Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

While the tag team match was obvious...I don't like Punk and HHH as friends. Just a few months ago he was the heel of all heels vs HHH and Co. now they are tag partners...just doesn't flow
Tonight's RAW was an entire headache. I can't even talk about the NTWE right now. Honestly, a lot of what I have to say will correlate to what you just witnessed tonight on RAW.

I'll refrain from making my comments and ideas public tonight. I'll be posting a shoot promo tomorrow 10pm Eastern.

That is all for now. Until tomorrow...

Um. I actually do think this works. HHH was screwed just as much as Punk. Everyone hates HHH anyway. I just think this makes us (this wrestling group of fans) not complain about Cena.

I am not a fan but I think it is stupidly understandable why they are teaming up especially since they made it out just now that they are being forced to be partners
I didn't watch the entire raw.. I tune in right when jr was getting fired. . Look like wwe is back to the status quo.. not giving a damn what the fans want..
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Um. I actually do think this works. HHH was screwed just as much as Punk. Everyone hates HHH anyway. I just think this makes us (this wrestling group of fans) not complain about Cena.

I am not a fan but I think it is stupidly understandable why they are teaming up especially since they made it out just now that they are being forced to be partners
It makes absolutely no sense.  Punk supposedly came back to WWE because he wanted to spark change. Change that started with removing HHH from power.  Now, just a month after one of the "biggest matches in WWE history" where HHH beat Punk clean, they are now best friends working together.
For weeks now, Cena and Punk have been happy as can be working together in the ring.  Why?  No reason, just because both are babyfaces.

HHH screwed Cena out of the title at Summerslam, but that was completely dropped.

Del Rio is the champion and a complete afterthought.

And what the hell happened to Nash?  Not that I want him there, but he did lay out Punk and HHH at Night of Champions.

WWE just keeps throwing random shows together every week that don't logically go together and I'm sick of it.

I know I didn't watch much of Raw tonight, but Vince just comes back to announce HHH is out of power?  I hated the walkout last week, and this just made it worse.  I thought Vince's return was supposed to be the big culmination of all this.

So now that HHH is no longer in power, I guess whoever was backstage sabotaging HHH as COO is just forgotten about.

I could go on, but I don't feel like ranting anymore.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Um. I actually do think this works. HHH was screwed just as much as Punk. Everyone hates HHH anyway. I just think this makes us (this wrestling group of fans) not complain about Cena.

no offense but fans like you are the reason why the writers get away with this nonsense.
 no long term thought process with the attention-span of an 8 week old gerbil.
The only good thing about this RAW was the beat down on Morrison and the short hope for a stable out of those 4 guys.

Too bad we probably won't even get that.

This RAW ruining NTWT for tonight.
What in the #$#$ did I just watch?

Co-sign all of 4w's confusion.

Nothing makes sense.

To top it all off, just when they start doing something right with the booking of Henry, he essentially is buried by Orton tonight for what reason?

Why is Cena facing Del Rio at Vengeance? I mean at least say he's cashing in his rematch clause.

Whats the point of firing JR? I'm officially going on record and declaring Michael Cole the worst commentator in history.

Apparently HHH had to turn in his suit along with his COO duties as well.

Man I didn't even bother with Niketalk today, seeing how unbearable yuku has been the last few days.

Raw was interesting tonight, and not necessarily in a good way.

Punk all lovey dovey with Cena and Triple H.

 @ Morrison getting buried. Melina gonna be responsible for ruining two WWE careers.

And JR's firing was beyond pointless. I swear Vince gets off on berating and humiliating Jim Ross.
I think the whole reason the Punk HHH feud was dropped is cause the walkout was litterally the most ******ed thing a wrestler could do. Thats why Punk, Cena, Sheamus were not going to become embattled with HHH. Not to mention that after NOC didnt HHH and Punk essentually come to the group conclusion that they were both getting played.  The title plays no factor when both guys walk out which devalued the titles to its lowest status in history.
It doesnt make total sense by any stretch, but Cena Punk and HHH working together for what can be termed a common interest still makes sense. I think keeping Punk in a feud with HHH would have Punk being petty and is too risky. He can still be a tweener, but if they had him feuding with Cena and HHH while the company was in seige it would make Punk a heel.

