Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Less than two years ago, WWE was using his return as a selling point for Money in the Bank.
That doesn't make someone a draw. I am pretty sure the attendence wasn't influenced by the presence of RVD. We can't call that a draw. RVD wasn't a draw in WWE by any stretch man.

ECW, sure but again, how much of that was ECW though?
So when the biggest company in professional wrestling uses your name to push their PPV (sales, attendance, or whatever), that's not considered being a draw?  Why use his name at all then?  They wouldn't use Jack Swagger's return to sell this Money in the Bank.

"How much of that was ECW though?"  You're smarter than this.  RVD was ECW for a long time.  RVD got them on TNN.
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Traditionally, when you are in the main event or sub-main event, you are credited for being the draw of an event. Showing videos of someone that is wrestling in the undercard doesn't make someone a draw Big Vader.

Yea there are a lot of RVD/ECW fans out there that would be interested in seeing him, but them using him in their promotional videos doesn't mean he is a draw.

RVD being there doesn't drastically affect the PPV Buys and/or Attendence numbers
Diesel was in the main event and they used his likeliness to sell everything from Ppv to merch. and he was the worse draw in wwe history. so I don't think just bc your name is on the marquee it makes you a draw. you have to actually draw while your name is on the marquee.
I know everyone hates Big Show and WWECW but nobody liked when he was champion and actually booked like a monster?
I really like Texano Jr... Anyone else check him out?... He's got a great look and can go in the big matches I've seen... He's only 30 too... I'm not sure how well he speaks English, but I think he could be a star in America...
Texano is the man! Check out his matches with Blue Demon Jr and Psycho Clown in AAA for the Mega Championship
I actually kinda want to side with DeepSea on this...

That MITB that we are talking about was in Philly. Arena is selling out with or without RVD on the card. Wrestling fans are going to buy the PPV because it is generally one of the most exciting ones of the year, and it happens to be in the city with the hottest crowd.

I am a big RVD fan, but I don't think he is a huge draw. Cena, Brock, Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels are huge draws. If you put one of those guys at the top of the card, they are going to put people in seats. RVD doesn't have that type of popularity. The ECW Arena is selling out because of the ECW culture and Philly marks. Not because of RVD, even though he was most popular in the company.
I also felt the same way about the Young Bucks during the argument you guys had a few days ago. I just wasn't around to chime in. IMO, the hypothetical would be how many people would show up to an event if you put (Insert Name) at the top of the card and had a mediocre card otherwise. Sure, the Young Bucks could probably sell out some tiny coliseum in a mark city like Philly/Chicago/NYC. Could they also sell out a similar sized arena in Denver, or some place like that? Personally, I don't think so.

I guess if I feel like someone is a draw, they will be able to put a significant number of people in seats at an NBA-type arena in a non-mark city.
So why would WWE use RVD as a selling point of the PPV?  What is the purpose of that for someone who isn't a draw?

Y'all are throwing around words like "huge" and "significant" but that's subjective.  To me, I wouldn't say Shawn Michaels is a "huge" draw.  At least not compared to Austin or Rock.  But just because he isn't as big of a draw, doesn't mean he's not one.  And that's the argument I'm making for RVD.

And I, for the life of me, can't believe we're arguing the drawing power of RVD during his ECW days.  He was the biggest draw in ECW.
I guess if I feel like someone is a draw, they will be able to put a significant number of people in seats at an NBA-type arena in a non-mark city.
According to that logic, the only draws in wrestling are Cena, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Hogan, and Lesnar.
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And it is an exclusive group of people that can be considered draws in my eyes.

Right now, Cena and Lesner are the only draws in WWE.
So Big Vader, what would stop someone from calling me a draw if I work for DC Pro Wrestling and I sell out my local middle school (300 people), every weekend? 
So Big Vader, what would stop someone from calling me a draw if I work for DC Pro Wrestling and I sell out my local middle school (300 people), every weekend? 
Nothing.  I would call you a draw if you brought 300 supporters with you and sold out every time.  No Meek Mill but there's levels.

You selling out DC Pro isn't the same as RVD selling out ECW Arena isn't the same as Ric Flair selling out Charlotte Coliseum isn't the same as Cena selling out MSG.  But IMO, each is drawing on their level.
Cool. Same as the Young Bucks conversation, people have different definitions of what drawing is. I guess it is up in the air for interpretation 
Cool. Same as the Young Bucks conversation, people have different definitions of what drawing is. I guess it is up in the air for interpretation 
Yep. However, I do think the ability to put people in seats in non-mark cities is something that should be able to be agreed upon. In Philly/Chicago/NYC, people are going to these events to see wrestling in general, IMO. In Cincinatti, or something like that, people are going to see particular wrestlers, IMO.
[thread="626345"]I don't consider drawing for a non A level promotion as being a draw. (WWE/New Japan). So RVD doing it for ECW, small company, doesn't give him the label of being a draw. ECW would have had the same number of butts in their seats with or without RVD. The company was it's own "draw" (term used loosely) and Heyman would tell you that.[/thread]

And it is an exclusive group of people that can be considered draws in my eyes.

Right now, Cena and Lesner are the only draws in WWE.

The Rock...
Regarding ECW, it was basically a counter-culture that happened to pop up at a time where being rebellious was popular. Yes, RVD was far and away their top guy, however people were still going to fill up that arena due to the ECW culture itself.
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