Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

You're taking GHIMS's 'call promo's boring because he can't fire back with anything entertaining himself gimmick'.

Brasilian > you from the audience standpoint.

You might need to take on a more fitting gimmick for your lack in promo skills.
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

You're taking GHIMS's 'call promo's boring because he can't fire back with anything entertaining himself gimmick'.

Brasilian > you from the audience standpoint.

You might need to take on a more fitting gimmick for your lack in promo skills.
Spoiler [+]

and now u wanna take a shot at me.
u know what, i have been seeing the utter lack of respect by some of u, som who i went and flew to your homes and offered u a contract.

but seeing as how the ones who keeep on with the bashing forget, im head writer.

4w gave me his full support which means he knows i can handle the critics and the so-called "revolt" that never happened.

from now on i'll just take notes of the disrespectful, ungrateful piss ants around here.

i will make examples out of all of you.




In a LOSER IS FIRED match!!!!!!
oh and JNSQ, u will compete at NTSeries.

your match will be revealed Nov. 1st.

if you fail to show up at the NTPPV, u will not get any title shot opportunities for a whole year.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

You're taking GHIMS's 'call promo's boring because he can't fire back with anything entertaining himself gimmick'.

Brasilian > you from the audience standpoint.

You might need to take on a more fitting gimmick for your lack in promo skills.
Spoiler [+]
*pics up mic*

theGeek thinks I'm more Lashley than I am Jeribkmac?

Listen you chumbucket. My right pinky toe has more in-ring, and mic talent, than Lashley, brasil, or even you.


It's real simple. I'm tired, so I'm keeping this short and sweet before I depart for the morning. I've been on NTWE for a while now, and still have not had a match? Why is that you ask? I wish I had the answer. The NTWE fans love Jeribkmac. Deep down, I know Upper Management loves Jeribkmac too. I provide for this company, I provide for the Jeriholics. Do I get anything in return? Jack #@+!. I want a match, I need a match. At this point, throw me in a match with JSNQ and call it "Loser Has A (in his case, remaining) Testicle Removed match. I don't need both, I still rock the $#+! out of stages


and the ring. In Japan, WCW, WWF, whenever, wherever.

It's time Jeribkmac gets recognized, and when I do, I'm going to make sure NTWE will neverrrr....everrrrrrrrrr.... be the same, agaiiiiiiin!


*holds onto mic, because I'm bad #!+ and don't like pipebombs*
Originally Posted by theDEEK

There's a guy named Celticspride on the roster?

Who in the blue hell is that man?
RKO and him have had no activity probably (I haven't noticed any), so this is probably a wake up call for them
I want a match at Survivor Series..............listen to the people....................they want a real wrestler...............not the same crap you've been forcing down their throats for 10 years!!!!!
Originally Posted by theDEEK

You're taking GHIMS's 'call promo's boring because he can't fire back with anything entertaining himself gimmick'.

Brasilian > you from the audience standpoint.

You might need to take on a more fitting gimmick for your lack in promo skills.
Spoiler [+]
My voice is deeper than Bobby Lashley's, and I'm like 1/3 his size.

And that's how ya do it 4w, call out the worst pic ever of Kaitlyn

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

So there is one spot left and 5 legitimate candidates....
In the interest of fairness, i propose the first ever Pentagon match at NTSS
Mason Dot.
Fly Edgar (or Chris Hero....or CM Punk.....)
Jim Ross the great
Burger King Mack

with the victor to join the team for the main event later on in the event.
it can be in a



maybe a


the place is NTWWE

the time is NTSS...
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by theDEEK

There's a guy named Celticspride on the roster?

Who in the blue hell is that man?
RKO and him have had no activity probably (I haven't noticed any), so this is probably a wake up call for them
The wake up call for NTWT and especially GHIMS is coming... SOON. HA!



In a LOSER IS FIRED match!!!!!!

Loser is fired? Ouch. You should be nicer. Smile more.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

This is what you dudes are always hyping up? 


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and for someone that doesn't like her i find it funny that you're stalking my voluptuous hunk of woman meat's twitter account.

what up peep.


