Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

http://oi51.tinypic.com/2eahv2v.jpg/oi51.tinypic.com/2eahv2v.jpg"">http://oi51.tinypic.com/2eahv2v.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>" jquery1317868524586="38">
Regardless of that cat loving bastard's tardiness in naming moi as the greatest 1st pick in NTWT history, when it comes to scumbaggery, Catwoman pales in comparison to you, Scumbag Club:

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Spoiler [+]
JR: "Well folks, as you may know, last week the COO GotHolesInMySocks cancelled NTXT due to, what he claims, the underwhelming competition for the young man
that has been creating an ever so increasing buzz for himself since the NTXT auditions were announced. brasilianmami.

Well I've actually been told, by some of the officials, the REAL reason behind GHIMS' haste-like decision.

Apparently, our COO had brasilianmami being pegged as the "next big thing" in NTWE even before NTXT's inception.

GHIMS, though had been becoming increasingly concerned with brasilian's bizarre infatuation with NTWE Diva hopeful, Kaitlyn.

Week after week, brasilianmami would reference Kaitlyn as his snuggle bunny, vanilla milkshake?, ect. all of which came to a head last week, when the two were caught together at the NTXT Audition Ceremony.

Let's take a look."


"It seems as though GHIMS' rushed the decision to move brasilianmami on the roster to help keep his focus for his inevitable NTWE debut."

*music hits*



JR: "well speaking of debuts."


First off, allow me to properly introduce myself.  Hi.... I'm brasilian. mami. 

No, not gender refrence. Gender preference. So you forever alone clones in the audience can pull you pants

back up and deactivate your beast-mode.

brasilianmami, you're asking? It's homage, to my flawless dime-piece, plus an extra dime, of a girlfriend. My girlfriend, I know some of you losers are thinking, " My Girlfriend. that statement sounds familiar to me"

Start with My, flip Girl and Friend put "that is a" in between them.


That's probably the statement you low life ingrates are use to saying.

They say no one is perfect, so she is as close to perfection is it gets. I am the exception. Thus my name, reminding everyone of how superior she is, who is only as perfect as her man. Pay attention drones. Man.

Speaking of my girlfriend... Babe, if you are watching this... that wasn't me in that video........ 

That was me and a bombshell with a tight *@#, that  works out 8 out of 7 days a week.

and you've been slacking on going to the gym. Step it up.

While everyone talks about the intrigue, or lack there of, of the NTSeries, MY (and I can't believe I'm saying this)... MY debut to the NTWE roster has been pushed to the side like an after thought, similar to toine2983's entier career.

There is no reason why my talents, my gif executions, my techniques, and my CHARISMA should be poorly masked, and no I don't mean masked like that sorry excuse of a doppleganger GotHolesInMyShoes, 

poorly. masked. by some ego-tistical tournament for bragging rights.

I, unlike some of you low-level rejects, don't need a "stacked team" to help get me a win instead of  showcase my talent, or in half the rosters' case... lack there of talent.

Even with a team i would still out class and out shine any man, and I use the term man very loosely, in that ring.

So starting now, until i get the attention and respect I deserve, I am going to lay waste to any man that even looks at me the wrong way and leave him lying on his back... realizing why I Am Perfection.


Now Quote. THAT.

*picks mic back up*

Oh and theDEEK, I  realize that you have some sort of sick fetish with me, seeing as you name drop me in every other promo. Well get this, kid. You're no 4Wresting and I am not one of your furry friends. So cut it out.

I mean, if you're so intrigued by my presence, why don't you pay attention to my debut match as I leave my opponent lying on his back.

On his back, a position that you have never had a woman, or even your opponent for that fact in. 

Take some notes and maybe, just maybe you can persuade one of the highly uninterested divas in the back to emulate that position before you die a miserable virgin death.

I'm sorry, what? I (and I'm sure the rest of NTWE), wasn't paying attention to your asshastic remarks.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami


Solid debut junior. I always thought you were some crazed South American Transexual with a name like that. You have a pretty bright future on the NTWE's Sunday Night Heat, I'll give you that.


Maryse >>>> Kaitlyn

Spoiler [+]


Now THAT is a real woman. Keep on dreaming about makeout sessions with your disease infested horse and I'll stick to the certified dimes.

Originally Posted by Peep Game


I clicked on that spoiler expecting more Layla pics. Where in the hell are those Layla pics?!
No details right now, but Hulk Hogan has signed a new deal with TNA. WWE showed no interest in him.
[h1]Breaking News: WWE Suspends Darren Young [/h1]

WWE.com posted the following today…

Inaccordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended FredRosser (Darren Young) for 30 days effective Wednesday, Oct. 5, for hisfirst violation of the company's policy.

The ratings are really going to suffer now...

Originally Posted by YardFather

[h1]Breaking News: WWE Suspends Darren Young [/h1]

WWE.com posted the following today…

Inaccordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended FredRosser (Darren Young) for 30 days effective Wednesday, Oct. 5, for hisfirst violation of the company's policy.

The ratings are really going to suffer now...

I guess now he'll be known as....