 The booking has not followed the storyline in making sense though and thats my issue more than anything.
Cena should not have won the title after Del Rio got it. Orton and now Big Show should not be burying Henry. The midcard with Swagger and Ziggler still makes no sense, and the heel guys are just serving as lackys to Henry and Del Rio. With the headline feud, its clear that while no guy is going to show waverance in their support for the longterm future of the company, they hate Laranitis. I think that whats going to happen is that we could get another overbooked version of the past 2 PPV's except the faces go over again and show solidaridy going into Survivor Series.

As far as Larangitis, firing JR was just some cheap heel heat. Not to mention that the 3 man booth wasnt working for RAW, and this is just the solution. As far as HHH's wardrobe change, it to me signifies 2 things 1 he wasnt fully commited to being COO, and or he knew this would be his last night. I thought it was unnecessary, but it signified that HHH the wrestler was back.
I am not 100% behind the writing, or the booking, but people got their panties in a bunch with NWO talk, and the ambiguity of the storyline and its making them ignore the words were getting every week, and the words of last night
I should've kept it on the Lions/Bears game the whole time. Besides Henry & Rhodes looking strong against Orton, Henry
providing some lulz with rolling around and making a pin after the match was over, the 6 man tag, and Clay vignette, this
Raw was just there. Can somebody tell me why Rosa is still on the roster? I get that KK is the golden girl and isn't going
anywhere, even if she can't wrestle, but Rosa is even MORE awkward and clumsy in the ring than KK.
How long has Cody Rhodes been doing the paper bag thing? So does this mean Orton is going to go after the IC Title? Que?
I'm not sure if Jim Ross is fired, FIRED from WWE, but he will no longer be a TV announcer.
He was not aware (very few were) of the firing segment before it actually happened.  That is why JR's reaction was so genuine of "screw this place" as he walked out.  His wife was also sitting directly behind him in the front row.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

How long has Cody Rhodes been doing the paper bag thing? So does this mean Orton is going to go after the IC Title? Que?

Too long, along with that awful "villain" voice he does.
It will be Orton vs Rhodes at Vengeance, but I doubt the IC Title is on the line.  That's below the great Randy Orton.
Do Amy Smart and Ethan Embry really need to work with Cena to get back on screen?

Punk turns on Trips at Vengance. Joins Miz and Truth. They all go on to collect every piece of gold in the WWE. Boom.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I'm not sure if Jim Ross is fired, FIRED from WWE, but he will no longer be a TV announcer.
He was not aware (very few were) of the firing segment before it actually happened.  That is why JR's reaction was so genuine of "screw this place" as he walked out.  His wife was also sitting directly behind him in the front row.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]classy. way to go.[/color]
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Do Amy Smart and Ethan Embry really need to work with Cena to get back on screen?

Punk turns on Trips at Vengance. Joins Miz and Truth. They all go on to collect every piece of gold in the WWE. Boom.
That's too logical. It's more like HHH & CM Punk become really good friends, and they beat Air Boom for the
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Do Amy Smart and Ethan Embry really need to work with Cena to get back on screen?

Punk turns on Trips at Vengance. Joins Miz and Truth. They all go on to collect every piece of gold in the WWE. Boom.

Miz and Truth get buried. and instead of GTS. HHH pulls them off Punk's shoulders and Pedigrees everyone. Water will be spit in the air. Screaming will be done. Crotch chops and DX signs. Time to play the game.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

How long has Cody Rhodes been doing the paper bag thing? So does this mean Orton is going to go after the IC Title? Que?

Too long, along with that awful "villain" voice he does.
It will be Orton vs Rhodes at Vengeance, but I doubt the IC Title is on the line.  That's below the great Randy Orton.

So....Rhodes will be RKO'd into oblivion and then whomever will be next in line to feud with Orton comes out and attacks him?
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

How long has Cody Rhodes been doing the paper bag thing? So does this mean Orton is going to go after the IC Title? Que?

Too long, along with that awful "villain" voice he does.
It will be Orton vs Rhodes at Vengeance, but I doubt the IC Title is on the line.  That's below the great Randy Orton.

So....Rhodes will be RKO'd into oblivion and then whomever will be next in line to feud with Orton comes out and attacks him?

Most likely because that program isn't continuing through Survivor Series.
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