Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Originally Posted by masondid

Ranking these chicks in order of preference

1) Velvet
2) Madison
3) Mickie
4) Angelina
5) Winter
6) Karen

You can't go wrong in ranking them where you do... They all have that "I take like champ" mentality about them...

Have you looked at Angelina lately? 

My rankings (strictly on looks and how good I think they'd be, no baggage included):

1) Velvet

2) Mickie

3) Madison

4) Karen

5) Winter

6) Angelina
Traci just made had a change of heart on my rankings..

4w I agree with you on her look tonight and lately. She has looked better.
This was pretty much a big cluster****, but anyway.  Winter accidentally spit blood into Karen's eyes.  Mickie had Winter beat for the pin, but no ref.  Traci Brooks came down to the ring.  Velvet hit the X-Factor on Madison to get the win and become the new Knocksouts Champion.
Daniels vs Styles in an I Quit Match up next.
mickie is crazy old looking.
based soley on sex appeal.

1)awesome kong
3)velvet (even tho she looks like a trailer slum *$+$*)
she's no Kaitlyn but 

They're selling the I Quit stip way too early. Seeing if he's going to quit from an abdominal stretch? I don't like this.
This match sucked. They had the mic turned on the whole match, and it was just a ton of moaning and grunting. There weren't many good submission spots to get an "I Quit" but they kept asking over and over. Daniels tried to use a screwdriver, but AJ stopped him. Daniels opened a chair over AJ's neck and sat on it. Daniels got on the mic and went on and on about how he didn't want AJ to quit, he wanted to murder him.

Styles eventually took control back. He got the screwdriver to attack Daniels, and Daniels quit immediately and ran away from the ring.

As Styles was leaving, Daniels attacked him from behind and laid him out saying Styles never beat him.

This entire thing sucked.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I am really, really looking forward to this match, just to see how they pull it off.

Can't been any worse than the Starrcade 97 match. 

Honestly though.
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