Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Where is that announcement 4w?

You can keep waiting.

With the first draft pick for NTRaw Survivor Series team, I'm selecting someone that I know has the heart to get this team the win.  Someone who took every shot in the book, and kept coming back for more.  He never complained about it.  He never !$*+%%% and moaned.  He didn't cry CONSPIRACY.  Yeah, his voice may have gone up a few octaves, but that didn't stop him.  He took what would have caused most men to quit the business and turned it into the most successful, money making gimmick of the year in NTWT.  He wasn't out here trying to sell Subway sandwiches.  He was out here getting the damn job done.

With the first pick, I'm selecting the Cod Piece of God....

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

 reat72 wrote:
Vince No Longer TNA's Head Writer


Spoiler [+]
i'm going to miss the weekly heel/face turns and 7 different interferences every main event though. 

Honestly I don't expect any major changes.  Hopefully they prove me wrong, but if we didn't get this news, I doubt we would even notice the difference.
Spoiler [+]

No, this is not a cheap resurrection of someone's old gimmick. This is nothing more than a tribute to one of the best to lace up the boots and NOT be crowned champion.

BUT, this theme song's opening statement illustrates my exact sentiments of what's going on around here. 

I am now a bad guy, a "rudo" for all of our latino constituents. I just want to let you guys know that This "change" is not of my own doing.

You see, the powers that be want me play the brown-noser and I refuse to do so. If I'm not selected for the NTSS team, so be it. Your loss not mine...but don't blame me:

Blame the senile, geriatric wanna-be tough guy who can't even go over a wet newspaper.

Blame the delusional, eccentric, annoying head booker who makes Vince Russo look like Paul Heyman.

No one has accepted my challenge an you know why? because they're scared. They're afraid a young guy like me taking their shine!

This isn't NTNA...you wanna be great? good, go perform sellouts at nursing homes! But don't bring that crap into MY federation.

But as long as I'm here, I WILL make my presence be known. I WILL make sure that you will never forget who I am!

"Enough is Enough...and it's time for a change" And that change is here.

Kid Kash is great at playing the tough guy. He's been an underrated TNA pick up since Destination X.

Also, TNA always looks so much better when it's not in the iMPACT zone. They need to man up and do shows on the road all the time or just give it up. Go all out or forget it.
Looks like this month's episodes of Z! True Long Island Story are going to have a Halloween theme. 
The new Booker T Botchamania intro has me dying.

*runs to the ring and tries to jump over ropes, tumbles through the 2nd rope and gets up*

*grabs mic, remembers he has a mouth-less mask on and tosses the mic aside accidentally hitting the camera man..then just points again*

*exits ring, turns around at the ramp...points again*
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

anyone who thought the hulk retirement was legit is a buffoon..
Apparently Knoxville is full of idiots.
I could barley stomach the "Thank You Hogan" chants.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Looks like this month's episodes of Z! True Long Island Story are going to have a Halloween theme.�
@%@* CM Punk, i want 20 min God Ziggler shoot promos on Raw every week. 
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones


*runs to the ring and tries to jump over ropes, tumbles through the 2nd rope and gets up*

*grabs mic, remembers he has a mouth-less mask on and tosses the mic aside accidentally hitting the camera man..then just points again*

*exits ring, turns around at the ramp...points again*

"I had that steak this morning at Denny's."

-Booker T

The greatest announcer in the history of our great sport.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones


*runs to the ring and tries to jump over ropes, tumbles through the 2nd rope and gets up*

*grabs mic, remembers he has a mouth-less mask on and tosses the mic aside accidentally hitting the camera man..then just points again*

*exits ring, turns around at the ramp...points again*

[h1]WWE Posts Sin Cara News[/h1]
WWE.com has an interesting article up on the history of both Sin Caras, including the issues with the Mistico stage name. CMLL and AAA were mentioned a number of times throughout the article, which is quite unusual. You can check it out by clicking here.

WWE has applied for a new trademark for Sin Cara in Mexico.

[h1]Goldust/Rhodes Feud?[/h1]
Goldust continues to tease his return to the ring and a potential feud with brother Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes: "On any given day i can have my ic title back…..for now i wait for the opportune time…patience my young padiwans"
[h1]Averno To WWE?[/h1]
In an interview over the weekend the weekend, Averno again stated that if a WWE deal comes his way he would be interested, but that his heart was in Mexico. He also commented on WWE becoming so popular in Mexico, and noted that the wrestlers themselves are to blame because they go out and throw around these big challenges for mask and hair matches but never deliver. He continued on saying that this sort of thing angers the fans because they get their hopes and that the wrestlers do not deliver.

[h1]ESPN On WWE/Unions[/h1]
Grantland.com, an ESPN subsidiary, has a great article up coming off of the walkout on RAW Monday night looking at WWE and unionization, both real and scripted. You can check it out by clicking here.
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