Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Pretty sure me & B Sox are #1 Contenders for the tag titles.

Nothing much, just getting over the stomach flu, so I'm staying in tonight.  How's everything going at work?  Any new job prospects?

Nah, got my hours back :lol:

Rumor is that there will a big angle at EC. Supposedly it's WWE's way to "hook" subscribers through June and also why they added the PPV.

Reigns turns on Dean?

Owens joins the Authority?

The Authority turns on Rollins :nerd:
can I get on this podcast? I would be a good guest .. I wanna start a wrestling podcast. mine would def be better than cheap heat rosenburg thinks hes a heel, but at the end of the day hes just a **** head

Let's do it.
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^It's too early to turn on Rollins, IMO. I'd say by Sept.

An what I honk they do (not at ex tho but at summer slam or after to build for mania) is step turns on trips and sides with Rollins similar to the Jericho angle. She keeps Seth/j&j/ maybe fin, joe or Zayn and trips keeps man Owens/Kane/slow as the heels. Build separate match from their for the last half of the year mania build up.
An what I honk they do (not at ex tho but at summer slam or after to build for mania) is step turns on trips and sides with Rollins similar to the Jericho angle. She keeps Seth/j&j/ maybe fin, joe or Zayn and trips keeps man Owens/Kane/slow as the heels. Build separate match from their for the last half of the year mania build up.

Hunner would be the more likely one to go face in that scenario. Steph is too hateable
Nah, got my hours back
What happened to dude, he quit?
I would love to see a authority vs authority riff. I been saying this for a year I wanna see a company wide feud. and stephanie has to be the heel team. and then you have to have trips beg for mercy from the faces in the company. but then it will turn into a cena saving the day storyline haha and god knows we need more of those.
I would love to see a authority vs authority riff. I been saying this for a year I wanna see a company wide feud. and stephanie has to be the heel team. and then you have to have trips beg for mercy from the faces in the company. but then it will turn into a cena saving the day storyline haha and god knows we need more of those.

I'd take it even further and re-split the brands. A good ol WWE Civil War
I would love to see a authority vs authority riff. I been saying this for a year I wanna see a company wide feud. and stephanie has to be the heel team. and then you have to have trips beg for mercy from the faces in the company. but then it will turn into a cena saving the day storyline haha and god knows we need more of those.

I'd take it even further and re-split the brands. A good ol WWE Civil War

that takes too much though. and then after the angle is done then what? they just need that 'nWo' type angle soon. **** is so repetitive and stale. when I say nWo angle I mean something that shakes the company not specifically an invasion type thing.
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