Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

I could be a star basketball player if I was a foot taller... John Cena could be a bomb heel if they let him... Cm punk and Daniel Bryan could wrestle 2 hour Wm main event if they let them.. I could **** Rhianna for days at a time if I had some ghb.. What's your point?...
im saying that sheamus has potential to be an entertaining face.. these comparisons yoou made are just so irrelevant

if you were a foot taller it wouldnt automatically make u a star. u need to also have some skills. there are lots of basketball players who are tall but still suck. the other 3 comparisons are true.. but wtf  is your point man. people here are acting like sheamus doesnt have potential to be entertaining, when he does , its just that hes being held back. thats the point IM trying to make. 
of course i do.. people complain about his "superman" booking, when in reality he isnt booked that strong. when is the last time he had a MEANINGFUL win? probably on monday night raw.. ok, what about before that? exactly.. he hasnt had that many memorable wins. hes always booked in pointless midcard feuds. thats WHY he is so protected and barely loses, because when youre in the mid card doing nothing, a established star like sheamus should be protected to preserve his credibility. what do u guys want him to do? job to mid carders weekly? that would turn him into another chris jericho.. then his losses would mean nothing and wouldnt put any one over. the reason he wins so much is because he only beats mid carders. stop complaining just skip through ihs segments if u dont like him. hes not john cna, he doesnt hog the spotlight

i agree with you with a lot of what you said. We do need mid carders who are booked strong to be fed to the main eventers at times to make them look very strong. thats how wrestling works. I just don't like how they pushed him as this monster top tier guy, and then he cooled off, and now they are going to build him up again. I just want fresh faces at the top thats all. You keep mentioning cena thats like mentioning hogan in 1990 and sgt slaughter. Cena is a brand, i dont expect them to not put him over like they do. This company's main focal point is chidren, and they are all in love with the guy.
im saying that sheamus has potential to be an entertaining face.. these comparisons yoou made are just so irrelevant

if you were a foot taller it wouldnt automatically make u a star. u need to also have some skills. there are lots of basketball players who are tall but still suck. the other 3 comparisons are true.. but wtf  is your point man. people here are acting like sheamus doesnt have potential to be entertaining, when he does , its just that hes being held back. thats the point IM trying to make. 

the only way he will ever get over the way they want him to is to put him in a stable. or have him destroy cena and im sure the iwc will gawk at him to no end

Oh and apparently Sheamus got washed backstage by Hunico. :lol:

EDIT: Wait, nvm I'm late lol
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who dat
Looking through the comments it's pretty safe to say cmpunk cmpunk is in the minority when it's comes to sheamus' approval rating. I was mad how lame they initially had him beat Cena, him "falling off the top turnbuckle through the table," and honestly since then I'm kinda indifferent. He isn't bad but isn't super great either. He just needs a character overhaul like quite a few people that got stagnant in the WWE lately. That would probably do him wonders.
Also tried to listen to the hbk/jr podcast and it was weak. That berries pitch had me laughing,but they are good. I got some for my wife last year and ate 1/3rd of the box. :smile: I'll give it another shot with another person. Leaning towards cheap heat cause I been on the grantland site for a min but just never really wanted to listen to podcasts of any form previously. NT with that strong influence in life.
For the WWE Universe, the letters WCW usually bring to mind Hollywood Hogan, Sting or even Eric Bischoff. However, in the Twitterverse, the hashtag stands for “Woman Crush Wednesday,” and it presents a weekly opportunity for lovelorn men to gush over an attractive member of the opposite gender. Our confusion over #WCW got us thinking: Which women of the squared circle did today’s WWE Superstars have crushes on growing up? Find out who pined for the blonde bombshell Sable, the elegant beauty Miss Elizabeth and the totally out there Luna Vachon!

Big E
cmpunk officially needs to be banned from this thread @4wrestling, take care of this. 

Cena might get a bunch of hate but it's because as grown men, we don't like rooting for corny *** characters like that. But if I'm sitting in Vinces position I will always book Cena extremely strong. He is everything you want in the top guy. He can talk, got charisma, got the look, carries himself well in public and is a very solid worker.

90% of the time I dont mind seeing Cena being booked as he is. Its expected and he always deserves. Dude is a workhorse.

Seamus just makes HHHs protein shakes and he got a rocket push. 
cmpunk officially needs to be banned from this thread @4wrestling, take care of this. 

Cena might get a bunch of hate but it's because as grown men, we don't like rooting for corny *** characters like that. But if I'm sitting in Vinces position I will always book Cena extremely strong. He is everything you want in the top guy. He can talk, got charisma, got the look, carries himself well in public and is a very solid worker.

90% of the time I dont mind seeing Cena being booked as he is. Its expected and he always deserves. Dude is a workhorse.

Seamus just makes HHHs protein shakes and he got a rocket push. 
if youre going to complain about someone at least spell his name right. his name is SHEAMUS, with an H. and you act like sheamus has no talent at all, but in reality, he is just as good as cena.. watch his heel promos and youll see what im talking about

you can pretty much feel the confidence coming out of his voice. u can feel his charisma when he was a heel. theres no doubt that sheamus has a lot of charisma, i really dont know how anyone can deny that.. when he comes out he just gives a certain vibe that makes me want to watch him.'

now lets talk about his in ring work. remember hell in a cell 2012, when he carried a match with BIG SHOW of all people? jesus christ that match was good. lets watch it again.

sheamus is a very SOLID worker. he has a very unique style, great moveset, great agility, and great diversity. he can jump on the top rope despite being a 280 pound powerhouse, he can do a running knee to the turnbuckle, and he can fly from the top rope. idk how people can hate his matches to be honest.
I semi-agree with cmpunk cmpunk Sheamus is one of the people I like to see work in the ring but he bores the drizzling piss out of me most of the time on the mic. He needs Ryback's bully gimmick more than Ryback.
It's been made clear repeatedly that no one hates Sheamus matches. That's his one saving grace. Most people just loathe when he's on the screen. Same thing with Del Rio. Both very good in the ring, but both have boring sleep-inducing characters. Not sure why you posted promos from Sheamus though to prove a point, especially from 2010. I wish I could find that promo from Sheamus vs Del Rio, my goodness they may as well have been reading straight off the script.
Man you need to calm down.. hes not getting jammed down our throats nearly as much as john cena was. damn the hate for sheamus is just stupid over here.. hes very talented in the ring, has a good look, has some charisma, and he barely does any promos.. u dont like him? simply fast forward through his segments, not like he is hogging the spotlight or burying people.. he just put over wade barrett, batista, and big show clean! yeah, he beat dean ambrose for the championship, but honestly ambrose wasnt doing **** with that championship. sheamus is going to defend it more often and bring prestige back to it. and ambrose looked strong as hell in that battle royal

You lost credibility making a thread asking how to cut class to make it in line in time for a Nike release.

You lost more credibility when you said Sheamus would be a legend when he's all said and done.

You lost all leftover credibility when you asked if Game of Thrones was as good as The Walking Dead.


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Anyway we know how great the Double Double E is at making video packages... What are some of your personal favorite pre-match video packages?

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