Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Anyone else watch Countdown on the craziest ladder matches? Ambrose critiquing the matches are :rofl:
John Pollock from Live Audio Wrestling and Court Bauer from MLW Radio are back discussing:

-Jim Ross and Ring of Honor shows from this past weekend in Toronto

-Greek food in Toronto and Bauer contracting the 0937 virus

-How the show held up on Ustream and going into War of the Worlds this Saturday in New York City

-WWE and USA Network expected to make announcement on Thursday

-What will be a success for the domestic rights contract

-The WWE setting the bar high for success with these negotiations

-Argument against a significant rights fee increase

-How this affects TNA and a key reason they are working with UTA

-The downside of pro wrestling programming when comparing to other sports programming

-Daniel Bryan neck injury and the current depth situation on top

-The NXT experiment and what we can take from the talent produced thus far

-Adam Rose and why the character is struggling after two-weeks

-Cult characters being put onto a larger stage

-GFW announcement for talent seminar in Canada

-World Class Championship Wrestling programming on the WWE Network

-Kerry Von Erich's promos

-A look at the ROH War of the Worlds card this weekend

-The release date for the new WWE 2K15 video game has been pushed back. Instead of the usual October release, the new WWE video game is scheduled for an early 2015 release, likely in March, which would coincide with WrestleMania 31.

There hasn’t been a lot of details revealed about the specifics of the game, however there is rumors that a “My Career” mode will be replacing the “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode, which would feature the player of the game starting out in NXT and working their way up to the main roster, and ultimately to championship glory.

FINALLY!!!! Nxt mode. This could be epic and worth the wait
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Should the Diving Headbutt be banned?

On Thursday, WWE Champion Daniel Bryan will undergo Neck Surgery.

There are many theories as to why Bryan is undergoing this surgery.

The biggest theory in this is because he does the Diving Headbutt which was a trademark move by The Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit.

The move is a big reason why Dynamite is in a wheelchair right now while the high spot is a reason why Benoit's brain suffered significant damage at the time of his infamous death in 2007.

LAW Message Board Members, Is it time for all promotions in Professional Wrestling to ban the Diving Headbutt like the Piledriver and Unprotected Chair Shots To The Head?

Harley Race made the move and he has said that it was the biggest mistake he ever did. On a personal level I think the move is dumb, you go throw all the effort to jump off the ropes to hit your opponent in the body with your head! Why not use your torso with a splash or anything else that looks more impressive & impactful?
I know there's no definitive proof of the diving headbutt causing these issues directly but it's hard to argue it when you look at the 4 biggest users and the physical toll it's taken on them.

I wish man. I remember when it dropped our whole JV BBall team(my sophomore year) would watch it together. Ish was a life changer. Everyone wanted handles like Skip to My Lou...
watched these religiously...skip is a legend...rafer alston to those that dont know.

rock sold great imo,not cartoonish at all...he made the other guy look super strong with their finishers,i can appreciate that.although i admit it looks a bit odd him selling so hard and being so big,but if a little guy did it i guess it  would look more  realistic to u guys.
Anyone watch The Real Rocky on Netflix? There's a little Vince/Andre segment.

I also watch a documentary about a little Christian wrestling promotion. It was okay.
Who has beaten Hogan clean? List can't be that long.

Piper beat him at Starrcade 96, only time I can remember Hogan submitting. I was hyped thinking Piper won the title....only to find out it was a non-title match. Even at their respective peak, WCW did some dumb stuff
Does Luger count as beating Hogan clean? I don't really remember the match tho.

Oh man I marked out and went bat crazy as a kid when Lex threw Hogan up in that Torture Rack.... only to watch him lose the title six days later.

Pee Wee Anderson combo look of shock and joy helped make the moment seem even more epic

MAN EFF HOGAN. He really never got his comeuppance during that nWo angle. The nWo angle should have ended with Hogan being pulled out of an arena in a stretcher a broken man.
Does Luger count as beating Hogan clean? I don't really remember the match tho.

Oh man I marked out and went bat crazy as a kid when Lex threw Hogan up in that Torture Rack.... only to watch him lose the title six days later.

Pee Wee Anderson combo look of shock and joy helped make the moment seem even more epic

MAN EFF HOGAN. He really never got his comeuppance during that nWo angle. The nWo angle should have ended with Hogan being pulled out of an arena in a stretcher a broken man.

Hell yes it was clean.. He beat up like 72 NwO members...

Also, I fully support the flying headbutt to be banned...
Pretty sure Sting beat Hogan clean too..Made him tap to the Scorpion Death Lock for the title..
This just further proves the idea that smart fans (and Joey styles) are in charge of the WWE Online Content.

I find this to be very disrespectful to Tyson Kidd as a man. I know this is manipulated TV, so I am blaming WWE for this one. But Natalya has to agree to it as well. This is foul man. She just got married but why even put this out in the open like that? Foul.

About D.Bryan using the diving headbutt, I think he shouldn't use it. Every time I see him go up to the top I cringe cause I know what happened to Benoit and those dives take their toll.
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