Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

I was worried about AJ coming to WWE and not having the best mic skills or character..But he's really stepped it up and been fantastic..
Gallows and Anderson not on the initial 2K17 roster 
Draft was good..But I'm not sure about any of my picks after the first 3..
– As previously reported, The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast recently interviewed former WWE Superstar Paul London. He shared his thoughts on joining Lucha Underground, WWE’s handling and timing of the Cruiserweight Classic tournament, and also his friend Kevin Owens winning the WWE Universal title. London was very critical of how Triple H was involved with the angle and criticized Triple H of doing so to keep himself relevant. Below are some more highlights and excerpts from the episode.

His thoughts on Kevin Owens winning the WWE Universal Title and Triple H’s involvement: “The thing that really kind of disgusts me is Kevin Steen (Owens) who is one of my favorite people in the world and it really disgusts me is to see Triple H with his phony, fat smile draping all over Kevin Steen and saying that I believed in this guy all along. You know the body-builder, “the game” himself, Mr. Arnold Classic, Mr. Shredded is now super endorsing this non body-builder and who is kind of the anti-pro wrestler if you think about it (and from an attitude standpoint Kevin is amazing) but from that ideal WWE body that they valued and cherished for decades, he doesn’t fit the mold and I love that about him because cookie-cutter is boring. But I just think that this Hunter feigning over him is *******t. It is just that, I think it is bullish*t. I think Hunter just does that to keep himself relevant at these new guys expense. It is almost like he is trying to give himself a rub off of these guys and it disgusts me.”


If there's anyone more bitter than ** ****...it's definitely Paul London :lol:
I know who Paul London is, but I was out of wrestling when he had his run in WWE..I've seen a few matches and watched a couple shoot interview clips of him..In his interviews dude comes across as very bitter and petty..
Apparently somebody had dug up some controversial tweets Noam Dar made in the past..

And they are pretty bad :smh:
As a Raiders fan you're going to hate rooting for Latavius to break a big run

Rodgers/Brown is a nice 1-2 though. Shady has his upside but I'm not as high on him anymore

Except for Rodgers/Brown I was on the fence about all my offensive picks..I was pretty satisfied with my defense and kicker..
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