut a big name acquisition.
    • Post-show dirtsheets revealed Sting was rehabbing from shoulder surgery and Hogan was late to the ring, so facepalms all around.
  • RVD was signed to a contract where he was only contractually obligated to make a certain number of appearances. That didn't stop TNA from making AJ Styles (the longest reigning TNA Champ in history at that point) drop the belt to Van Dam on a random Impact  with zero hype. When the number of appearances RVD had made caught up with them, they wrote him off TV by having Abyss attack him with the wooden-board-with-nails he called Janice. The result was...well, as Joey Styles best put it, "I’ve seen wood chipper victims who were less of a mess than RVD. Who books that crap?" TNA said RVD had suffered head and spinal trauma, needed 115 stitches, and could have possibly had punctured organs. As a result of the attack, TNA vacated the World Title. RVD miraculously recovered from these life-threatening injuries in a few months and later defeated Abyss without much difficulty. He spent the next several months *****ing about how he never lost the belt and demanding a title shot.
    • In an interview that took place during his reign as champ, RVD said he would not lose the title to anyone who didn't work during the Attitude Era, then compared himself and Jeff Hardy to rock stars (and buried the rest of the TNA roster in the process). Nice choice of champ there, TNA.

"The Icon Sting wearing a Sting mask?" - Mike Tenay
  • RVD is hit with a chair by a man in the first row wearing a Sting mask. The man took off his mask, revealing himself to be... Sting.
This dude Kurt was wrestling with a concussion this year and half the dudes in this thread think he's gonna return to WWE every week :rofl: :rofl:
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Peeped these on YT and thought they were really cool throwbacks
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