Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Nah i got it, i got it

Roman tonight gets another title shot

During the match Jericho comes in but messed up and makes KO lose, making Roman the winner and new Universal champion.

come fast lane, Goldberg fights Jericho to become number one contender at WM for the belt.

KO also fights roman for his rematch,

Lesnars interfere in the goldberg match making him lose, so Chris is number 1 contender

KO beats Roman with the help of Chris, and they both just stare at eachother because they have to fight at WM now.

next raw Goldberg is pissed at Lesnar for costing the match

Demands a match at WM to face lesnar.

Mick comes out and announce Fatal four way for the Universal championship

KO vs Jericho vs Golderg vs Lesnar

Book it vince

Flame suit on
Man I want a heel Reigns run sooooo damn bad. Reigns got to be a heel going against taker at Mania. Have Reigns use heel tactics to beat Taker and then you have the tope heel in the company. BOOK IT VINCE

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Tough to have a ton of surprises in the Rumble when you have guys like Brock, Goldberg and Taker already in it. I do agree that dudes like Enzo and Crews had no business in there though.

You could have picked 1 or 2 from this group and left out the others: Crews, Kalisto, Gallagher, Enzo, Crews, Xavier, Mojo

Hell, I'd have liked to seen Kane over any of those guys.
You could have picked 1 or 2 from this group and left out the others: Crews, Kalisto, Gallagher, Enzo, Crews, Xavier, Mojo

Hell, I'd have liked to seen Kane over any of those guys.
I was honestly shocked that Kane wasn't in it :lol:
They keep playing the young upstart Kane


Man, how great would it be if they'd let the young red chipper get some sort of RR record to propel his career?..Maybe most eliminations in a single rumble or something like that..
Bubba Ray thoughts

AJ/Cena > Okada/Omega. PSYCHOLOGY. Selling. Stayed IN RING. No gimmicks. Pure championship match. (ps-I thought O vs O was incredible.)
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I was honestly shocked that Kane wasn't in it :lol:

Me too, if you have RAMEN come in (I hated that he did) have Braun stay till he comes and then gets his revenge. Or have braun eliminate both Goldberg and roman for the double spear they did. Put braun for a title run.
For the instance of Styles and entering the Rumble match, i guess by WWE logic, they would want you to believe he wouldn't need it since technically he would have the chance at a rematch being the former champ. probably happening Tuesday......
. Put braun for a title run.

Noooo..This is exactly what's wrong with the current product..They're pushing people way too soon and it causes the fans to turn on them..That's what's wrong with Roman right now (besides the fact he can't talk or wrestle)..He's too green and and isn't ready for the top spot..Doing the same thing with LeBraun is a terrible idea..

Give Braun a real feud first..Nothing on the line other than respek..Stretch that out a couple months (but don't have him wrestle the same guy every week/ppv)..Then once he wins that feud move him on to the IC or US title picture..Once he gets one of those belts then let the dude go on a monster run with it for 8-12 months..Once that's done, then you move him onto the big belt..Let him chase it for awhile (if he's a face by that point) or let him destroy the champ on his first attempt (if he's heel at that point)..It's simple booking that builds a guy for the next 6-8 years at a main event caliber competitor and it doesn't make the fan hate him..
I dont like Reigns but I would rather see reigns take the belt of my man KO than Goldberg

You know the current state of wrestling sucks when people don't even say who they want as champion but instead try to bargain and say " I'd rather x-person instead of y-person" :lol: :smh:
Roman's gonna have at least 2 more runs with the belt bye the end of the year..That'll bring his World title reigns up to 5 in a, roughly, 2 year span..:smh:
does reigns even need to be heel? he can just do the cena thing :lol:
rather have him just hold the belt and get boo'd/cheered and take on all comers
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:smh: See the E hasn't changed.

KO has carried the belt and his brand for months. Only to lose a part timer who will then lose to another part timer at WM. Makes no sense.
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