Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

A LOT of talent is going to be VERY unhappy about this.  Talent was already upset about the 2K14 payoffs which dropped as much as 75% from the WWE 13 payoffs because of the change in contracts.  Now, not only are they getting less money, but the money isn't going to come until 3-6 months later than they expected.  This could become a major story.  Especially because there is a lot of rumblings already backstage because of the change in PPV payoffs because of the Network.

I hadn't thought about that. Yeah that is messed up but hopefully it'll be a good game with visual concepts taking over. WWE games haven't been on nothing in a long time. But since they are taking over, don't expect the server to ever work word to NBA 2K14.
Me and my brother in law and his homie play 2k14. Mainly Hell in the Cell triple threat matches. The other day I pedigreed Cena through the Cell and he landed on the steps I had placed in the ring before the cell broke. Good times...But the hit detection is poor and some people have finishers that are impossible to reverse while others are too easy. I'm hoping next year they work on all the miscellaneous errors that detract from gameplay.





Dolph Ziggler Says Batista Is Evolution's Weak Link, Hasn't Evolved
Posted By: Caylon Knox on May 14, 2014

Former two-time WWE World Champion Dolph Ziggler Tweeted the following:

"Batista is the weak link of Evolution. He's the only one who hasn't evolved.
Even tho the streak was huge he has many more storylines/matches that were just as important as the streak. People forget that the Undertaker beat Hogan a year into his career in the WWF back when Hogan was the end all be all.
It was crazy how it took Taker like another 6 years to get his second title reign

I always think about that and HBK's reigns. Both really didn't need the belts to be key guys. What did Taker have, like 3 WWE/WHC reigns since 2002? And HBK kept the WHC warm for HHH for a month in 02 and never won it again :lol:
I always think about that and HBK's reigns. Both really didn't need the belts to be key guys. What did Taker have, like 3 WWE/WHC reigns since 2002? And HBK kept the WHC warm for HHH for a month in 02 and never won it again :lol:

I always questioned why he won the title back then anyway :rofl: I guess just a way to put more heat on the feud.
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I always think about that and HBK's reigns. Both really didn't need the belts to be key guys. What did Taker have, like 3 WWE/WHC reigns since 2002? And HBK kept the WHC warm for HHH for a month in 02 and never won it again :lol:

Well said. HBK winning that First elimination chamber was awesome. I remember some article saying HBK didn't want any more world title reigns during his second run. Crazy how Undertakers 2nd title reign is due to HBK dropping out of WM13, wonder how long it would've taken had that not happened
Nation of Domination really does need to return, but Kofi can't be in it. Just because you're black doesn't get you in and they should make that a point by beating the **** outta Kofi's false claiming ***. Henry and Titus shooting on the mic would be GREAT


K-Kwik is washed, I wouldn't allow him in either.

By any means necessary, Power to the Nation !

Segment was wild :wow: . Definitely would fly in the PG era.
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