Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

why did they blade them selves

kinda takes away from the moment...
The reports must be true that Angle is really hurt, because there is no way the main event would be this short otherwise.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Flair jumped Sting after the match.

Immortal is out. Bully, Gunner, Steiner and Bischoff all beating on Sting. Taking turns with a steel chair. Bischoff gets the chair, but his son takes it away from him, so Bischoff takes his son out.

Sting crawls toward Hogan begging him for help. Immortal pulls Sting away. Hogan Hulks up in the corner. He takes out each member of Immortal. Sting and Hogan work together to beat down all of Immortal and then lay Bischoff out.

I really enjoyed this. Very nostalgic and a feel good segment with two legends.

wwe really skewing your entertainment threshold that drastically huh?
i understand what they were trying to do but that ending was awful.
I guess I probably would've enjoyed the post match stuff a lot more if I had actually been following the angle.

I don't see anyway Roode loses this match.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I really enjoyed this. Very nostalgic and a feel good segment with two legends.

wwe really skewing your entertainment threshold that drastically huh?
i understand what they were trying to do but that ending was awful.
No, the segment worked. The crowd in Philly went crazy. That says a lot to me.
Originally Posted by YardFather

I guess I probably would've enjoyed the post match stuff a lot more if I had actually been following the angle.
Actually probably not, because the ending really made no sense 

Like I said, I just took it for what it was.  The wrestling wasn't good.  The angle didn't make sense.  But two of the biggest legends in wrestling went out on top with the crowd loving it.  I enjoyed it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by YardFather

I guess I probably would've enjoyed the post match stuff a lot more if I had actually been following the angle.
Actually probably not, because the ending really made no sense 

Like I said, I just took it for what it was.  The wrestling wasn't good.  The angle didn't make sense.  But two of the biggest legends in wrestling went out on top with the crowd loving it.  I enjoyed it.


It was pretty cool seeing the crowd pop big for the Hogan shirt rip though.

Crowd is kind of dead now.
They had a rushed match. I don't know if was because Angle was injured (which he legit was) or because they didn't lay out the show well and were running late.

Anyway, the match was pretty good, lots of submissions and reversals of submissions.

Crowd was semi-dead at first, understandably coming off the Hogan/Sting segment, but as the match went on, it turned into dueling chants for Angle and Roode.

The finish was Roode went for a fisherman's suplex, but Angle countered and hit the Angle Slam. He made the cover, but Roode got his arm under the bottom rope AND Angle held on the middle rope to make the cover. The ref saw neither. Angle won and retained the title. End of show.
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

@ people who ordered this, what a joke

Top to bottom, this show was better than Mania.  So if you look at it on the scale of how good each company's biggest show of the year was, that's a plus for TNA.
The negatives of this PPV were the women's match, Daniels/Styles, and the finish to the main event.

Overall, still a slightly thumbs up PPV for me.
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