Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Graves is actually a decent wrestler/talker, but they got him working a style that does NOT fit him at all. Dude isn't a technical wrestler.

I knew I wasn't the only one who thought that. He should be purely a brawler with a couple high impact moves. With his character, trying to be a submission based wrestler just looks odd

Not sure why you posted her in here but
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Watching survivor series 1997. Team bader using what would be Kurt angles music. Thought it was cool
Y'all got me in tears today. All the CmPunk and Sheamus stuff has been hilarious. Once again, THIS thread is the main reason I joined niketalk after years of lurking. NTWT 4 life... :smile:
cm punk.. over the years he has gotten a lot skinner and lost some muscle mass. 

It's cause of all them pills..Why you think dude left?..I hear he's doing great in rehab..
True or not, Punk did look healthier in that more recent pic when juxtaposed against the old one. Could explain him being clean. I remember reading when he left that he was feeling sick...could be that too :nerd:
Don't know about that, but Sheamus is still the GOAT.
True or not, Punk did look healthier in that more recent pic when juxtaposed against the old one. Could explain him being clean. I remember reading when he left that he was feeling sick...could be that too
You wanna see some real pictures of his downfall in 2014? He started to not care about his look at all. He let his hair grow out like a mess, his skin got paler, and it looked like he was gassed and injured in every match.. he was working noticably slower than normal, and he got skinnier and fatter at the same time, if u know what i mean. as a massive cm punk man, it just breaks my heart to see his health deteriorate like this so fast.. how can someones body age so fast in 2 years.. imagine going through all that traveling, wrestling, and barely getting any sleep.. without taking any painkillers to help him out.. he looked like he aged 10 years. when he was having a segment with shawn michaels, they looked the same age range, which is a shame, because punk is 35,  michaels is like 46. i dont blame him that he quit wwe. i mean i kind of want him to go back, but at the same time i dont. i dont want an unmotivated unhealthy punk to halfass his matches. i want a fully, passionate, motivated cm punk to come back. its better for both the fans and for him if he comes back on his own terms. im happy for punk if hes living a happy life anyways. he looked a lot healthier in the talking dead guest show. hope he stays that way

2012 : 

to 2014 : 
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Sheamus is a future Hall of Famer for sure >D Son brings a lot of money in from overseas. He's the pale Khali but he could actually work a match. His character is as stale as that white piece of dog **** in Step Brothers though.

Punk on a light schedule would be ideal.
Sheamus is a future Hall of Famer for sure >D Son brings a lot of money in from overseas. He's the pale Khali but he could actually work a match. His character is as stale as that white piece of dog **** in Step Brothers though.

Punk on a light schedule would be ideal.
Why do people complain about sheamuses character.. he was injured from july of last year to January of this year.. was that not enough to freshen up his character? And yeah, punk needs to not do house shows. He ages too fast. It's diaheartening to see him deteriorate
he's a turd as a face. turn him heel and he's better. I do respect that he doesn't hog the limelight and think it was a good move putting the US Belt on him. Adds prestige to the title—if people want to chase after it of course.
HOLD UP! what's going on here :nerd:

jdcurt and CP34, I'll ship your stuff tomorrow morning. @ DC check your twitter

O ****.. Forgot I was getting free stuff... Many thanks homie...

And I'm not even going to comment on the trolling going on... It's actually impressive how many layers of it there are right now...
Dani jackson is amazing.

Strictly off looks nothing to do with in-ring work. Hopefully she'll hold it down for African American women wrestlers a la miss Jackie, Alicia foxx, Naomi, etc
Dani jackson is amazing.

Strictly off looks nothing to do with in-ring work. Hopefully she'll hold it down for African American women wrestlers a la miss Jackie, Alicia foxx, Naomi, etc

Right? She is bad bruh.. :smh: :pimp:
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