Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Everyone getting married now it's just going to be me and DC in this thread soon.

There was a Burning Hammer on WWE TV last night and it only got a 2 count

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There was a Burning Hammer on WWE TV last night and it only got a 2 count

WWE turning into the indies with all these kick outs of finishers. Times are changing. I can't think of one move that is protected. AJ styles styles clash should not be kicked out of but everyone has kicked out of it.
Did y'all see that PWI ranked Adderall Reigns #1 for this years Top 500..
The logical thing to do would have been to end the match with that

Or not use the move at all

TBK had the best story in the CWC anyway...would have been a crazy upset
WWE stars Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows were guests on the recent edition of The Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, the following are some highlights.

On Their WWE Experience:

Karl Anderson: I don’t think we realized that any of this was going to happen, nor did we care. We are happy that we are here. We’re happy we are going to be on the SummerSlam card. It all just came out of nowhere. It’s been unbelievable.

Luke Gallows: I was 20 years old when I went to Tough Enough. I’ve been wrestling since I was 18. New Japan had breathed new life into me completely, with the [Bullet] Club. Ended up bringing Karl [Anderson] with me to the Club and here we are today.

On Coming Over to the WWE:

Karl Anderson: The fact that we saw a 203 area code call our cell phone (Connecticut area code). I said, brother, the real deal just called us. I had woken up to all those rumors that were starting, it was nuts. The timing worked perfectly to leave; to leave New Japan and do what we are doing here, it’s just been unreal.

Luke Gallows: We had other deals on the table, and then, the Phenomenal One was negotiating. It was a point where we were given offers somewhere else, but it was time, it was the timing. It all just worked out.

On Luke Gallows’ Previous WWE Gimmicks:

Luke Gallows: I have a storied past with great gimmicks. It’s great and it’s nice to come and be myself. Again, that is attributed to the Club and what we did in New Japan and everything like that. To finally be yourself is a complete blessing. This trip to the WWE has been a whirlwind, but great.

Karl Anderson: We are Indy guys. We started in the wrestling business, I think the proper way. I started training at 22 years old and debuted in front of 35 people for Roger Ruffin Bone Crushers Wrestling, and I didn’t get paid nothing. I used to drive an hour and a half and get paid nothing. I drove 16 hours to South Dakota to make $50 to wrestle in front of 8 people. We worked our way up, went to New Japan for 8 years, we linked up, did our thing in New Japan, did our thing here in America on the Indy circuit. It all just worked out so perfectly. Like you said, not caring helped us get to where we are now.

On Going from Being Serious Characters to Comedy:

Karl Anderson: Like Gallows said, it’s been nuts. This last skit we just did, I kept losing it because we had to redo it, it was very funny. We go back and forth in the car. I’m popping him, he’s popping me, we’re just laughingwe’re crying, and AJ has his headphones on because he’s heard these jokes 150 times. Every now and then you’ll hear AJ chuckle, a little pop, so we know we got him, then just looks at us and says we’re stupid, we have fun.

Luke Gallows: It’s part of of being ourselves. We have a big sense of humor. We had our own podcast, that is what, I think we endeared to people that way. We’re not just these mean dudes who beat people up. We clown ourselves constantly so if you can do that, and let everybody in on it too, you’re on the right path.

On The Locker Room Takes Their Sense of Humor:

Luke Gallows: I think you turn into a grizzled young vet after a while. Seriously, we’ve been in the business for 14 years, so it’s kind of ok for us. At first, you’re kind of walking on eggshells, doing all that. It’s kind of our house now, so some people like it, some people don’t.

Karl Anderson: We’re very respectful to the guys. It’s all a tribute to them. Our last Podcast, AJ did a Nature Boy impression, so we’re backstage and give each other a big hug, and would confirm there’d be no heat with the guys. I wake up to messages the next morning where people would say, there’s heat with the Nature Boy, I’m like, what? So, I saw him backstage and gave him a big hug. He loved AJ’s impression too by the way. He thought it was me who would do the impressions.

On the Festus Character:

Karl Anderson: The best part of the Festus character is that we heard from Talent Relations, or the Head of Talent Relations is that Vince doesn’t even remember that he was Festus.

Luke Gallows: I don’t know if we’re even allowed to say the word, but my wife didn’t even know that I was Festus when I married her, which is real.

Karl Anderson: We go up to the Gorilla Position, and Mark Carano would say, I’m going to go tell Vince and remind him that you were Festus. I would say, don’t tell Vince, I need this run right now.

On Their Run from the Indy’s to the WWE:

Karl Anderson: Yeah, I remember before Finn Balor debuted on Raw the other night, that was emotional for me. He’s one of my best friends. Kevin Owens is there, Sami Zayn is there, all my brothers. It’s cool to be one of AJ’s best friends, we’re all on this main roster right now. It’s nuts.

Luke Gallows: I think it’s a credit for all of them, and how hard they’ve worked. To be here right now at this time, I was saying this in another interview before we started. Not only is it a great time for the wrestlers and performers, but it’s also a great time for the fans. It’s kind of like we’re all on this same ride together. You watched us from the beginning and now to see us here it’s very cool.

On Karl Anderson’s Ambition to Be in the WWE:

Karl Anderson: I always wanted to get in the ring with John Cena, and I didn’t realize I would beat him up on Monday Night Raw. Who doesn’t want to work with John Cena? He’s the top of the top. So, I never thought I would get a chance to face any of these guys. I would love to get in the ring with Randy Orton, I think he’s unbelievable. I can name all of them. Getting in the ring with New Day. While we were in New Japan, we would keep an eye out on them. The locker room is great, the boys are cool, everyone is great.

On Their Concerns over the WWE Locker Room Accepting Them:

Luke Gallows: Well, there was a lot of trepidation. We didn’t know it would be like that. We kind of walked in and said, hey we are going to watch out for each other, the three of us are going to watch each other’s backs. Then we got there and, the first few weeks and over the months, the guys have been great. This is awesome.

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