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^ I'm not even mad, their tag work from the past half year probably far exceeds anything they could do in a singles match.
I'll always remember Molly's buns

And good on Goldust/Cody being scrapped. They're perfect together, and even though they've lost momentum, the fans dig them, and this close to WM, it would be silly to split them up and have them feud with hardly any buildup. Plus, if you were gonna split them, they should have followed up with acknowledging Goldust accidentally eliminating Cody at Royal Rumble. Maybe they can put together a 4 Way tag match at Mania or something
I do not care to see D Bry win the strap if its not at Mania. WM 30 should not end with boos.

Edit: Molly Holly did have a donkey back there
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Saw this comment on another board, and can't say there's no truth to it:

Triple H the character and Triple H the guy in charge backstage have less of a disconnect than Vince McMahon the character and Vince McMahon the guy in charge backstage. Vince buries the hatchet with people and old grudges, no matter who it was, if the bottom line is right and he thinks it would make him money. Triple H seems like he'd take **** too personally and keep it that way no matter how "good for business" it would really be - which is why I'd be concerned if the idea of a CM Punk comeback is ever entertained with Trips in control. Vince will make, and has made an *** out of himself on-air to further or pay off an angle. It's evident at this point that Triple H is less inclined to do so, even though he's just as intent on being a screen-time monopolizing on-air authority figure Vince was. Vince can be a petty teenager, but he'd always swallow enough pride to make a quick buck. Triple H is a petty teenager with WAY too much pride to do the same.
My boy is the basketball coach at Wagner College and they got upset today and the other team's fans were doing the yes chant after the game. The chant is everywhere.
Triple H seems like he'd take **** too personally and keep it that way no matter how "good for business" it would really be - which is why I'd be concerned if the idea of a CM Punk comeback is ever entertained with Trips in control.

Triple H does need to keep himself out of the spotlight, but I don't think he's done anything wrong in regards to Punk's situation. Maybe down the line, Punk can come back, but you gotta understand how much it hurts the company by him no-showing events. If Triple H takes him back then Punk will have set a precedent that you can walk out to get your way, completely disregarding the fans who buy tickets just to see you.
Watching this "king of the road" match from WCW Uncensored 95. :lol: Its Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) vs Blacktop Bully (Smash from Demolition/ Repo Man) fighting on the flatbed of a 18-wheeler. Apparently WCW had a strict no blood policy at the time and fired both men for blading during bout.
just watched a ppv where hogan beat hhh to win the wwe title. that was the main event. the match before that? billy and chuck vs maven and al snow :x
Woed is a triple threat with a 3 shield members for the US title at WM30. If they do indeed go along with this, all 3 will wear their new attires.
Unifying the IC and US titles? :x What's the wwes obsession with unified titles.

Next thing you know Jimmy and Jay USO going to wrestle each other to unify the tag titles. :smh:
Woed is a triple threat with a 3 shield members for the US title at WM30. If they do indeed go along with this, all 3 will w, all 3 will wear their new attires.[


If this happens, it will instantly become the most interesting part of WM for me :lol:
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Watching this "king of the road" match from WCW Uncensored 95. :lol: Its Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) vs Blacktop Bully (Smash from Demolition/ Repo Man) fighting on the flatbed of a 18-wheeler. Apparently WCW had a strict no blood policy at the time and fired both men for blading during bout.

They were told to blade and were let go the day after. Setup.:smh:
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