Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Always liked the 'Perfect Plex.' A suplex & a pin combined!

don't know bout a 'top 5' tho
Ahhh can't forget about Savage's elbow smash
I considered both of these(especially the perfect plex cause I used to do it as a youth when wrestling)but like the Super Kick/DDT they have been watered down and bastardized into becoming regular moves within a match. Or the move was executed poorly by an alleged ring technician. :nerd:
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My top 5:
Diamond Cutter
Total elimination
Rey Misterios Rana to pin
Steiner bulldog from the top rope
George Steele's Flying hammerlock
Kal Rudman to Muraco's defense. :lol:

furiousstylezz furiousstylezz

also possibly a rare vince sr sighting at 2:16

Good looks, never knew Kal Rudman did MSG shows as well. Rudman sometimes broke kayfabe with people lik Muraco when he would do pre match interviews.

That definitely was Vince Sr.

Question, why did Muraco have a lightning bolt on his trunks? He got jacked up when he had his short face stint in the late 80s. The network have any Fuji Vice vids up?
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My top five finishers
No order:
Macho elbow
Lawyer piledriver
Burning hammer
Psychosis top rope leg drop
Harlem hangover
Funny Dragon Kid mastered the MysterioRana to the point where it is called the Dragon Rana

I'll be honest, most of my knowledge of technical maneuver names comes from extensive play of Wrestlemania 2000/No Mercy and the Smackdown series.
 It was always called the Dragon Rana, before that as a kid I just called it "wow." Wiki actually says Dragon Kid innovated the technique in 1997, but I'm pretty sure I remember Rey using it in WCW earlier than that. Either way, it sounds cooler.

speaking of move names, I wonder if a different name for Rollins' move might be more appropriate...something threatening but not socially questionableish, Man Down, Lights Out, 3-Second Stomp, Brick Breaker, maybe even something technical like Axe Stomp or Flying Fumikomi (karate stomp...you can just hear Mauro calling it "...TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD, MAMMAMIA! That's gotta be all for Sheamus!!!")

Man I forgot about the Harlem Hangover, that's definitely a badass move...I like my spine tho. 

I think spike-type piledrivers are probably viewed in the same light as hits to the knee in football and foot stomping in MMA...yeah, you can do it, but it's kind of a **** move unless you actually hate the guy.
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:lol: reaction to the fight
13:09 when he said he was gonna finish him :rofl:
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Man, the pop that Austin got when he interfered in The Rock vs. Mankind where Mankind won the title on Raw was one of the loudest ever.

Crowds back then were so much more into the product, so crazy.
Man, the pop that Austin got when he interfered in The Rock vs. Mankind where Mankind won the title on Raw was one of the loudest ever.

Crowds back then were so much more into the product, so crazy.

They were also running larger venues. And were selling out.
The Rock was so good too. Just ripping off Michael Cole's headphones during a match and doing commentary. Hilarious.

Corporate Rock - Best heel ever?
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