Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Who do you guys think has the best powerbomb?

Still like Sid's.
Regular Power bomb? Or Variation included?

If variations included, I gotta go with the Pearl River Plunge. 

Regular, gotta go with the Jacknife. Diesel dropped them with no regard whether he legit hurt them or not. 
Regular Power bomb? Or Variation included?

If variations included, I gotta go with the Pearl River Plunge. 

Regular, gotta go with the Jacknife. Diesel dropped them with no regard whether he legit hurt them or not. 

Or when he botched and almost broke shows neck
Not that I know of.

Was just curious. Thanks man!

Who do you guys think has the best powerbomb?

Still like Sid's.
Regular Power bomb? Or Variation included?

If variations included, I gotta go with the Pearl River Plunge. 

Regular, gotta go with the Jacknife. Diesel dropped them with no regard whether he legit hurt them or not. 

Pearl River Plunge :smokin Ahmed was that dude!

Kinda liked Y2J's multiple powerbombs. And the Liger Bomb too!
Jericho's double powerbomb was nice. Also liked the Batista Bomb. Vader's was good too.
Ok let me catch up a bit here:

* My Votes go for
1) Eddie Guerrero
2) Kurt Angle

* Sting would be awesome to have as a one off/career ending match at 'Mania. Have Taker come out and put over the dominance he's had in 21 out of 30 WMs and the lights go dark. Silent for a loong time like 90 seconds. Thunder, Lightning and rain hits then the original Crow debut Promo starts until the very end. Another pause, then the "THIS IS STING!" plays, Lights come on and Sting is chilling in the rafters with a Crow. Stare down happens, loud pops tweets and touts ensue and everyone is happy.

Sting is not necessarily the sell here, its the idea that Taker is wrestling someone who he's not familiar with (kayfabe) and the possibility that this "new" guy can end the streak so the sells of that match are anchored by Taker more so than Stinger.

*Best overall powerbomb is a sit-out tiger bomb. Wrestler-specific finisher would be the Jack Knife. Too pretty of a release and amount of velocity for me.
Doctor Bomb was vicious, too.

Regular Power bomb? Or Variation included?

If variations included, I gotta go with the Pearl River Plunge. 

Regular, gotta go with the Jacknife. Diesel dropped them with no regard whether he legit hurt them or not. 

Any variation.

EDIT: :lol: @ that vid
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I think there needs to be some rules/guidelines for posting matches. Maybe each person can have their own week but that week will be carried out by a single Niketalker? That would prevent dozens AND DOZENS of matches just being randomly posted in the thread which wouldn't lead to much centralized discussion.

I think the point of this is DISCUSSION. Watching is part of it but being able to actually DISCUSS these matches with each other will make this special.

The same way ROBPZ was essentially in charge of the HBK matches; every week a different NTer can be in charge of the content of their wrestler. I would be in charge of Muta week. 4W would be in charge of Miz week. Peep would be in charge of Orlando Jordan week.

And I think it should be limited to one match per day. Again, I would love discussion.

Let me know what you all think about that. I don't want to throw rules out there but I think it shouldn't be a free for all posting week of X wrestler by ALL NT dudes.
This answers two questions. While I don't think THIS one is the best, I was always fond of Ultimo Dragon's version of the running LigerBomb. He killed Ron mysterio with it numerous times.

But I found a video of Liger doing it to Misawa, so I guess they have been in the ring together.

There are two vicious powerbombs here from Ultimo to Ron Mysterio.
2:53 mark
5:50 mark (which is one of the greatest ending sequences I have ever seen in a match)

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Damn, the Tag Team division was so stacked back during the brand extension days.

:lol: @ Rey's music and Edge's lack of character back in these days. He was my dude though, I had that Are You An EdgeHead shirt back in the day.

Man whoever said it last week, Seth Rollins' s moveset will be vicious.

Probably one of the better default movesets from original wrestlers since Edge in No mercy.
DC great idea regarding the appreciation week thing. My intended goal was to discuss and learn some history About 80s and early 90s wrestling (born in 1992).
Or when he botched and almost broke shows neck

I was 4th row for that ppv..That was probably the scariest thing I've ever seen at a wrestling event..Nash slipped and just planted Giant right on his neck..I remember we went to the hotel that the wrestlers were staying at and tried to get autgraphs..Giant walked in with a neck brace on and went immediately to the elevator..Dude could barely walk cause he was in so much pain..
DC great idea regarding the appreciation week thing. My intended goal was to discuss and learn some history About 80s and early 90s wrestling (born in 1992).
Yea, so if everyone agrees, I can create a spreadsheet and everyone takes a week and a wrestler.

I was thinking like this.

Post Video
Why was this match important to you: Personal significance. Why are you posting this match? How old were you? How does it connect TO YOU

What should others get from this match: Just like in basketball, people watch matches and see different things. Some might focus on move sets, others might focus on selling, others might focus on crowd involvement.

And it is just another way we can get familiar with each other's tastes. And I know there is a lot of WWE from 07-12 that I need to see and need a REASON to see.
This answers two questions. While I don't think THIS one is the best, I was always fond of Ultimo Dragon's version of the running LigerBomb. He killed Ron mysterio with it numerous times.

But I found a video of Liger doing it to Misawa, so I guess they have been in the ring together.

Thanks DC. Liger is just :smokin

One of the dudes that successfully changed up his style to preserve his career.

*Best overall powerbomb is a sit-out tiger bomb.

Totally forgot about the tiger bomb. That move is just a thing of beauty.
Yea, so if everyone agrees, I can create a spreadsheet and everyone takes a week and a wrestler.

I was thinking like this.

Post Video
Why was this match important to you: Personal significance. Why are you posting this match? How old were you? How does it connect TO YOU

What should others get from this match: Just like in basketball, people watch matches and see different things. Some might focus on move sets, others might focus on selling, others might focus on crowd involvement.

And it is just another way we can get familiar with each other's tastes. And I know there is a lot of WWE from 07-12 that I need to see and need a REASON to see.

Sounds good. Should we keep the votes that were made this past week and do the top 3 as the wrestlers for the next 3 weeks?
Sounds good. Should we keep the votes that were made this past week and do the top 3 as the wrestlers for the next 3 weeks?
Would it be cool if we just randomly selected the order for the Wrestler Weeks? Somebody compile a list of NTer: Wrestler and then from there we can use a random selector system to do the order.

DC: Great Muta
Peep: Orlando Jordan
4W: Miz

Who else

Holombro: HHH
Would it be cool if we just randomly selected the order for the Wrestler Weeks? Somebody compile a list of NTer: Wrestler and then from there we can use a random selector system to do the order.

DC: Great Muta
Peep: Orlando Jordan
4W: Miz

Who else

Holombro: HHH

me: Aldo Montoya
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