Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Mark Henry would've made it down to the ring faster than him :lol:

Also, I flipped during the Truth/Woods tag match with it already in progress. How exactly did they introduce Woods? Did he just randomly come out with Truth? If so, that's weak :lol:

That is 100% verbatim exactly what happened.
I tweeted 4w last night to let him know Ramon Sterio was back. He didn't tweet back :frown:

He probably had no idea who this random person tweeting at him was :lol:
Discussion question:

Who was the better overall wrestler (in ring, promo work, connection with the fans)?

Jericho or HBK

I used to say HBK is the GOAT but now that I think about it, Y2J might be better. HBK has the slight upper edge in the ring, but Jerichos work on the mic crushes HBK
From Noqu.com
Disgusting, Dirty, Filthy, Ugly, Two Dollar, Bottom-Feeding, Trashbag *** 
Stephanie McMahon 

Chris Benoyt 
Chris Benoit 

Mr. Roboto 
Chris Benoit 

Triple H 

"Stone Cold" Steve ***-Clown 
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin 


Kirk Angel 
Kurt Angle 

Mr. T 
Booker T 

JoJo Dillon 
J.J. Dillon 

Bobby Dumb-Crumb Junior 
Bobby Duncum, Jr. 


Howard Finkle 

Gene Mene 
Mean Gene Okerlund 


Hoot-n-Toot Guerrera 
Juventud Guerrera 

Quazzy Juice 
Juventud Guerrera 

Baldcore Holly 
Hardcore Holly 

Larry Lane 
Lenny Lane 

Lizmark, Jr. 

Madison Square Jericho 
Madison Square Garden 

Dean-o Machine-o 
Dean Malenko 

Stinko Malenko 
Dean Malenko 

Bore-Us Malenko 
Boris Malenko 

Flea Marshall 
Lee Marshall 

Ron Mysterio, Jr. 
Rey Mysterio, Jr. 

Shahima Nobogawunga 
Shima Nobunaga 

Shimo Rammalammadingdong 
Shima Nobunaga 


Prince Nakamaki 
Prince Iaukea 

Raw is Snore 
Raw is War 

P.S. Saturn 
Perry Saturn 

Ru Saturn 
Perry Saturn 

Tony Skeeivone 
Tony Schiavone 

Ken Scamrock 
Ken Shamrock 

Summer Sham 
Summer Slam 

Trash Stratus 
Trish Stratus
Hoot-n-Toot Guerrera 
PS Saturn
Mark Henry would've made it down to the ring faster than him :lol:

Also, I flipped during the Truth/Woods tag match with it already in progress. How exactly did they introduce Woods? Did he just randomly come out with Truth? If so, that's weak :lol:

That is 100% verbatim exactly what happened.

Man that sucks. They could've just had JTG accompany Truth and accomplish the same

PS Saturn :rofl:
Discussion question:

Who was the better overall wrestler (in ring, promo work, connection with the fans)?

Jericho or HBK

I used to say HBK is the GOAT but now that I think about it, Y2J might be better. HBK has the slight upper edge in the ring, but Jerichos work on the mic crushes HBK

I approve of this post.

But as far as connection with the fans...

HBK blows Y2J out of the water. It isn't even close IMO.
They never put as much stock in Jericho as they did with HBK. They gave him the undisputed title run but that was overshadowed by the NWO, Rock v Hogan, hell even his match with Trips was more about Steph and the dog than Jericho.
I approve of this post.

But as far as connection with the fans...

HBK blows Y2J out of the water. It isn't even close IMO.
You think? 

But now that I think about it, you're right. I tend to forget about HBKs 2000s run when he sobered up and stuff. Damn was he over with the fans.
I'd put heel douche HBK on par with anything Jericho has done. Only thing is, Jericho has always been naturally great at promos. HBK had to build up to that. Early fresh faced Michaels was basically a pre- Nexus member :lol:
Got the last item for my elf. Now to ship it all.

Might take a while since he lives on the other side of the map from me.
I'd put heel douche HBK on par with anything Jericho has done. Only thing is, Jericho has always been naturally great at promos. HBK had to build up to that. Early fresh faced Michaels was basically a pre- Nexus member :lol:

Only 97-98 and the 05 feud with Hogan promos are good HBK promos.
His work with Undertaker and the WM XX Triple Threat match were awesome. How he basically went psycho in order to get revenge on HHH
Only 97-98 and the 05 feud with Hogan promos are good HBK promos.


That's why I said in the last thread that Shawn isn't a 10/10..His mic work isn't in the upper echelon of wrestling history..Dude isn't even in the top 25, possibly top 50 when it comes to mic work..

But his in ring work, while not as expansive, is still above Y2J..Chris could never get the emotion out of a match/tell a story in the ring like HBK..

That's why I said in the last thread that Shawn isn't a 10/10..His mic work isn't in the upper echelon of wrestling history..Dude isn't even in the top 25, possibly top 50 when it comes to mic work..

But his in ring work, while not as expansive, is still above Y2J..Chris could never get the emotion out of a match/tell a story in the ring like HBK..

I think that has something to do with character and not really skill. HBK was either the prick you wanted to see get his *** kicked(ex HIAC 97) or the never say die baby face would looked like he was about to die at any moment( ex Summerslam 96) Jericho on the other was pretty much a douche bag that had a smart mouth and always kinda deserved what he got. He couldn't get that much emotion out of his character because of his character IMO.
At least they waited some years for Rey and Punk to do that instead of a month later.

Miz turning back heel was long overdue in the midst of this failed face turn. "Look at me crowd, I turned heel!" :lol:

Sucks that Show/Orton/HHH will be the focus of Survivor Series instead of the majority of guys in the 12 man tag last night. 45 minutes of that type of action to close out a PPV is much better than whatever HHH/SHow/Orton will do

Minus the Laker stuff, awesome suni pic :pimp:
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