Mr. 30 Days Off.
 Vince No Longer TNA's Head Writer
Posted by Dave Mitchell on 10/06/2011 at 01:50 PM

Vince Russo has been removed from his post as the head of TNA's creative team, according to a report byProWrestling.NET

Russo has been replaced by Bruce Prichard, who is also in charge of TNA's talent relations. 

Russo is not entirely gone, as he'll still be one of the senior writers for the show along with writer Matt Conway, but Bruce Prichard will now handle the overall direction of the shows and has the final say on the scripts. 

This major change to TNA's creative structure has been in the works for several months and became official within the past week or so. 

There are said to be mixed feelings in the TNA locker room regarding Bruce Prichard getting so much power in TNA so early into his run with the company - but at the same time, Russo's demotion is sure to make many people happy. 
who is darren young?

also i dont think vince russo is fully to blame why tna sucks... probably wont make a difference...
Originally Posted by theDEEK


4w, you won't even have to ask. You want the most must see NTWE superstar in history to be your ace in the hole at NT Survivor Series. It's time for those B show goons to get put in their place. These glorified jobbers and over the hill veterans need to open their eyes and see that there's a reason their shows are taped and our shows are live.

4w, I will gladly take answer your request for a co captain to team NTRaw. And as Co-Captain,I will assure you a swift and dominating victory for the guys in red.

Because I'm theDEEK.... and I'm..... AWEEESSSSOMEEEE.

PS. - If you're looking for a sure win, don't even bother letting that Sacktown loser Mister916 near this PPV.

Co-Captain?  Don't get ahead of yourself, junior.

There's a reason I'm the reigning NTWT Champion.  I don't come in here ranting and raving every single week.  When I talk, it matters.  When I promise things, I deliver.  And I'll promise you this, you don't want to get on my bad side if you want any shot at being part of the Survivor Series team.  Keep going down the path your on now, because it's only going to take you one place... laying face down on the mat counting the lights in the arena as I walk out victorious again.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Where is that announcement 4w?

You can keep waiting.

With the first draft pick for NTRaw Survivor Series team, I'm selecting someone that I know has the heart to get this team the win.  Someone who took every shot in the book, and kept coming back for more.  He never complained about it.  He never $%%!@@% and moaned.  He didn't cry CONSPIRACY.  Yeah, his voice may have gone up a few octaves, but that didn't stop him.  He took what would have caused most men to quit the business and turned it into the most successful, money making gimmick of the year in NTWT.  He wasn't out here trying to sell Subway sandwiches.  He was out here getting the damn job done.

With the first pick, I'm selecting the Cod Piece of God....

Je Ne Sais Quoi
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by 4wrestling


Really? Really... Really?!

It's been almost three days since you claimed you would start acting like a leader and pick people for team Raw. Everyone seems to think great things of you, you were given the role of top dog without much effort. But now it seems your so-called 'greatness' was just a fabricated vision in the eyes of the weak. If you want to stay at home blowing out banana cat shaped birthday candles wasting away as champion, so be it.

But you've kept NTRaw waiting on your actions (or lack-there-of) long enough. We cannot let your invisible 'leader' act continue.

So now I speak to you, NTRAW. We are being lead into war by the crazy cat lady of the NTWE and I'm not liking our chances of winning under his reign. The top brand is in need of someone who can guarantee victory against the inferior show that is NTDown.

Like Michael Jordan in his prime I can and will lead you all into victory with my extraordinary talents if you know what is good for you. I know GHIMS is a man of smarts, so I expect to hear the answer everyone is already hoping to hear.


I am your hero.
I am your leader.
I am your most valuable player.
I am your savior!



4w, no hard feelings. Hell, if you end up finally acting like you have a set of balls, I might offer you a spot on the team.
Leader? You haven't done a damn thing except look out for yourself.  You think you're big time?  Then take your sorry #*% over to the blue squad.  God knows you'd fit right in with the rest of the losers on that team.  Me and the rest of NTRaw will prove once and for all we are the greatest brand in NTWT, with or without you.


1. 4Wrestling
2. JNSQ (testicles not included)


1. VeintiSiete
2. YardFather
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the first draft pick for NTRaw Survivor Series team, I'm selecting someone that I know has the heart to get this team the win.  Someone who took every shot in the book, and kept coming back for more.  He never complained about it.  He never $%%!@@% and moaned.  He didn't cry CONSPIRACY.  Yeah, his voice may have gone up a few octaves, but that didn't stop him.  He took what would have caused most men to quit the business and turned it into the most successful, money making gimmick of the year in NTWT.  He wasn't out here trying to sell Subway sandwiches.  He was out here getting the damn job done.

With the first pick, I'm selecting the Cod Piece of God....

Je Ne Sais Quoi
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMyShoes

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

a future title shot for gotholesinmyshoes bounty has been offered




The next Heenan Family?

-- WWE Diva Tamina has resumed tweeting on her Twitter page at@TaminaSnuka. She teased that she has her eye on Beth Phoenix’s WWEDivas Title and wrote about Vickie Guerrero inviting her to join herstable:

“Wow what an honor to be invited to join Vickie’sstable. It’s absolutely amazing to be asked by such a strong,independent beautiful woman!â€
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