Wrestling Thread May 4-10 | 5/5 NXT E:60 8pm et Tonight on ESPN; Sami Zayn Having MRI

Could be interesting but for Bray to go from fueding Cena>Y2J>Ambrose>Himself>Ryback is a huge step back. Would rather see a Bray/Roman program instead, they should be natural enemies as they were the leaders of their respective stables. Exchange Ws, help Roman grow in a real fued.

Bray losing 2 WM''s, but gets the crowd reaction he does and then when he reappears to wrestle, its against R Truth? They needed to maybe have Luke Harper break off as the face instead of Rowan at the time, and have the Wyatts feud from within, shouldnt have even feuded with Y2J or Jeans in the first place. I've said it before, they shouldve had Jeans and Sext's feud last longer and Ramen being the 3rd wheel and have a "who was the better Shield member" feud, 3way ending at WM.

Bray needs to get the family again, and instead of Ryback, he shouldve feuded with his brother and make him BOlieve that he was now a Wyatt, then within 6 months, break out of the spell and start the resurgence of Bo Dallas.

Roman reigns moms :rofl: idc dude got like 3 moves in that whole match and ya wanna sing his praises, please.
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That cash in by Seth ROllins was cute and all but we all know who had the best cash in of all time!

So we got 5 with me for a NTWT fans duo or all league. Need at least 3 more.

@Mr DeagonFly Jones
@hymen man
Went to rewatch Zayn/Cena since I missed most of it. Good match despite some botches and Zayn's injury. Cena's springboard stunner though :lol: :lol: he should not be using a move that would even look awkward if Kalisto did it.

A New Day :smokin

Naomi and Big Momma Cool Tamina :pimp:
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Hope Roman never win the strap.

The champ can't be wearing colored contacts for fashion statements man. SMH :smh:
I'm a roman fan :pimp: I just want him to "earn" that title shot. I want him to be prepared for that top spot
You post it right before I'm about to take this exam :stoneface:

Gotta wait until tomorrow to watch

:lol: I had it for like an hour before I posted it too but figured somebody else like 22 or ghims would post it so I just said eff it and went on a run. Sorry fams and good luck on that test.
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Vic Venom buried Sami Zayn in his blog this week

“Last night RAW experienced its lowest rating of the year, and of course out came the excuses that it was up against the second round of the NBA playoffs. Now, while that is indeed a fact, it had nothing to do with the rating bottoming out. The numbers sunk to new 2015 lows because the casual television fans for that night chose the NBA over RAW because the NBA was indeed the better show of the evening. However, had it been another time, another era, say Austin vs. Rock circa 1997—-it wouldn’t have mattered if LeBron James was matching up with Julius freaking’ Erving—the television viewer was watching wrestling that night.

However, everybody is running to the defense of the WWE, claiming that RAW was a great show on Monday night. WHY was it great in their opinion? Simply because an NXT wrestler that they all mark out for, Sami Zayn, made his surprise appearance on the WWE’s premiere show. I can only imagine when Sami got introduced by Bret Hart and came out as a surprise through the RAW entrance—to the Internet Wrestling Community is was the equivalent of Jesus himself showing up unannounced at the Sea of Galilee. But to the casual wrestling fan—nobody cared—to them this was a jobber and nothing more–so they indeed turned back to hoops.

RAW is a television show and Sami Zayn is NOT a television star—nor—will he be anytime soon. Sami is an exceptional wrestler on a wrestling show, and the only people who care about him are those die hard wrestling fans who are looking for 5-star matches that the massive don’t give a !@#$% about.”
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