Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I also felt the same way about the Young Bucks during the argument you guys had a few days ago. I just wasn't around to chime in. IMO, the hypothetical would be how many people would show up to an event if you put (Insert Name) at the top of the card and had a mediocre card otherwise. Sure, the Young Bucks could probably sell out some tiny coliseum in a mark city like Philly/Chicago/NYC. Could they also sell out a similar sized arena in Denver, or some place like that? Personally, I don't think so.

I guess if I feel like someone is a draw, they will be able to put a significant number of people in seats at an NBA-type arena in a non-mark city.

No they can not. IWC think just because they like them and their popular amongst us = draw. Casual fans don't know who the hell a young buck is. And bucks are still overrated in ring. REdragon>>>>>>>>> bucks and it's not even close.
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@furiousstylezz I spoke to my dad and picked his brain on the whole TWA/ECW thing. he said Joel embezzled money from Todd Gordon, who at the time was a backer of TWA. so when Todd threatened legal action he basically ran and hid. so out of the ashes of that came ecw. he also hates the **** out kf Paul e. he said Paul swindled the company from Todd by getting him addicted to coke and black hookers. he said Todd gave Paul 20% ownership at first and he started getting addicted to coke so started giving more of his business to Paul, bc he was feeding him drugs and 'black hooker'. he even said that he divorced his wife over this and was living in a hotel with said hookers. the company was funded by Todds father who was some rich jewelry guy. and after Todd lost 4 million of his money because of drugs his dad cut him off.

he also went on to say that he and tony stentson started hardcore wrestling in the north east and was Doing it in the late 80s/90.
I would love to interview him and get more into it. he said he knows things people will never mention about stuff that went on.

take it for what it is .. these are his words not mine.
If you blow 4 million on Coke and hookers, that's on you... You can't be blaming other people for that ****...
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I bet you still don't think they are a draw huh 

Yes, I admit. I was wrong DeepSea. I definitely was confusing popularity with being a draw. 
I think the 4 mil was invested in the business which he sold off to Paul. I don't think he blew 4 mil on coke haha. but who knows.
Ol boy went black and well ya know the rest lol

Heymen with the heel tactis.
Ya pops should do podcasts or some type interviews
I am a big RVD fan, but I don't think he is a huge draw. Cena, Brock, Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels are huge draws. If you put one of those guys at the top of the card, they are going to put people in seats. RVD doesn't have that type of popularity. The ECW Arena is selling out because of the ECW culture and Philly marks. Not because of RVD, even though he was most popular in the company.

I agree with everything except the Shawn Michaels part..I don't think you can put HBK in the same drawing category as Austin, Rock, or Cena..Brock and Taker are in the level right below those 3 and Shawn is below those 2..I know he was a better draw than Diesel, but he wasn't as big a draw as Bret Hart..
So naive BDB. Of course she's been a stripper. Old girl has a picture with her nipple conveniently out. She knew what she was doing in that pic. She's a freak. And I approve of her promiscuity.
So naive BDB. Of course she's been a stripper. Old girl has a picture with her nipple conveniently out. She knew what she was doing in that pic. She's a freak. And I approve of her promiscuity.

The pic was backstage at one of those body competitions. Again I dunno and I doubt it. those rumors where started when obviously fake porn pics surfaced on reddit this week and some idiots beloved it was here when you could clearly tell they were ps. but whatever floats your fapping needs.
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