Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

The only reason they got rid of the curb stomp is because they're afraid some little bastard kid will emulate it and hurt someone

Seems like it'd be very difficult for a wrestler to botch that move

I thought it was because of the American History X association?
^ Nah, Vince's reason = imagine if Shane did the Curb Stomp to Stephanie when they were kids
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Mouth on the curb 

Scene made me cringe
The only reason they got rid of the curb stomp is because they're afraid some little bastard kid will emulate it and hurt someone

Seems like it'd be very difficult for a wrestler to botch that move
Never understood this...other fight codes never speak a word about not taking techniques outside of the ring, and it's a hell of a lot easier for a kid to catch somebody in a rear naked choke or punch them in the ******* face than hit 'em with a Styles Clash.
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Seth already has a couple finishers
Phoenix splash... if he ever lands it
Or the frog splash

He should just use the sharpshooter since it is safe and bret would be happy
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I'm working 50 hours every week... And at my new job I can't be on my phone like I could at my old one... And my Internet been wonky for the last 2 weeks :lol:...
Hows the new job? Treating you better? Pay is good? Check in here once in a while man.
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:lol: my real list is

Sweet Chin Music
Stone Cold Stunner
RKO/Diamond Cutter
Powerbomb (any variation)

Honorable Mentions are

Rock Bottom
Macho Man's elbow drop
Spear (Goldberg and Reigns versions)
Frog Splash (RVD and Tanahashi versions, Eddie's gets love too tho)
Lion Tamer
Cattle Mutilation
Hell's Gate
Styles Clash
Go 2 Sleep
Spiral TAP
Rolling Elbow
Ankle Lock
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Top 5 Finishers (no particular order):

Stone Cold Stunner
Scorpion Death Lock
5 * Frog Splach (RVD's version)
Jack Knife Power Bomb (Vader or Sid's are my favorites)..
If you guys were to choose for the Universal title, would you
  • Just have it as the World Heavyweight Championship and bring back the Big Gold
  • Universal name but different belt
  • Different name, different belt
Just curious 
I'm working 50 hours every week... And at my new job I can't be on my phone like I could at my old one... And my Internet been wonky for the last 2 weeks :lol:...
Hows the new job? Treating you better? Pay is good? Check in here once in a while man.

I quit that one and got another with another pay raise :lol:... Now I work in the same kitchen as my girlfriend and we live together :lol:... And it's actually working just great :lol:...
If you guys were to choose for the Universal title, would you

  • Just have it as the World Heavyweight Championship and bring back the Big Gold
  • Universal name but different belt
  • Different name, different belt

Just curious 

I don't mind the name, i just thought it was WWE being lazy with the desing.

I would've had each brand have different belt designs instead of colors.
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