Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes


:x this had to have been before Austin's injury right? I remember on WWF Warzone & Attitude this being listed as "Owen Hart Piledriver" :lol:

Nah I think it was after.

"Owen 3:16 says I just broke your neck."
If Bryan is forced to drop the title, the only credible guys they can give it to are Trips, Cena, Orton, Brock, and Batista. Since Batista is going to promote GoTG and Brock is a part-timer, that narrows it down to 3 guys. The mid-card talent has either been buried and/or irrelevant for the longest (Ziggler, Del Rio, Big E, etc.) and the up and comers (Bray Wyatt, Rollins/Ambrose/Reigns, Cesaro, BNB, etc.) aren't quite there yet - with maybe the exception of the Shield and Barrett (considering he was going to get a big push before he got injured).

The best route would probably be giving the title to HHH since he's the best heel right now and have him feud with Bryan when he gets back. Bryan wins back the belt and can end the Authority storyline once and for all. The smark in me wants to see Barrett drop the IC title next week in a match with whoever (maybe Cesaro?), be crowned champ, and have him lose the belt to Bryan when he gets back. That way we don't get to see any rehashed Cena/Orton vs. Bryan crap and we can elevate a new guy to main event status.
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Since there most likely won't be any match pertaining to the world title, what do you guys think about the main event being a unification of the IC and US title? Or just an IC title match?

Think it will help bring back that prestige? Or wont help at all
Since there most likely won't be any match pertaining to the world title, what do you guys think about the main event being a unification of the IC and US title? Or just an IC title match?

Think it will help bring back that prestige? Or wont help at all

I think it can help, but it all depends on the booking. Whoever holds the IC title HAS to be someone who will get a big push in the future or at the very least not booked like a joke (like Big E was). Either way, they should get rid of the US title since it's pretty much useless.
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That NOD segment :wow: :rofl:.....and that "The Stunner Knows No Color" sign :lol: "The Grand Wizard Bret Hart and his KKK buddies" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :rofl: :rofl:

The pure hatred they had for the Rock :rofl: :pimp: and they most definitely wouldn't address any of that today
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Rock ever reference his NOD days in his last few stints back with the company? I can't remember.
I've got no problems with Brock holding the belt eventually. My only beef with that is when he loses it. Not many people that deserve to beat him right now.
That NOD segment
.....and that "The Stunner Knows No Color" sign
"The Grand Wizard Bret Hart and his KKK buddies" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The pure hatred they had for the Rock
and they most definitely wouldn't address any of that today
D-Lo kicking Vince outta the ring and Kama Mustafa telling Vince he's the most racist person there 

"They used.. the 'N-Word'...oh yeah, the 'N-Word'.."

*D-Lo and Rock run a 4.2 40 up the ramp*

I replayed that a 100 times
"Podcast One" dudes having the same damn guests on their shows

Jim Ross
Stone Cold

I am sure I missed someone else
Aye, has anyone ever produced a digitally remastered version of AND1 Mix Tape Vol. 1?
I wish man. I remember when it dropped our whole JV BBall team(my sophomore year) would watch it together. Ish was a life changer. Everyone wanted handles like Skip to My Lou...
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