[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)][live via satellite in JNSQ's home][/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]gHHHims' Stooge[/color] Now Mr. sais quoi, what do you have to say for your actions and behavior towards Mr. Holes, he's been calling you out to the ring and has stated you will indeed have a match on NTSS announced on November 1st.


[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]JNSQ[/color] Well, we all know the bad blood started after NTWM. Even though my voice has finally become normal, and my balls have finally come home from their long journey, Holes never wants people to forget. He, himself, has said the past is the past, yet he still brings it up, going so far as to call me "ball-less" and putting "testicles not included" next to my name when I was on the NTraw team. So if he doesn't want people to forget, well...I won't let people forget either. To the boys in the truck, play that tape...







Now with that aside, let me address gHHHims and the rest of the roster. gHHHims, I refuse to do business with you, a booker with an imagination that of an infant. I'm still under contract, getting paid guaranteed pretend money. So what I'm going to do, as one of the big draws in this business, is take my ball and leave. I'll be sitting here, at home, watching the horrible product you continue to push on my monitor. I don't give a damn if 4w gives his support, you must've earned it cleaning kitty litter with your tongue.

Go ahead and continue this charade that is NTSS. You and I both know this is a ploy to get the roster to feel some false team camaraderie and to get the attention off your back...for only a moment. See, after this useless NTraw vs NTDown is settled, they'll realize the same system keeping them down will still be keeping them down. Club will not put anyone over except 4w, and no one will get a shot at anything. You all might as well date Melina because you'll all be in the doghouse very soon.

And gHHHims, you mentioned flying to people's homes and offering them contracts.
Whether you offer me a new contract or try to terminate me, come to my house...
Club will not put anyone over except 4w, and no one will get a shot at anything. You all might as well date Melina because you'll all be in the doghouse very soon.
Dont bring me into this.

I jobbed, gave 4W his little Lifetime Achievement Award, and now he's like a God to many of you.

I do it when it counts and when it means something.

You're just upset because your silly little roster is imploding with each passing day.

"friends" at eachothers throats. the lines of Shoot and Work being blurred more and more.

Everyone on NTDown knows i have no interest in being chums or pals once NTseries ends.

Infact, i very much look forward to kicking out of their finishers and stacking them all like pancakes and Jericho-pinning them.

But that will have to wait until after November.

Ironic that the so called "B-Show" is looking more and more like the Primetime brand.

Thats leadership, kids.

Club27, baby.
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Bare with me, I'm recording this from my house and will be posting this on youtube 

As stated by 4W's recent post, he made a claim that I wasn't on my game. And it hurts me to admit it, but Matt Hardy Version 67.9 was lost for a while.  But I am back with a full vengeance.  Aside from eating and plotting my suicide, I've come to terms that I want a change as well, I want to live a better life.. and want to do that by joining 4W and co on team NTRaw.  Those idiots from NTSD will shiver in fear when they see the new me.


I know 4W does not like me personally, and frankly.. I don't really care, I am the best 400 pound wrestler that does not have a job.  I'll be sure to make NTRaw proud and promise to do meth only after the match is over and NTRaw stands victorious.

I've been hearing rumblings of a rift between GHIMS, JNSQ and Lobo… I can see this place needs a little excitement and there's nothing more exciting than seeing what Matt Hardy will do each week.  I will bring the realness and sadness when is needed because I am Matt Hardy Version 68.2.

Anyone in this thread willing to admit that they WOULD NOT ever so gently tap their penis on those lips are either liars or Billy and Chuck marks.
JNSQ, YOU WILL compete at NTSeries.

U will have 2 matches.

Your first match will be a street fight with an opponent of my choosing.

Should u win that match, u will be one of the 3 men who will compete for the vacant NTercontinental title in a ladder match.

Hymen, very good promo, i'm sure u are on 4w's radar.
BKmac, very good promo.

Lobo, the following raw after NTSeries, i will deal with your past actions. I dont forget.

Gunna, u are not a member of the NTWE roster, u cant have a match at NTSeries. but u did give me 1 hell of an idea. more to come on that.

i was thinking......6 NTPPV's a year.

1. NTMania
2. NTSlam
3. NTSeries
4. NTRumble
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