Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

**** banning moved,idc they know the risk. i dont want no watered down wrestling to go along with watered down story lines.i would just stop watching altogether.

their better just letting him keep the title.let him do some mic work some weeks,then build up a feud until hes ready to wrestle.theyve done it before,it can be done if done right,just please nooo more kane.

nows the time for them to start building the new talent for the main event scene,reigns is a few months away.some good solid matches with trips could solidify him tho.

bray wyatt needs to beat john cena and end that feud so we can take him seriously in the main event scene.but if he keeps getting buried by cena.his careers going nowhere fast.

cesaro is ready,they problem is they have no one to build him up against right now that would elevate him to the next level.

Man, there HAS to be a Ryback appreciation day/hour/etc. Dude is lowkey the most entertaining dude in the WWE right now
It’s been noted to the Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer that Paul Levesque has been put in an impossible position when it comes to talent relations. The reason why is because at the end of the day Vince McMahon is still the guy who has final say on everything and he changes his mind frequently. It’s something that has been frustrating to talent.

Sometimes they are told something by Levesque and then Levesque is put in the position to later explain to them that what he told them is no longer happening. The talent, for the most part, sees him as one of them and he’s frustrated about the changes that come from above.
It's impossible to say what they'll do with the title until after the results of Bryan's neck surgery today.  There are many in the company that are optimistic he will be back in time for the Money in the Bank PPV in late June.

If he is stripped, I would want Brock to take the title.  I don't care if he has limited dates.  He doesn't need to be on Raw.  Heyman can speak for him.  He can work the PPVs, and beat all challengers.  Daniel Bryan should not face him until WM31, where Bryan could then win the title.  Bryan was MUCH hotter chasing the title as opposed to when he actually became champion.
While this is true, you said it yourself, Kane sucks. The storyline literally sucked all the momentum he had after Mania. 
I agree.  Bryan was put into a horrible storyline with a challenger no one believed could be champion, so that definitely hurt his momentum.
I agree.  Bryan was put into a horrible storyline with a challenger no one believed could be champion, so that definitely hurt his momentum.

Agreed. Kane was a cop out, throwaway feud to start up right outta Mania.
Why can't they just throw a bunch of money at Brock to be the champ and work more days.
It's not all about the money (even though that's a big part of it). He likes being able to work only certain days. Dude doesn't like to be bothered. He likes living in the woods in solitude and smashing Sable all day every day.
Why can't they just throw a bunch of money at Brock to be the champ and work more days.
It's not all about the money (even though that's a big part of it). He likes being able to work only certain days. Dude doesn't like to be bothered. He likes living in the woods in solitude and smashing Sable all day every day.
Yup.  Brock didn't even want to travel to Texas early to rehearse his match with Taker.  The main reason he quit WWE the first time around was because of the schedule.

Plus, does giving Brock even MORE money really do WWE any good?  They're not really worried about PPV buys anymore with the Network.  So what benefit does giving Brock even more millions really get them?  (Yes, I know a better television product and a credible world champion, but I mean as far as financially.)
I liked Kane in the 90s.

Same here, and I also didn't mind when they initially took his mask off and he went on that tear in 03 to the end of 04. Mid 05 til a bit before he last won the title were some pretty terrible Kane years though. Pretty forgettable stuff all around.
  So what benefit does giving Brock even more millions really get them?  (Yes, I know a better television product and a credible world champion, but I mean as far as financially.)
and that's what i think the problem is with the business today  smh
Plus, does giving Brock even MORE money really do WWE any good?  They're not really worried about PPV buys anymore with the Network.  So what benefit does giving Brock even more millions really get them?  (Yes, I know a better television product and a credible world champion, but I mean as far as financially.)

How about a decent live draw for Raw? Are they always automatic sellouts? Also, they may not worry about PPV buys but they still have to worry about convincing people to get the network
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Someone catch me up on what's been going on. All i know is that D Bry is out indefinitely.
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I liked Kane in the 90s.

Same here, and I also didn't mind when they initially took his mask off and he went on that tear in 03 to the end of 04. Mid 05 til a bit before he last won the title were some pretty terrible Kane years though. Pretty forgettable stuff all around.
He was WWEECW champ at one point. Does the WWEECW champion count as a world champion tho?
anyone watch that new vine video with the kid with the rey jr mask delivering a pretty good pedigree on the playground? pretty hilarious

...sorry dont know how to embed 
I liked Kane in the 90s.

Same here, and I also didn't mind when they initially took his mask off and he went on that tear in 03 to the end of 04. Mid 05 til a bit before he last won the title were some pretty terrible Kane years though. Pretty forgettable stuff all around.

He was WWEECW champ at one point. Does the WWEECW champion count as a world champion tho?

Ehhhhh, as much as the WWE disrespected ECW's legacy, probably not.
Paul Heyman been posting in the NBA thread?

2:21 mark

Sounds familiar.
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